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Serenes Forest Smash Club! 3DS Friend Codes/Nintendo Network IDs, screenshots, videos, and more inside!


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I was shaking xD.

If ZSS down-special didn't bury people, you would have won. It was a nice match!

I was concentrating so much!

I keep forgetting it now has that property. It's quite annoying <_<

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I've got a room open now, feel free to join! Will do teams if we can get 4 people~

We need one more for teams! Join up :)

Guys we should play with team attack~ Can someone change the rules?

Edited by Gemma
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Holy frickin cow yes it was, those team matches were the absolute best~ Seriously, I'm super duper excited now, I'm gonna keep holding these teams rooms~ ^_^ Let's keep at it and get even better~

We kicked butt and had some tense battles, fantastic playing with and against you Carter. On the time we played on Punch Out Arena I don't think we lost a single stock~

Yeah, Zelda's upB is so scary now @_@

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We kicked butt and had some tense battles, fantastic playing with and against you Carter. On the time we played on Punch Out Arena I don't think we lost a single stock~

I have that one saved as a replay on my 3DS. That match was amazing.

I also saved the Gerudo Valley video when we fought the two Little Mac's. In that match, we were actually losing at one point, but we fought hard and won ;)

Do you have them in your replays? I wish I could just show you.

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Me, Doofina, Timp and Florina all had an FFA and me and Florina were the last two at 1 life each. I was getting thrashed but ended up winning with Ganondor'fs side b slam for double suicide and it was perhaps the most glorious thing ever.

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FC: 4425-1916-0945 (if you could, when you add me to the OP, tell people not to add me unless they want to fight, so this way i can keep my list uncluttered)

NNID: BlueWyvern4

Mii: Ki or Blyv


On board now, though, xP

Also, didn't read so far in the thread yet, but if there's a skype group: my skype is blyvern

Edited by Kisara
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I've officially added everyone in the OP + Brokunibreezypants and Weegeeweegee. If you haven't added me yet, feel free to do so

Hey, I've got a friend code too:

FC: 2426-3889-9606

Feel free to add me if you want someone easy to beat on your list.

I tried adding you but i'm being told that the code isn't valid.

*Elie: 5172-0161-7284*

Edited by Sara.
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Ana, are you going to add me back to your friend list? I really want to go 1-on-1 against you.

What do you mean "add you back"? I don't remember ever deleting you. Or even adding you at all, now that I think about it. But this'll have to wait until later, I'm kind of in the middle of something that'll take awhile.

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What do you mean "add you back"? I don't remember ever deleting you. Or even adding you at all, now that I think about it. But this'll have to wait until later, I'm kind of in the middle of something that'll take awhile.

I sent you a PM a while ago saying I added you to my Friend List. I'm still waiting for you to add me back. (As in, you add me to your Friend List in response to me adding you to mine).

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I sent you a PM a while ago saying I added you to my Friend List. I'm still waiting for you to add me back. (As in, you add me to your Friend List in response to me adding you to mine).

Ohhh, that's what you were talking about. I totally forgot you had PM'd me, my bad.

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I've officially added everyone in the OP + Brokunibreezypants and Weegeeweegee. If you haven't added me yet, feel free to do so

I tried adding you but i'm being told that the code isn't valid.

*Elie: 5172-0161-7284*

That's because even when my friend code is right in front of me I can't read it properly.

My new, actual friend code is:


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I succumbed to buying a 2DS just for Smash Bros... =(

I'm Evastio and my friend code is 4012-5899-8907. I'll accept any match offers that are posted in this thread in the next hour.

(this thread is also for requesting matches as well if we're available for Smash matches, right?)

Edited by Randoman
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