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Who did you enjoy defeating the most?


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In the many Fire Emblem games, there were many antagonists and evil generals. Which one gave you the highest pleasure of finally striking them down after many chapters of them raising your anger and hate towards them.

For me, it was Valter from Sacred Stones. I hated him from the start, and after so many chapters you finally get to kill him. Sadly he didn't have many last words.

Also in Sword of Seals, basically every general of Bern. Since they killed Hector with their cheesy Manakete shenanigans, I found it highly enjoyable to take them all out.

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There's an odd satisfaction in shutting Denning off with an axe to the face while he's cornered by four burly dudes and he can't escape.

Does not sound odd at all.

I guess I would say Ashnard and FE9 BK. Fire Dragon in FE7 was also cathartic the first time b/c it was my first FE, and I kind of scraped by into victory.

EDIT-Oh, and I find killing the Port of Badon Black Fang boss (Damien?) to be satisfying, because I really love his death quote for some reason.

Edited by SeverIan
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I liked killing the Black Knight in FE9, he's a rather memorable boss. Lekain, Izuka and Valtome are intentionally designed to be jackasses, it's fun to rip their heads off with Tibarn. Also everyone in chapter 5 of FE4, all those conspirators are a real pain, it's too bad that you miss only one.

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I enjoyed taking out Valtome and Oliver the most because I freaking HATE them. >.> I was actually kind of disappointed to see in RD that Oliver hadn't died after all. And Ike was too, lol. "Can you go back to the enemy's side?"

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Honestly, I think that bosses usually don't move takes the fun out of beating them. Like, somebody like Valter, a psychopathic stalker and rapist should be fun to kill normally. But he simply doesn't feel threatening when he can't move and allows you to fight him entirely on your own terms. I mean, he is pretty much helpless that way. Well, unless you forget that he has Pierce, I guess.

This is why I enjoy bosses in Gaiden in general, since they all move if they don't already charge you in the first place. And they are smart enough to retreat onto a healing field, so you have to really think how to tackle these guys or you might have to fend them off several times before you can realistically prevent their retreat. So they are all very satisfying to overcome.

But when it comes with individuals, the most satisfying kill was definitely Tharja. I mean, the nicest thing one can say about her is that she at least needs a reason to hurt people. It just so happens that a reason for her can be something like "annoyance", "convenience" and "curiosity".

And she never ever suffers any consequences for her actions. Heck, she can rape somebody and end in a marriage for it. She can even confess crimes that she didn't actually commit and all it gets her is that Frederick will be slightly more vehement in his insistence that she should train.

I didn't actually plan to kill her originally. It's just that I made a mistake, so I found myself in a situation were I had to get rid of her in some way and recruitment was no longer an option. I think these circumstances actually made her death all the more satisfying. Plus, she actually has a death quote that implies that she did indeed die, unlike what would happen if she gets defeated as a player character. To think that the death theme could sound this lovely.

Another example would be Reidrick. He is truly an extraordinary scumbag.

What really seals the deal with this guy is that he forced Marita to hurt her mother. Now it is possible to find rationalizations and excuses for most of the things he does if you try hard enough. But not for this one, it's just evil for evils sake.

You also have to keep in mind that he did defeat Leaf. You have no choice but to suffer the humiliation of defeat and escape, leaving victory to him. This makes it all the more satisfying to come back later with an army in tow. Especially since he isn't even the driving force of the plot. By the time he shows up again, you are probably really looking forward to the reunion.

Like I said, lack of movement takes the fun out of fights. But Reidrick is a special case.

Besides him being a major douche, his most defining attribute is his cowardice. Heck, Eyvel made him wet himself when she was trapped in the arena and he was protected by his troops, a powerful Bishop who can turn people to stone and an immensely powerful enchanted sword. It's just so appropriate for him to end this way, cowering in the throne of Manster which he earned through his backstabbing, nowhere to run, protected only by a sword whose limits will soon be demonstrated by the people he wronged.

So it's always fun killing this guy. My favorite method is Marita with the Darkness Sword. But breaking the protection of the Lopto Sword is always fun. One could lament the lack of boss conversations but I think this does in no way demean the feelings of the player towards this guy.

And there would be Kempf. Since just about everyone in Thracia is a decent person, a petty little shit like him really stands out.

The fact that he manages to escape when he is first encountered makes his ultimate defeat all the more sweet. The appropriate way to kill him is to have Olwen talk to him in order to provoke him into leaving the protection of the ballista. This way, his massive ego will lead to his well deserved downfall.

I think Renshien from Tear Ring Saga is also worth mentioning. Like in Thracia, most members of the empire are decent people. This guy? Among other things, he killed his own mother and mocked his father before his demise. Unlike Kempf, he isn't even petty. He does things like this on a whim.

And he is adorably confident in his ability to overcome Runan. This makes it so much fun to slowly break his delusions, by defeating his "Invisible Army", by freeing Rina, by re-recruiting Arkis, by crushing his cute little "prisoners" trap, by overcoming his bodyguard and by demonstrating that even the mightiest sword is just a toy when it's being used by a pathetic brat like him.

And his defeat at the hands of Julia is pure gold. I haven't defeated him with Vega yet but I bet it's pretty good too.


Oh, and recently I finally managed to beat the Black Knight in Rivals Collide recently. With Ike no less, something I didn't even planned since I thought there was no way I could get his HP down to such a small number without killing him. It felt pretty good... well, until I remembered that killing him prevents you from watching Ike's memory scene...

Edited by BrightBow
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I have an unhealthy tendency to enjoy killing off Matthis. Every single rendition of his mug always irritates the hell out of me. Not really an antagonist, but still.

Edited by Topazd255
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All the "douchenators" in FE10, though Valtomé the most!

Uvee hee hee...

More contenders are:

Narshen, the 3 morphs from FE7, Nergal, Valter, Petrine, Gharnef, Excellus and Validar.

Oh, and I absolutely enjoy killing Makalov with Marcia!

There is a serious lack of Gheb on this list :(

in before "haven't played through the Ephraim route on FE8 yet"

As for me, right off the top of my head

  • Gustav
  • All the douchenators, especially Valtome (4-2 is one of my favorite chapters in FE10 since I can kill him there)
  • Gheb
  • Valter
  • Calleach
  • Narshen
  • Izuka
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