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Serenes Forest Smash Club! 3DS Friend Codes/Nintendo Network IDs, screenshots, videos, and more inside!


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Oh, I thought you were just trying to be annoying... My mistake. And I would have, but there was no way I could've approached you with all of those electric balls flying in my direction. xP

Shulk, when I throw my turnip in the air and catch it, I meant I wanted you to catch it!

Now it's time to change my taunt words so people can understand xD.

Italic: in my last battle Shulk, I was throwing my turnip in the air catching it to try to tell him to catch it. I guess it was kinda confusing though xD.

Remember our Arena Ferox match? In the beginning I taunted "catch" and "turnip" and demonstrated catching my own. It was kinda a test to see if people understood.

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Playing against Carter made me realize that I suck entirely on some stages. xP

EDIT: OH. Yeah, I was confused at what you were doing there, Carter. lol my bad.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well guys I got ambitious and decided to make this.

The Official Serenes Forest Smash Bros IRC!

  • Server: darkmyst
  • Channel: #sfsmash
  • Ops: Elieson [Open to having a a few other mods since having a few makes monitoring and moderating easier).
    • People may request to be ops for the duration of their tourneys.

Important: Do not impersonate other users on IRC. We will ban you for it.

If you don't have an IRC client, you can use this Mibbit browser applet to join in discussion at any time. Type in a nickname that is recognizable, and type in #sfsmash as the channel.

[spoiler='Guide for the Mibbit login]

It's pretty easy. Click the link above, then make sure that your page looks like this [obviously replacing YourNameHere with your desired login name].


Check in here to talk about smash in a chatroom with unlimited size (unlike the SF chatroom that's limited), and to connect for planning smash matches and tourney matches. Think of it as a thread chatroom, so as not to clog up a thread with little bits and pieces. I'll be keeping it up as often as I can so as to maintain logs. There is a skype chatroom as well, but this is more accessible for people who don't have access to Skype, but have access to their browser, or who regularly use iRC for chat. Alternatively, log in to the chatroom simply to show that you're available for play, and log out when you're not. It'll make finding matches easier because you'll easily be able to tell who's online/on standby, and who's not. Edited by Sara.
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Uh, there's no need for this. We already have my Skype chat. Why isn't anyone using it? If you don't have Skype, just download it. It's not hard.

Edited by Anacybele
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Couple of reasons, tbh

One: lots of people are constantly logged into skype, so determining one's availability isn't always easy. If they're in the iRC room, they're there to smash, or can talk about other stuff I guess too.

Two: it can be copypasta'd into the OP for people who don't have the ability to get skype since not everyone has instant skype access, especially if they're on a PC that's not theirs/can't get skype. Some public libraries, college campuses and other locations with public PCs have this problem since you can't always install skype on just any PC anywhere.

Three: Since people in here appear to be asking for matches a lot, it makes me think that not everyone is in your, or any, particular skype smashchat. Why not offer more options for people to meet under?

Plus, this can be copied into the OP so people can access it pretty easily. I'm not trying to infringe upon your skypechat, but restricting smash match requests to either this thread (with SF's shaky lag) and Skype (not always accessible) can be fixed with a third method of socialization. Can't hurt, right?

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no one's been using my Skype chat lately.

Hopefully, our combined efforts will make the lives of just a few people easier, at least!

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There's a fault on your end. Leave the chat, and I'll add you back. Should work

I also don't mind an IRC channel as well; less clutter in this thread

Edited by Dusk Hunt Dodge
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There's a fault on your end. Leave the chat, and I'll add you back. Should work

I also don't mind an IRC channel as well; less clutter in this thread

Oh, then that's probably what it is. Alrighty.

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I have nothing against an IRC but I'll honestly be hanging around the skype chat more since I know a lot of other people on skype who play smash and it's automatic on my computer.

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