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I can't understand SF's logic


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Not wanting to be punched or bullied but anyways..

So i posted a thread some time ago about choosing between Awakening or Smash 4 then i noticed how much this forums don't like awakening or think of it as a boring game.

then theres this fact i notice that everyone talks about it more than anything else and keep talking and giving tips about it like if it was a math problem

so i don't really understand

making this thread turn into

For real, do you like Awakening or not?

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Answer: There's always going to be a vocal portion that doesn't like something or other.

Grab the Awakening demo (if it's still around), and give it a whirl. If it's your cup of tea, then get it~!

EDIT: My personal opinion is that I got my money's worth out of it.

Edited by eclipse
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i bought it on release and played the hell of it for about a month and a half

then I got extremely bored with it and haven't played it since. I think it's a fun game, but as a FE game, I don't think it's designed very well, if that makes any sense.

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I love Awakening, but I can't deny that it has some big flaws. Those flaws aside, though, I think you should get Awakening and then save up for Smash. That's what I would do.

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oh i could answer the question

for real i put several hundred hours into it and you don't play a game you don't like that much. i think awakening was a highly excellent game that had flaws, but all the fire emblems before it had various flaws themselves so \o/?

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Some ppl are Black and White over Awakening. Yes, I played Awakening and it was fun, yet it had some flaws, but some people are either nostalgia-trapped, biased, or have otherwise, got tired of the game. Verdict: It's a good game, but the flaws don't make it utterly bad. Sure, some ppl would argue, but being my 3rd FE game, I have a decent opinion of Awakening.

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counterpoint: nobody gave/gives a fuck about fe11 or 12

I dunno, I thought at least here people got hyped around every release. Hell, there was like a 70 page topic leading up to FE12's release.

and people gotta talk about how much fe11 disappointed them or something

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I can see why some people don't like Awakening

but personally, i love it

As Eclipse said, give the demo a try

if ya like it, cool

if ya don't like then, that's cool too

Edited by Sockmaster
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There are multiple people on sf and some like the game and some don't. A lot of the people who don't like the game talk about how they don't like the game frequently. A lot of the people who do like the game go really hardcore on the planning and strategizing which is where you see the math problems. Most of the time these two groups are different people but there is some overlap. Also, most people here who really like Awakening also recognize its flaws.

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My interest in the series has waned over time, but I thought Awakening was certainly one of the better games on the 3DS. The customization of the main character's really neat, and leveling up and getting new classes is always fun. The only problem is that the gameplay suffers from an open-ended approach. One of the things that drew me in with the first American release was a need for efficiency. Since it was a linear game you had a limited amount of gold, experience, etc. that you had to allocate. Multiple playthroughs were required to really get a good feel for the game. These days you can really just grind everybody to have max stats, get everything in one go around.

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FE13 is bad.

It's a wonder it managed to save the series.

Answer: There's always going to be a vocal portion that doesn't like something or other.


Awakening has a lot of flaws and betrays a lot of things I consider core to FE.

It's also an enjoyable game.

I think really this is more of the opinion that shows you that it has A LOT of flaws, but it's a fun game.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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oh i could answer the question

for real i put several hundred hours into it and you don't play a game you don't like that much. i think awakening was a highly excellent game that had flaws, but all the fire emblems before it had various flaws themselves so \o/?

You can do something for an extended period of time and still not enjoy it. Time put in does not always equal actual enjoyment in whatever it is you are doing.

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Depends on what you like. If you like deep stories and hardcore strategy, then you'll probably be disappointed. If you like varied (though "trope-y") characters and seeing all the crazy shenanigans you can pull by pairing them together, then you'll love it.

As for me, I play the hell out of Awakening and love it, though I do sometimes like to take a break from it to play other games in the franchise.

However, if your decision is going to be between Awakening and Smash, I'd personally go with Smash.

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You can do something for an extended period of time and still not enjoy it. Time put in does not always equal actual enjoyment in whatever it is you are doing.

when it's something like a video game, i tend to do this thing called stopping doing it before i've put in several hundred hours.

i agree with you in principle, though - there are games that i've put multiple hours into that i didn't enjoy in the end (f.e. i don't regard bioshock as having been worth my money), but if i'm not enjoying it while i'm playing it i don't put literal hundreds of hours in, fullstop.

EDIT: i guess the "i agree with you in principle" part goes like this:

at a certain low amount of time /played you just can't say "yeah he enjoyed it obviously" - ten hours, sure, i can take ten hours to get a real read on a game and then stop.

at the one hundred of hours mark it's a safe bet that there was something that kept me playing and enjoying it, and if it kept me entertained for a hundred hours (of actual playing, not waiting on menus and shit) it was a good game, no question.

Edited by Integrity
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now that said i can see, like, putting dozens of hours into fucking electricity and magnetism because you have to for a degree and not enjoying it, but that's a category of things strictly separate from "leisure time" because fuck e&m

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