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Metal Gear Rising: My thoughts, SO FAR


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Ever since last year, I was pretty into this game. I didn't have it, but I watched videos of it a ton...at least, of boss battles- And it's AMAZING soundtrack (shoutouts to Raven for making a topic about one song in particular, duuuuuuude). Can you believe, that thanks to that, I started taking interest in the game and later the whole series?

Anyway, bought it like 3 months ago, but only just recently got to play it consistently (I don't have a PS3, but I played at a friend's house for a few days when I got it). I play it on PC now, so it's well within my reach to play consistently.

My thoughts of the game so far:

I'm not much of a gamer myself, so what may seem like your average action, "hack n' slash", mindless button-masher game for others, this feels pretty damn badass to me. Especially with that soundtrack. 'dat, sountrack. But this isn't a review about the soundtrack (which would be an easy 19/10). I really like the pace of the game, it feels pretty quick, the soundtrack really enhances the mood, you look forward to fighting the enemies, you can cut through many stuff (not very important, but it's a fun touch). What I don't like about it so far, is that it feels kind of...easy. Kind of. Not in the way that it doesn't challenge me (since I'm still new to this game), but in the way that you can get away with many things by mashing buttons at times (not saying it works all the time, but more often than not) and it feels a bit "automatic": There are parts where you overwhelm enemies and you have to either mash one button or a mix of two (like X + Y) to enter a scene where you hurl the enemies around (again, that's badass).

I'm loving it so far, but it's also because I'm a simple guy when it comes to criticism and for love of the concept and story of the game.

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I'm playing on Hard Mode and even I find it a little easy...I wish there was more skill involved. It's my only, TINY complaint. Still have a lot fun with it. I also forgot to mention, the cutscenes and dialogue are lovely. Just like MGS (I only played the first one, and just have a lot of fun with the codecs).

I don't know what awaits me later on, but I want to go through it with rather basic customizations to Raiden's body. Like, I'd only be adding skills (for more combat options and fluidness) and changing the way his body looks just for the looks, really. I don't want to give him stuff like infinite HP, capped Str and stuff like that (I'm exaggerating, but you get the deal).

Edited by The Gluttony
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Yeah this game wasn't designed to be taken too seriously, just supposed to be mindless fun and an awesome blast. They definitely had fun designing this as we had fun playing it.

the OST is actually great, it's not just mindless metal music, there's a lot of dynamic behind it. It slows down and speeds up and has quite a lot of variety within the piece. I really like the Soundtrack because it's not your typical guitar grinder like your typical Tales game or whatever.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Something I find interesting about this game is that it's by far the most crazy Metal Gear game in the series, but it's actually by far the tamest game by Platinum Games, the folks who made it.

Not knocking the game by any means, it's one of my favorites, just making an observation.


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I'm sad that I haven't had the chance to buy and play it yet. It's available on the PSN store for a reasonable sum of money, but I haven't had the time to dedicate myself to the PS3 for a while considering everything else like work, League, Smash, etc. I would buy and play it through Steam, but I'm not sure if my computer will be able to handle it.

But the soundtrack, if it hasn't been mentioned enough yet. It's pretty fucking great.

"The fuck?!"

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We can't speak about the MGR soundtrack without bringing out Collective Consciousness.

Yes, the game is awesome and it also introduced me to the Metal Gear series. I want more games with this kind of gameplay, preferably with Raiden as the protagonist. Also, the story may be weak compared to the other games, but I can't say I disliked it. Terrorists discussing about philosophy in the middle of the rain/desert? This is awesome.

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i found the soundtrack to be kinda shite but with very high peaks (RULES OF NATURE) even if only due to their absurdity. the writing and the voice acting are downright fucking awful and it hurts so good. the gameplay is fucking ridiculous, retarded, and fun as all shit. i love this game so much. everything bad about it is actually good.

edit: i'm gonna get shit for saying i don't like the soundtrack but you can suck my dick. it's like shitty metalcore meets shitty wubstep

Edited by fuccboi
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To each their own, I found it considerably more nuanced than most of that kinda crap that I hear


Edited by Lord Raven
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i found the soundtrack to be kinda shite but with very high peaks (RULES OF NATURE) even if only due to their absurdity. the writing and the voice acting are downright fucking awful and it hurts so good. the gameplay is fucking ridiculous, retarded, and fun as all shit. i love this game so much. everything bad about it is actually good.

edit: i'm gonna get shit for saying i don't like the soundtrack but you can suck my dick. it's like shitty metalcore meets shitty wubstep

'dat edgy

I'm able to respect your opinion on the music (SURPRISINGLY), but FOR SOME REASON, I can't have you saying that about the voice-acting.

A two-finger salute to you.

More on-topic: I can't find myself advancing without getting pure S-ranks. That's why I turtle the game.

Edited by Juliet
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'dat edgy

I'm able to respect your opinion on the music (SURPRISINGLY), but FOR SOME REASON, I can't have you saying that about the voice-acting.

A two-finger salute to you.

More on-topic: I can't find myself advancing without getting pure S-ranks. That's why I turtle the game.

the voice acting is objectively horrible, and i love it. come on, are you really able to keep a straight face whenever raiden mumbles something?

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It's camp, or Platinum brand camp (totally fucking gonzo) x Kojima brand camp ("I know that cyborg ninja just pirouetted off a building and a wall of missiles, but... is he... might they be serious?"), at any rate.

What would an AI know about freedom, Nanomachines son, etc. It's not eloquent but they know exactly what they're doing

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the voice acting is objectively horrible, and i love it. come on, are you really able to keep a straight face whenever raiden mumbles something?

Isn't it Quinton Flynn just hamming it up for the game? I wouldn't say it's horrible if it does what it's meant to do.

Raidens voice was good in past games (save "we've managed to avoid DROWNING!")

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the voice acting is objectively horrible, and i love it. come on, are you really able to keep a straight face whenever raiden mumbles something?

Raiden's voice is badass. How can you take yourself seriously.

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