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Best children as magic users


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Okay so these are the pairings for a friend , also magic users are preferred

Lon'qu (vantage) X Cordelia (galeforce)

Olivia (galeforce) X Virion (life taker)

Cherche (strength +2) X Fredrick (Luna)

Lissa (miracle) X Libra ( Renewal)

Panne (sword breaker) X Gregor (Sword fair)

Sully (Luna) X Vaike (Sol)

Maribelle (dual supports) X Herny (Vengeance)

Miriel (tomefare ) X Ricken (life taker)

Nowi (Strength +2 ) X Kellam (Luna)

Now I need help on these

Tharja (Vengeance) X ??????

Sumia ( galeforce ) X ???????

On the avatar I thinking either Noire or Severa for a Mage user

Also I might have forgotten a few so please mention if i did

Also I kinda guided myself on my pairing ,even thought I used physical units more then anything else

Any thoughts on how to improve?

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You should have an exceptional Laurent with the Miriel-Ricken combo.

Brady wouldn't be too shabby with Henry.

Tharja has better magic than Sumia, so MU is the better pick for Tharja.

While it may not be the best option, Severa and Inigo has Armsthrift as a starting skill, so tomes like Aversa's Night and Valflame can last forever.

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Best magic-using children based on the mods their non-variable parents have:






Morgan (especially if Robin has Magic asset)

Inigo (only if he has a magic-based dad)

Cynthia (only if she has Henry or Magic asset Robin as her dad)

Best dads for magical children:




Robin (especially with Magic asset)

Lon'qu (if needing Vantage for a Vantage+Vengeance build)

You may also want to change some skill inheritances:

-Cherche's best gift to Gerome is the Dual Support+ skill (female only skill!) -- Gerome already starts off with Strength +2 by default

-Lissa and Maribelle in almost all cases should be passing down Galeforce to their sons.

-Vaike should pass down Axefaire to Kjelle as Axefaire (along with HP +5, Zeal, Rally Strength Counter, Despoil, Gamble and Wrath) is a males-only skill.

-Miriel should pass down Dual Suppot+ to Laurent for very similar reasons that Cherche should pass down the same skill to Gerome -- females-only skill and is very useful.

For Tharja, I recommend Gaius since Gaius allows Noire to have access to Vantage and Galeforce while having the opportunity to inherit a males-only skill from Gaius (HP +5, Zeal, Sol, Axebreaker, Counter, Rally Strength).

For the case of Cynthia, since you seem to have already decided on which lady Henry should marry, that just leaves Magic asset Robin (if possible) and Chrom as possible dads for decent magic-using Cynthia.

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Fred x Cherche is pretty terrible, whether you're going for magic or not.

If you really want as many (good) magical units as possible,

Lissa x Stahl

Sully x The Bench (Gaius)

Miriel x Gregor

Sumia x Chrom

Maribelle x Lon'qu

Panne x The Bench (Vaike)

Cordelia x Virion

Nowi x Henry

Tharja x Kellam

Olivia x Libra

Cherche x Ricken

Avatar x any child

There aren't enough Tomefaires to go around to get a completely full team, unfortunately. It's still possible to give Kjelle Valkyrie from Donnel, but Yarne would have to heavily nerf Gerome to be made useful and I don't think it's worth it. This Kjelle x Yarne will perform pretty well as physical units if you decide you want to use them after all. Avatar can be used as a first gen parent to lift someone (namely Yarne) out of the ditch, at the cost of not being very useful later. Avatar x Lissa might be a good idea, though.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Well my friends is going for a few but powerful ones, not like evey one has to use magic but he prefers a few but powerful ones.

So not sure if the one above is for more but less powerful ones or just more powerful then the ones above?

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MuxAversa. Very high magic, AND Morgan gets Shadow Gift. Very powerful combo.

Also, apparently Brady has a higher magic cap than Laurent. I'm not 100% why, but he gets a slightly higher magic cap than Laurent. So there you go.

But aside from those two, I've actually never really used magic that much. I use melee weapons a lot more, since your strength can go much higher than your magic. There are such things as projectile weapons.

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MuxAversa. Very high magic, AND Morgan gets Shadow Gift. Very powerful combo.

Also, apparently Brady has a higher magic cap than Laurent. I'm not 100% why, but he gets a slightly higher magic cap than Laurent. So there you go.

But aside from those two, I've actually never really used magic that much. I use melee weapons a lot more, since your strength can go much higher than your magic. There are such things as projectile weapons.

Shadowgift comes too late for ingame. Postgame, Morgan already has so many great skills that Shadowgift has a hard time finding a spot--Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Ignis, Luna, and all Faires.

Your Brady has higher magic because of the father. I think the stat calculator is screwy. If you pick any one father and compare his Brady and his Laurent, the Laurent will should have higher magic.

You often have to choose between 1-2 range and having the strongest weapons. That isn't true for magic. Not to say melee isn't good, just that physical ranged weapons aren't really comparable to Celica's Gale.

Edited by isetrh
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MuxAversa. Very high magic, AND Morgan gets Shadow Gift. Very powerful combo.

Also, apparently Brady has a higher magic cap than Laurent. I'm not 100% why, but he gets a slightly higher magic cap than Laurent. So there you go.

But aside from those two, I've actually never really used magic that much. I use melee weapons a lot more, since your strength can go much higher than your magic. There are such things as projectile weapons.

Shadowgift isn't useful in normal combat. It's for cheesing maps on higher difficulties and pulling off LTC stunts.

Miriel passes a Mag mod of 3 and Maribelle passes a Mag mod of 2. Your Brady only has higher mag because of a different father.

Swords/Axes/Lances have no ranged Braves, and enemy Res is generally lower than enemy Def so Tomes often do more damage despite having lower mt.

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MuxAversa. Very high magic, AND Morgan gets Shadow Gift. Very powerful combo.

Also, apparently Brady has a higher magic cap than Laurent. I'm not 100% why, but he gets a slightly higher magic cap than Laurent. So there you go.

But aside from those two, I've actually never really used magic that much. I use melee weapons a lot more, since your strength can go much higher than your magic. There are such things as projectile weapons.

First off, Shadowgift is pretty impractical, as is marrying Aversa herself - personally, I'd just marry Emm if I went that long without marrying, if only because she's easier to get.

Second, Laurent should wind up with higher magic given that you didn't do something like, oh, give Laurent a dad that hurts his Mag.

Third, aside from the Gradivus, Helswath, Ragnell, and Amatsu, all of which have one thing in common, ranged weapons are generally pretty weak.

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Shadowgift comes too late for ingame.

As someone who has married Aversa, but hasn't beaten Grima yet, I have to say that's a lie.

First off, Shadowgift is pretty impractical

You are only saying that because you hate Dark Magic.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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As someone who has married Aversa, but hasn't beaten Grima yet, I have to say that's a lie.

You are only saying that because you hate Dark Magic.

First sentence: I don't see how that's a lie when Grima IS all you can use Shadowgift for, ingame wise...

Second sentence: Really, now...?

/imitating Aversa's voice clip

I actually expected something witty. I am disappointed. The issue largely comes from the fact that marrying Aversa would require going through all of maingame without marrying, then finishing her paralogue, where Aversa is pretty suicidal, assuming that her double has been defeated, THEN having to build up support, and marry. All this bullshit for a skill that Morgan won't really be able to take advantage of...? Fuhgeddabout it.

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As someone who has married Aversa, but hasn't beaten Grima yet, I have to say that's a lie.

You are only saying that because you hate Dark Magic.

Ingame means the numbered chapters (Grima is only included if you're doing nogrind). Anything you do after that, unless you immediately proceed to Grima, is postgame. Please don't accuse posters of lying.

And Shadowgift is impractical in most scenarios- you'll have higher output as a Sorc with TF than you will as a Sage with Shadowgift, so it's impractical as an offensive skill, and Sorc has the best defenses out of any Tome using class so it's impractical as a defensive skill also. The main use of it is to spam Mire as a DF or Valkyrie (DF does it while hiding over inaccessible terrain to solo difficult maps, Valkyrie does it in tandem with +Mov skills and Galeforce to extend its Rescue range).

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For in game situations, Shadowgift isn't that great. Using it essentially wastes not only a skill slot but also a pretty hefty amount of defense (compare dark magic users' Defense to that of most other magic users). Just be a Sorcerer to use dark magic.

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Shadowgift is only practical for LTC challenging because of versatility - the Range 22-26 Mire x Galeforce takes the Shadowgift unit everywhere.

But even in LTC challenging, Shadowgift Dark Fliers are still not a must, except for the Future Past 2's LTC.

For regular Apotheosis runs, Mag+10 Agg (RLM) > Mag+9 Agg (ROM) > Mag+7 Aether (MLM) > Mag+5 Aether (SLM/CCM) > Mag+10 (RNM) = Mag+8 Shadowgift (Aversa!Morgan) > Mag+8 (Tharja!Morgan).

For the high threshold playthroughs such as Apotheosis no-DLC-skill run, Aether Morgans > Mag+10 (RNM/RLM/AM) etc. because you'll strongly demand the Procs but not the Mods to be your main output & Aggressor, the key advantage of RLM/ROM, is also banned.

BTW, FeMU!Lucina > All Morgans because of her unique strategy VVDS+ - her DualStrike+ x her husband's Vantage+Vengeance. Then, FeMU!Lucina can access the maximized support Mag of all available VVDS+ pairs.

This strategy takes advantage to any other in regular & no-DLC-skill runs.

Edited by MelonGx
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I always thought Owain made a pretty decent sage.

It's not really relevant at this point, but with Henry as the father, Owain gets a lot of options, and a respectable 50 magic cap.

He naturally acquires astra through the swordmaster line and, thanks to Henry, gains lifetaker, tomebreaker and vengeance, not to mention galeforce from Lissa. However, I was wondering if Ricken would better suit Owain as his father. Thoughts?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fred x Cherche is pretty terrible, whether you're going for magic or not.

If you really want as many (good) magical units as possible,

Lissa x Stahl

Sully x The Bench (Gaius)

Miriel x Gregor

Sumia x Chrom

Maribelle x Lon'qu

Panne x The Bench (Vaike)

Cordelia x Virion

Nowi x Henry

Tharja x Kellam

Olivia x Libra

Cherche x Ricken

Avatar x any child

There aren't enough Tomefaires to go around to get a completely full team, unfortunately. It's still possible to give Kjelle Valkyrie from Donnel, but Yarne would have to heavily nerf Gerome to be made useful and I don't think it's worth it. This Kjelle x Yarne will perform pretty well as physical units if you decide you want to use them after all. Avatar can be used as a first gen parent to lift someone (namely Yarne) out of the ditch, at the cost of not being very useful later. Avatar x Lissa might be a good idea, though.

I haven't seen most of these, besides Lon'qu x maribelle, Sumia x chrom, miriek x Gregor,and olivia x libra. But wouldn't Lucina want maribelle to help her with magic?how does Lissa x stahl benefit owain,besides Luna?why Cordelia x virion? Are you planning nowi x Henry and tharja x Kellam sorcs without armsthrift?

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Sumia!Lucina does just fine at magic. I did that because I want Cynthia to have a father that frees up Henry for someone else (Nah benefits a great deal from him). Owain already has Tomefaire, which is something I' trying to maximize distribution of, by he still wants a proc and Stahl gives that while being an otherwise OK dad for him. Severa has a proc and needs TF, Virion gives that while also being an awesome father for her. Nah will be a Valkyrie and Noire a DF.

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