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Disappointing character endings.


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Hmmmm, reminds me of someone who insists that Ike/Elincia is so obviously what was intended.

Idk, did she ever say that? I think it'd be more like "a lot of fans wanted it" But meh...

I mean seriously... to put it bluntly:

"Who the fuck cares who or what Ike fucks?"

Best blunt statement ever lol. Yeah, that's pretty much it...but people will argue until the cows come home anyway. It's the same way with a lot of shipping wars in pretty much every fandom. I do think him and Elincia are a good pairing though...and I see his relationship with Soren as a bromance. Look that up...

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Idk, did she ever say that? I think it'd be more like "a lot of fans wanted it" But meh...

And a lot of fans are content with how it ended. That's not an argument.

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Yet stuff like that article is why some people DO say Ike x Soren is canon without a doubt and that Ike is gay. They won't accept that this was never stated to be so and that others don't see their relationship that way. Those fanboys are as bad as the Chrom fangirls that say "Chrom x Female Avatar and nothing else!"

Chrom x FeMU is the pairing. Veteran!Lucina is the bomb.

I don't count postgame because you can scrape pretty much any pairing setup together with good enough builds and tactics, even for Apotheosis

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And that's a good point too. A homosexual wouldn't sleep with a woman since they're sexually attracted to men. People also argue things like adoption, but then Priam wouldn't really be Ike's descendant.

Until relatively recently (the last few decades or so), gay men sleeping with women was the norm. Homosexuality was a huge taboo and gay people kept it hidden. They married people, had families, and pretended to be normal to blend in. You've heard of "covers" right? Basically the same principle.

Hell, this is the case even in societies where homosexuality wasn't as taboo. In ancient Greece, for example, men often married and had a kid or two just to continue their line, and had affairs on the side.

I actually prefer Ike/Elincia to Ike/Soren but this post is just incredibly ignorant, and shows a disappointing lack of knowledge about homosexuality. Please become more informed before making such arguments.

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And a lot of fans are content with how it ended. That's not an argument.

True, but a lot weren't content with it either. Ike x Elincia and Ike x Mia together have tons of fans. Every time I Google Elincia, I see more art of her with Ike than of her and Geoffrey, by a good margin.

Ike x Soren is still popular too though...

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Why the hell was Chrom x FeMU even brought up?

It sounds like that wasn't brought up for any reason but to show contempt for it to draw away attention from the current thing.

The salt in this thread is real.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Every time I Google Elincia, I see more art of her with Ike than of her and Geoffrey, by a good margin.

All that proves is that the Ike X Elincia shippers are a lot more expressive of their preferred pairing, nothing more.

Gatrie's ending is the most wtf to me. He stays alone the rest of his life? This guy? Yeah, I have trouble seeing that.

The guy is a serial womaniser, who'll hit on any pretty woman at the drop of a hat. It's clear that he's not interested in anything resembling a committed relationship.

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Having a hard time remembering all that many specific ones, but I remember going back to compare some character endings between games, and comparing some paired endings to unpaired ones, the ones I actually remember being in Sacred Stones.

They look less egregious now than they did at the time, but with some of them I remember going "they settled down and had a kid? That's it?!" Kind of a dumb reaction in retrospect (because there's not actually much wrong with being devoted parents and happy about it), and there's not actually that many of them like that anyway, but in particular I remember Colm and Neimi.

Unpaired: Colm becomes Batman, Neimi (eventually) becomes an archery instructor for Renais. Kinda badass!

Paired: They both go back home forever, Colm stops adventuring (and isn't mentioned to do anything else in particular instead), and the only thing it says Neimi does is teach her kids archery.

It's not quite like it says they do absolutely nothing else, but come on. That's kinda lame in comparison.

Oh yeah, and Tana and Ephraim. "They remained the best of friends after the war." Yeeeeeah? "They visited each other when time permitted-" Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhh? "-and their kids were great friends too."


It's not that they had to get married, I can at least imagine something like "we're the rulers of two really big nations so it's actually kinda ehhh, not that easy to make happen" (although Ephraim and L'Arachel were cool so what the heck), it might even be refreshing to see something like that, but the way their supports ended! Gimme a break, that's total "they're gonna -pair-" fire emblem language there.

And you guys wrote the fucking ending itself like that on purpose. I know it


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Oh yeah, and Tana and Ephraim. "They remained the best of friends after the war." Yeeeeeah? "They visited each other when time permitted-" Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhh? "-and their kids were great friends too."

Huh? You mean when you have Eirika&Tana A support? I actually like that because it implies that Tana eventually falls in love with another man. I hate it when characters are like "I can only love one person in my WHOLE life". Second or third loves are awesome, too.

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Until relatively recently (the last few decades or so), gay men sleeping with women was the norm. Homosexuality was a huge taboo and gay people kept it hidden. They married people, had families, and pretended to be normal to blend in. You've heard of "covers" right? Basically the same principle.

Hell, this is the case even in societies where homosexuality wasn't as taboo. In ancient Greece, for example, men often married and had a kid or two just to continue their line, and had affairs on the side.

I actually prefer Ike/Elincia to Ike/Soren but this post is just incredibly ignorant, and shows a disappointing lack of knowledge about homosexuality. Please become more informed before making such arguments.

That is true....BUT. Like was said, Ike would want his kid to have both parents in its life, and I honestly can't see him knocking up some random girl, then taking the kid and never letting the mother see it so him and Soren can both be its daddy. To me, that's just Ike/Soren yoai supporters grasping for something to stay afloat.

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i remember years ago on FE planet i had a theory that soren was suppose to be in a woman in the early stages of planning the game, but was switched to a male.

if anyone wants too, i can either post in here or in a PM if they want to hear it, note looking back it doesn't have any real proof, just my thoughts.

not saying that Soren IS a woman, ofcourse he's a man, but its more of "maybe he was a woman in the beta"

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I meant to refer to the paired ending itself with that text. Talking about the supports themselves, I didn't get the impression that it was anything but the standard in-love-and-will-get-together stuff Fire Emblem, but then I haven't read it in a while.

And that idea, uh, I might be having a bit of a harder time responding to it than I should be. On one hand, it feels like it sorta goes against the spirits of and expectations built up from the supports in Fire Emblem ("why am I supporting these eminently shippable characters if they're just gonna fuck off and marry someone else"), but on the other hand that expectation doesn't really feel quite right either after I think about it ("ALL OPPOSITE-SEX CHARACTERS MUST MARRY IF SUPPORTED" admittedly wasn't a true rule in the series at all, even before Sacred Stones was made, and wow that also sounds kinda dumb when said out loud).

The support and ending feels like kind of a bait and switch to me, though (s6TQ0gs.png)

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Oh yeah, and Tana and Ephraim. "They remained the best of friends after the war." Yeeeeeah? "They visited each other when time permitted-" Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhh? "-and their kids were great friends too."

You're mixing up Tana/Ephraim with Tana/Eirika. For reference:


Following the war, Tana and Eirika remained the best of friends. They visited one another when time permitted, and as they grew older, their children shared a bond of friendship as close as Eirika and Tana themselves did.


Once Renais was stable again, Ephraim and Tana were wed. Innes protested vocally, but when he saw how happy Tana was, he gave the marriage his blessings. Renais and Frelia are now bound by blood as well as friendship.

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The guy is a serial womaniser, who'll hit on any pretty woman at the drop of a hat. It's clear that he's not interested in anything resembling a committed relationship.

So are Sain, Virion, and Inigo and they all can marry.

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Sain marries Fiora in their paired ending.

I agree that FE3 Book 2 (and FE12) have a number of endings that are boring or needlessly depressing.

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Can we complain about pairings that didn't get endings too, or should I make a separate thread for that?

Go ahead...I mean I complained about Rolf x Mist not happening.

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Alrighty then.

While Radiant Dawn should have had more paired endings in general, some that really stood out for me that should have happened are: Micaiah/Pelleas, Astrid/Oscar (she needs someone other than Makalov), and Micaiah/Soren (for teh lulz)

Also more pairs for Ike (though I'm not so sure about Ike/Elincia, I can only see that one ending in depression for them both) like maybe Mia or Lethe. Someone who would be willing to travel with him.

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I gotta say Arrans from FE 12 cuz he was my most used character than he straight up dies!

Joking Arran was crap but one that did piss me off was Ikes from FE 10 because its like they were to damn lazy to write something cool so they sent him away with no details or anything, bad enough every mercenary ever ends up like this why Ike he was so much more than a standard merc.

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The lack of paired endings for every non-roy pairing in fe6. Two characters will declare their undying love for each other, and proceed to go about their lives as if nothing had happened. You might expect that to happen for some pairings, but every single one that doesn't involve roy? WHY?!?

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