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[Spoilers]SSB4 Leaks Discussion

Pull My Devil Trigger

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Yeah, really enjoy the spitting upon Dark Pit.

Ugh, when he's cut next game, you'll all be upset that he was cut, and that we are losing a valuable character.

Of course, Dark Pit is SO obviously less than a character and DESERVES to be beat upon relentlessly.

Of course, I totally enjoy the spiteful attitude that so many of you have towards Dark Pit. I've said this so many times that saying stuff like that feels like an attack towards me, because I'm very clearly the only one here who likes Dark Pit.

I need to main Dark Pit then, I guess.

I actually loathe the idea of Dark Pit. Like really hate it. I think its awful and we should have got someone else instead cuz come on.

But im not going to ruin your joy by pouring my salt in your tea. I think the excessive salt mining has really gotten out of hand. Its like salt fracking now. D:

Bolded: huehuehuehuehue~ I wouldnt doubt that happening. :V

Time that was not enough for anything else, and that's what I see of the whole clone business. Jesus, I don't like clones as much as the next person, but this is getting a little ridiculous.

Indeed. Plus theres only three of them. There were clones in Melee too. Besides, i kinda like Dr. Mario...



I didnt qualify for the Platinum Club Nintendo demo.


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Clones are a part of almost every fighting franchise ever to an extent. I think complaining about them especially when it's been established they weren't cutting a character spot is a waste of time. They're gonna be there and hating on them every opportunity just comes off as childish.

Also I don't really know about Dark Pit's Final Smash being "unique" because it does pretty much the same thing as Light Arrow (which is on two characters now!)

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I actually loathe the idea of Dark Pit. Like really hate it. I think its awful and we should have got someone else instead cuz come on.

But im not going to ruin your joy by pouring my salt in your tea. I think the excessive salt mining has really gotten out of hand. Its like salt fracking now. D:

Bolded: huehuehuehuehue~ I wouldnt doubt that happening. :V

gee loki stop being so joyless :P

I don't like Dark Pit either - he's basically a side character and should not have gotten a separate character slot. Sakurai loves being biased so what can you do?

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I think if Sakurai wanted to show Kid Icarus favoritism by giving them three reps he should have cut some of Palutena's extra specials (as much as I like Palutena and think she deserves a spot, being the only character besides Miis with a bunch of radically different specials is kind of ridiculous. Just give her four specials with slight variants like everyone else) and Dark Pit and combined the saved time to make a more unique character like Medusa or Hades or Magnus. If that's still not enough time to make a full character, cut Dr. Mario as well.

I really liked Uprising, and SSB4 is Sakurai's game so he has a right to show favoritism (that's why I'm not too upset about all the Kirby series favoritism in Brawl or really upset with the Kid Icarus favoritism in SSB4 in and of itself), but Dark Pit is just not a good choice for the roster.

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Yeah, sorry, my rant was sort of childish. I just tire of him being the new scapegoat.

Dr. Mario/Pichu/Roy were the Melee scapegoats.

R.O.B./Toon Link/Wolf were in Brawl.

Now it's Dark Pit/Lucina/Dr. Mario.

bolded: what? R.O.B. was a completely original character. For Wolf, he wasn't even a clone, if that's what you're getting at.

Edited by Comet
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gee loki stop being so joyless :P

I don't like Dark Pit either - he's basically a side character and should not have gotten a separate character slot. Sakurai loves being biased so what can you do?

Me? Joyless? NEVER!!! Foolish mortal, knowest thy place! :P:

Oh man oh man Mii Fighter~ I cant wait to play with that.

Ill probably just not use Dark Pit because if hes like Brawl!Pit, i wont want to anyway. But really, i feel like hes the only truly egregious clone. Lucina is like, "hey look, female FE rep!" and Dr. Mario is like "wynaut." All three are cases of pandering but whatever.


That demo drops for the rest of us peasants, next week right?

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bolded: what? R.O.B. was a completely original character. For Wolf, he wasn't even a clone, if that's what you're getting at.

I love R.O.B.

I'm talking about the fan reaction. The fans blamed R.O.B., among others for the lack of K. Rool, Ridley, blah blah.

Same as today, really.

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Time that was not enough for anything else, and that's what I see of the whole clone business.


If we didn't have Dark Pit, Lucina, or doctor Mario, we wouldn't magically get more content in their place. We'd just have three less characters.

Complaining about clones because they're "wastes of space" is completely invalid and stupid.

Edit: apparently now Doc can't cape to recover at all. Wow.

Edited by shinpichu
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Posted · Hidden by Florete, September 13, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, September 13, 2014 - No reason given


If we didn't have Dark Pit, Lucina, or doctor Mario, we wouldn't magically get more content in their place. We'd just have three less characters.

Complaining about clones because they're "wastes of space" is completely invalid and stupid.

Edit: apparently now Doc can't cape to recover at all. Wow.


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I feel that a lot of the salt on the clones starts from how unimaginitive the choices are.

Dr. Mario is literally Mario in another outfit.

Dark Pit had his beginnings as a palette swap of Pit in Brawl. He has no model difference from Pit.

Lucina would be the best... If she wasn't clonier than everything Melee had to offer.

Personally, I feel the clones would be more welcomed if they were more different than the one they cloned, but still similar enough to clone them.

If I were to pick three people to "clone" It would be Roy (from Marth), Isaac (Don't know much about Golden Sun, but people wanted him most likely clone or not... Eh), and Lucas (from Ness).

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Grr, the Youtube video starts right in the middle and cuts out the Ike vs Shulk part in the beginning. But I found a vid of it anyway. Behold, Ike kicking Shulk's hiney and giving him no sympathy. Haha.

And holy crap, the whole SCREEN shakes when Ike throws Ragnell into the ground in that victory scene. :O So badass.

Edited by Anacybele
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Grr, the Youtube video starts right in the middle and cuts out the Ike vs Shulk part in the beginning. But I found a vid of it anyway. Behold, Ike kicking Shulk's hiney and giving him no sympathy. Haha.

Remind me to kick Ike's ass to Kingdom Come with Shulk first thing after I get the game.

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Remind me to kick Ike's ass to Kingdom Come with Shulk first thing after I get the game.

Remind me to do the same against Villager. Quite possibly my least favorite newcomer. I'm even warming up to the dog for the sheer fun/silly factor.

I get/hope that it's most likely a joke/playful jab, but I'm serious.

Edited by Konnor97
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[spoiler=only cuz big images]tumblr_nbthpwzH8L1tipy0bo1_500.jpg

Awaaaaaaaaaaay!! Seriously this move. Villager's recoveries are barking mad and its amazing.


Mario is still kinda meh and FLUDD is back and i hate it. But hey look, Pokemanz God.


I feel like MegaMan is really accessible out of the demo newcomers. Hes like, smooth, easy to play as and has strong upSmash. Plus Rush is yes. (thats his FS btw)

The physics are like a hybrid of Melee and Brawl and its kinda mindblowing. Controls are meh on demo but full version will have customization so im not worried. Otherwise, the game feels great! Hoo hooo hooo hooo

Remind me to make IkexShulk my new otp.

No, Shulk/Robin otp

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