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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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Signed up, let me know if I missed something, did something wrong, etc.

I just posted it in the FC topic, but I'll re-post it here: 4613-6721-5187.

All this double elimination and huge tourney bracket stuff kind of confuses me, so if I don't fall out too early hopefully I'll be able to follow along and at least always know who I'm fighting next.

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Signed up, let me know if I missed something, did something wrong, etc.

I just posted it in the FC topic, but I'll re-post it here: 4613-6721-5187.

All this double elimination and huge tourney bracket stuff kind of confuses me, so if I don't fall out too early hopefully I'll be able to follow along and at least always know who I'm fighting next.

I noticed that the bracket edits itself each time a new person joins.

It's currently sitting at 15 players, and when the 16th joins, the newcomer will be put up against Starbound02 who is currently sitting alone with an automatic bye into round 2 due to lack of opponents.

I'd imagine that the 17th member to join will get an automatic bye to the final round until more join.

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Signed in to Smashing Live! as Javeman (which will be my permanent Challonge account from now on).

FC: 2105-8646-1262

Edited by Jave
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Those of you that have signed up for the 32 person tournament already (and thanks for doing so, we're already at 22 participants!), please check this link and make sure that your friend code has been posted here. If you've posted it in the thread (Red Fox of Fire and KwehKweh), I've added it myself but I'm still missing a few people's friend codes in the list.

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I'm sad to say, but I will not be making it to the Unlimited Blade Works tournaments. RL deadlines and family matters have me bogged down for match times. If you could give my spot to someone else, that would be nice.

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I forget, are custom characters allowed in the blade tourney? If so, I think I'll use my Rage Ike in it. He does the best, I think! lol

Movesets are a yes. Equipment is a no.

Also, whoever goes against me in AlphaZero's stead (I think he was originally set up against me), know that I'll be a little late for the start (school lets out at 2:55 EST) but I WILL be able to do the match before the Round 1 deadline.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Why don't tourneys allow equipment? It's not like they break the game... But whatevs, I don't use it anyway. :P

It really depends on how the equipment is arranged. Speed doesn't always run the gambit, but give a character max attack or max defense and they can wipe through anyone or take almost no damage or knockback. Though it is mostly irritating on randomized CPUs.

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If you're spamming dodgerolls and have moves that get you around quickly, the slowness isn't as huge of a deficit.

People like Kirby enjoy anything they can get tho!

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[10:51:52 PM] Comet: i would think that there are so many combinations that it would make things inconsistent, which is bad.

If you're spamming dodgerolls and have moves that get you around quickly, the slowness isn't as huge of a deficit.

People like Kirby enjoy anything they can get tho!

you can get punished for doing that. it works the first few times, but then you walk into a f smash and die.

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If you want to allow equipment in a tournament, you're welcome to make your own tournament that allows equipment.

I don't like equipment in a competitive environment because it adds a ton of variables into the game (character stat changes, starting with items, stats increasing, how much stats increase (every piece of equipment has the increases and decreases randomly determined), adding new effects like the vampire equipment, etc).

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