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Who do you plan to use for your mains for this game?


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Captain Falcon will be my first main as always, with his new skin of Falcon Densetsu <3 (finally, it's like Ryu Suzaku has come to Smash Bros!~)

My secs... probably Marth and Zelda, as always. Even Sheik could be one of my mains.

About the new characters, I want to try Little Mac, Robin and Lucina. I'm sure Lucina will be a secondary, but I want to try all of them.

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Newcomers:Dark Pit,Lucina,Duck Hunt,Bowser Jr.,Robin,Greninja

How can I Dark Pit when I can't even Pit?I dunno.

EDIT:I just checked the tiers.WHY DID THEY NERF IKE?!Sanic's gotta buff,though.

Edited by Shinehollow
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I do plan on checking all the characters some point or another but so far the dudes i'm looking foward the most on using have to be


Might swap a few out if they turn out to be worse than i imagined, but those a thoughts for another time

Edited by Sockmaster
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Gods, way too many people are going to use that stupid Chrom-colored Ike. I do NOT wish to see that (because I don't like Chrom at all and think Ike deserved way better). Besides, I thought Chrom was hated here.

Edited by Anacybele
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Ana, with all due respect please shush

Amazingly, there are people here that actually like Chrom, and even if they don't they can still like the color palette. Hell, Chrom definitely isn't my favorite but I still like the palette because, y'know, blue and silver/white is a nice color scheme

And what would you rather have? Hector? That would look nearly the same as the BK's palette swap

Seriously just let people have their fun, sheesh

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I would rather have Vanguard Ike, of course.

I know a few people here like Chrom, but most seem to dislike him. So with all do respect, let me have my opinion. xP

You can have your opinion, and Kon can have her opinion about your opinion. When someone makes a galvanizing statement, such as referring to something others enjoy as "stupid", and vehemently protesting the thought of having an palette swap that refers to a character you don't like, one can expect others to react with similar vigor.

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You're fine to have your own opinion, I couldn't care less about that. But you're insulting the choice of a frickin' color palette just because it references a character you don't like. That's just shallow.

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For saying I don't care about it? I said that it was shallow to insult others for their choice just because you don't like it. Not you're shallow for not liking it in the first place.

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I've played the game for a while and I know Mac, Robin, Bowser, and Duck Hunt will be my mains. I've played a few For Glory matches with me and a Sheik (which I owned her with both Robin and Duck Hunt)

Little Mac - He's a powerful ground fighter, and I love the speed of his attacks. Really, the aerial game in Sm4sh and Brawl are very easy to avoid. Though easily gimped, his awesome KO potential and speed makes him awesome.

Robin - Yes, I know Robin's slow, but he/she needs some good patience and like the tactician, you really need to think. I've played a few people as Robin, and I confess that the first time, I had trouble, but I managed to win almost all my matches. Robin is quite versatile and can switch between close combat to mid-long range battle. Still love him/her.

Bowser - This guy is a powerhouse. Not only is he a powerhouse, he's also FUCKING fast. Bowser's smash attacks can KO at around 40-50% with uncharged smash attacks, and with added super armor on most moves, dealing damage won't be as difficult as the last two games.

Duck Hunt - Zoning potential is hilariously powerful. He's also agile, has good damage, and his recovery is alright. When in a zoning competition, Duck Hunt definitely puts much more pressure.

Edited by カプリ
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You can hate Chrom!Ike as much as you like, I have no problem with you not liking it. There are palettes that I really don't like either, so I'm not about to judge you for it.

My issue is with you insulting the choice of other people using a palette that they like.

That's it.

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Since I'm gonna cheat a little (after giving a few of the characters a whirl)

Main: Falco (he feels exactly the same, stop staring at me like that)

Secondary: Unknown

I need to figure out how to use Shulk effectively, but he's promising. I can't use Robin to save my life.

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I tried using many characters, and only feel comfortable with a few. Kirby's been a long time favorite, but feels...off, in this, his speed is different from what i'm used to

I'm blown away at how quickly I became familiar with MiiSword and ZSS. Everyone else, is a trial so far

Surprisingly buffed Link is EZ2PLAY

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I've been playing as Marth since Melee but I might change it up this time... With Lucina.

Melee is what led me to getting into Fire Emblem. I just tried playing as him at a friends one day and his style stuck with me, one day I researched the game he was from out of curiousity and then around the release of Shadow Dragon I just impulse bought it and really liked it.

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Since I'm gonna cheat a little (after giving a few of the characters a whirl)

Main: Falco (he feels exactly the same, stop staring at me like that)

Secondary: Unknown

I need to figure out how to use Shulk effectively, but he's promising. I can't use Robin to save my life.

Alright, revisions.

Main: Falco

Secondary: Marth, MAYBE Lucina

I wasn't sure if Marth's new mechanics would affect my usage of him. Since I naturally try to keep people at max sword range, the new tip mechanic doesn't really screw with my play style.

Still need to unlock a lot of people. Dark Pit looks like he might find a way into my roster. . .as soon as my thumbs stop hurting.

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I'm planning on maining Toon Link again since i've been maining the faster Links since Melee.

I'm trying to get better at Zelda too. I like her playstyle and always thought it was a shame I never played her more.

Bowser Jr and Palutena are on my wishlist for newcomers this time around.

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