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I was so upset I couldn't get this on video because I had run out of room for replays, but I just had an amazing Peach vs. Peach in For Glory (3DS)!

It was such a good feeling winning, especially since I was able to two-stock the other Peach. It was good, equal fight, until I got rid of her first stock. I was so determined to keep the lead, I guess the adrenaline pushed through and I was able to make it to the end.

For the last 30-seconds of the fight, we just kept throwing forward smashes at each other, and sidestepping every single one (and we didn't even move, just kept forward-smashing)... until I decided to throw her an Up-Smash, which ended the game :) I really wish I could've kept it on video, it just has to be my favorite of all my matches I've ever played in.

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I was so upset I couldn't get this on video because I had run out of room for replays, but I just had an amazing Peach vs. Peach in For Glory (3DS)!

We should play some Peach dittos sometime. I don't get to play other Peach players that often.

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So, anyone want to Smash while I've got the Wii U version booted up? I was training my Ike Amiibo. :P And getting some more custom parts, trophies, and challenges.

EDIT: Ha, Gemma, we posted at the exact same time. lol I'll play!

Edited by Anacybele
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Peach is ANNOYING. Not just annoying to fight against either, annoying in general. I wish people wouldn't use her. But it would be wrong to tell people not to use a character just because I don't like said character, so...

Also, I'd recommend playing someone of better skill, I'm just awful and it's boring to win every time or lose every time. I know I don't play a whole lot, but even when I do, I'm always downright terrible... I'm just not meant to be good at this game, no matter how much I practice. I can't keep up with fast characters, and I don't know how to read the opponent. I know some combos, that's about it. But knowing combos means diddly squat if I don't know when I should use them.

I wish someone could actually sit down and teach me this stuff... If it was possible that I could learn it at all...

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It's not about winning or losing, it's about using your mind and having fun~ No one's meant to be good at anything. You gotta find your groove and give it your best!

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Yeah, but it's no fun to lose all the time. I'm not saying I play only to win or anything. If I get my butt handed to me almost every single match, that eventually gets rather frustrating. Trust me, I can still have fun even if I lose. For example, one match we had was very close, and I lost. But I still had fun because it was a good match!

And it's not fun when I can barely land a hit because I can't keep up. :(

Still, ggs overall, I must say!

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