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I'm gonna go Peice by Peice for some optimal pairings.To help me and other users who are clueless.I'm not that clueless,but lets start.You choose the best parents for these children

Chrom- Olivia,Sumia,Maribelle,or Robin


Miriel-Lon'qu,Ricken,or Gregor



I have tried all of these and found they are pretty decent,but I will let you decide with reasoning.For example,I should do Lissa x someone so I can get a specific skill.Thx,and bye

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Chrom: Any of those make really great parents for Lucina. It really depends what you want to do with Lucina. Sumia and Maribelle kind of create a somewhat similar Lucina. If you choose Sumia, Lucina is more optimal as a physical unit than a magical unit (even though she gets magic growths from Sumia) while with Maribelle she is more optimal as a magical unit (Negative strength stat, but great magic mods +3 or +4 I think. Access to Dark Flier, Valkyrie, Sage, and War Cleric.) People will say she will become nothing more than a support Dark Flier, which is somewhat true, but that doesn't mean she won't make a great offensive unit either. The same principle applies to Sumia I think. Never really tried the magical path for Lucina with Sumia before. From what I know of, Olivia makes one of the best Lucinas. (I think this may be arguable for some people. But her mods are excellent and she gives Lucina access to Galeforce, Vantage, Swordfaire, and Assassin.) Robin if you want basically another Morgan and for plot.

Sully: Vaike or Donnel. Kellam isn't that great for Kjelle in my opinion. He overlaps with Kjelle quite a bit (if I remember correctly. I think the only great thing she gets out of it are the defense mods and Renewal.) Donnel isn't a very good parent in general in my opinion. The bright side is that he gives Kjelle Armsthrift (for the longest time I called it Armshift. omg I am so lame) and Galeforce. I don't find his mods all that great (however he gives a wonderful luck mod for that Armsthrift though.) Vaike gives very great mods and gives Kjelle access to the Mercenary line, Axefaire, and counter.

Miriel: Gregor. Amrsthrift +Vantage+ Sol. Ricken is a close second (Dual Guard + Aeigis + Luna.)

Inigo: CHROM. He gives Inigo access to not only Rightful King, but also gives him other classes that allow him to abuse the heck out of Rightful King. (The cavalier line for Aegis and Luna. Not sure if Dual Guard + is affected by it though.) Libra if you want to turn Inigo into a sorcerer (or just a Sage. Depends what you care about. Tankiness with Dark Magic or just higher caps and staff access.) Virion is just a useless father. No offensive skills and the only skills that he has that are okay/ good are bow/sword/lance breakers and bowfaire. (Chrom as a father still makes Inigo a better bow user.)

Lissa: Oo those are hard choices. I usually don't like Libra as a parent for Owain since all he offers is Dark Mage and Mage lines with a lack of offensive skills that aren't Vantage + Vengeance related. (Average growths are average too.) Ricken is a great choice for Owain! The only thing he lacks is Armsthrift, which is just great ability! (Some would argue that Sorcerer is a great loss too, but I find that Sage works just fine as a class.) Owain can be a great Support unit with Ricken or a great offensive unit. Take your pick. :D Vaike is a good parent for Owan too if you want a physical Owain. His mods are pretty decent. However, people will find that +2 strength really isn't worth it. (Even so he would make a great Trickster, if you wanted one, Dread Fighter, or some other physical unit.)

Edited by Subsonic
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There's a Pairing Thread for this, you know.

Lucina's choices are good. Kellam and Vaike are bad on Kjelle, but Gaius is good. Stahl and Libra also work with Laurent. Inigo doesn't like Virion too much, but is good with Fred, Stahl, Ricken, and Henry. Vaike is terrible on Owain, but Henry is pretty good.

Chrom: Any of those make really great parents for Lucina. It really depends what you want to do with Lucina. Sumia and Maribelle kind of create a somewhat similar Lucina. If you choose Sumia, Lucina is more optimal as a physical unit than a magical unit (even though she gets magic growths from Sumia) while with Maribelle she is more optimal as a magical unit (Negative strength stat, but great magic mods +3 or +4 I think. Access to Dark Flier, Valkyrie, Sage, and War Cleric.) People will say she will become nothing more than a support Dark Flier, which is somewhat true, but that doesn't mean she won't make a great offensive unit either. The same principle applies to Sumia I think. Never really tried the magical path for Lucina with Sumia before. From what I know of, Olivia makes one of the best Lucinas. (I think this may be arguable for some people. But her mods are excellent and she gives Lucina access to Galeforce, Vantage, Swordfaire, and Assassin.) Robin if you want basically another Morgan and for plot.

No, Sumia has a -2 Str mod. Her Lucina can be physical if she wants to, but is almost always superior maigically. Lucina is also rarely hard support due to her procstack. Olivia!Lucina is decent but not on level with Sumia/Maribelle- she has no mods higher than 3, which is pretty bad.

Sully: Vaike or Donnel. Kellam isn't that great for Kjelle in my opinion. He overlaps with Kjelle quite a bit (if I remember correctly. I think the only great thing she gets out of it are the defense mods and Renewal.) Donnel isn't a very good parent in general in my opinion. The bright side is that he gives Kjelle Armsthrift (for the longest time I called it Armshift. omg I am so lame) and Galeforce. I don't find his mods all that great (however he gives a wonderful luck mod for that Armsthrift though.) Vaike gives very great mods and gives Kjelle access to the Mercenary line. Axefaire, and counter.

Kellam gives Kjelle Sage and Trickster as well, but she doesn't care about either of those. With LB, Lck mods for AT almost never matter.

Miriel: Gregor. Amrsthrift +Vantage+ Sol. Ricken is a close second (Dual Guard + Aeigis + Luna.)

Laurent has no use for Ricken's procs, and no way to get them without leaving magical classes anyway.

Inigo: CHROM. He gives Inigo access to not only Rightful King, but also gives him other classes that allow him to abuse the heck out of Rightful King. (The cavalier line for Aegis and Luna. Not sure if Dual Guard + is affected by it though.) Libra if you want to turn Inigo into a sorcerer (or just a Sage. Depends what you care about. Tankiness with Dark Magic or just higher caps and staff access.) Virion is just a useless father. No offensive skills and the only skills that he has that are okay/ good are bow/sword/lance breakers and bowfaire. (Chrom as a father still makes Inigo a better bow user.)

Ingame, Chrom!Inigo is crippled by bad bases and one of the hardest recruitment Paralogues. Postgame, Aegis is useless and he won't have room for RK. DG+ isn't affected by RK.

Lissa: Oo those are hard choices. I usually don't like Libra as a parent for Owain since all he offers is Dark Mage and Sorcerer to Owain. (Well that and average growths.) Ricken is a great choice for Owain! The only thing he lacks is Armsthrift, which is just great ability! (Some would argue that Sorcerer is a great loss too, but I find that Sage works just fine as a class.) Owain can be a great Support unit with Ricken or a great offensive unit. Take your pick. :D Vaike is a good parent for Owan too if you want a physical Owain. His mods are pretty decent. However, people will find that +2 strength really isn't worth it. (Even so he would make a great Trickster, if you wanted one, Dread Fighter, or some other physical unit.)

Tricksters are bad. Since magic is generally better than physical, why would you try to turn a unit with a predisposition for magic into a physical unit? If one really wanted a physical Owain, Stahl is the best bet.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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:D Thanks for the critiques. I'll keep those in mind for later runs. (I thought Sumia gave -1 not -2. Damn I am just off forever.) Yeah Stahl is the best physical Owain. I tried to keep my post within the choices he provided. (Stahl is generally a great parent for almost any child to be honest.) I always thought +3 stats were decent. Well goes to show how little of Awakening I actually know about. Whoops.

Trickster = Sword hand. (Plus it makes use of his magic mods and still use his sword hand that isn't Dread Fighter.)

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+3 is nice when it's on a secondary stat and you've got a primary stat that's higher, but doesn't do much on it's own. As an example, Lon'qu!Severa's +2 Str isn't very impressive on it's own, but it's a nice perk when you consider her 6 Spd/Skl.

Units with all-round good stats want them to be around 4 or 5 (like Vaike!Severa and various Yarnes). It's also important to make sure their good stats are ones that matter- it's better to have high Str/Mag, Spd and Skl than it is to have high Der, Res and Lck. On a hard support unit, Str/Mag and Skl matter more, but Spd becomes useless.

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Sumia!Lucina has a 0 STR mod and a +1 MAG mod. I really don't see why she would be significantly better as a mage, unless it's an issue of class selection.

Magical tends to be better than physical in the long haul, because enemies usually have lower resistance than defense. If Lucina is naturally better as a magic user, why not take advantage of that?
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Sumia!Lucina has a 0 STR mod and a +1 MAG mod. I really don't see why she would be significantly better as a mage, unless it's an issue of class selection.

It's all about opportunity and whatever makes the best use of her other strengths:

-She's got very high Spd. Male magical supports are pretty bad in the +Spd department, while male physical ones are good there- so her Spd can better realize its potential as a Sage/DF.

-She's got DS+. It's a lot harder to get 100% DS on a magical lead, let alone a double Galepair.

Now, she can indeed be physical- In my 100% DS team I've got Chrom!Cynthia (identical mods/classes) as a Falco, and in several precursors to that team I had Lucina as a Sniper. Ingame, I often make her a Paladin as well. But most of the time, she just winds up with her strengths being more useful as a magical unit.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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It's all about opportunity and whatever makes the best use of her other strengths:

-She's got very high Spd. Male magical supports are pretty bad in the +Spd department, while male physical ones are good there- so her Spd can better realize its potential as a Sage/DF.

-She's got DS+. It's a lot harder to get 100% DS on a magical lead, let alone a double Galepair.

Now, she can indeed be physical- In my 100% DS team I've got Chrom!Cynthia (identical mods/classes) as a Falco, and in several precursors to that team I had Lucina as a Sniper. Ingame, I often make her a Paladin as well. But most of the time, she just winds up with her strengths being more useful as a magical unit.

Ooo how did that work out? I never tried a sniper Lucina. Magical Lucina is nice. ;D I <3 Maribelle.

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