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Is there any chapter that is just frustrating?


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Right now, it's chapter 16. I've tried the chapter multiple times, and I can't seem to do it without losing someone, forcing me to go all the way back to the beginning. And this is not a short chapter.

Edited by jdb1984
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Ch 2 on Lunatic mode

Ch 3 on Lunatic +

Ch 7 for rear enemy reinforcement

Ch 9 for rear enemy reinforcement

Ch 16 for multiple rear & side enemy reinforcements

Ch 17 due to multiple enemy spawn points & 30+ speed Valkeries

Ch 18 due to claustrophobic

Ch 20 for rear enemy bum rushing you

Ch 21 for enemy spawn points and Mire Sorcerers

Ch 24 for Swordbreaker Wyvern Lords

Paralogue 1 Lunatic+ Counter/Pass Archers preventing Donnel the exp

Paralogue 3 annoying villagers

Paralogue 11 annoying wyverns homing in on villagers

Paralogue 13 only if selecting 3rd option to fight both sides

Paralogue 16 annoying traps

Paralogue 17 meatshield formation & galeforce A-team

Paralogue 18 stop being emo Gangrel

Paralogue 22 Persona 4 challenge: your true self

Paralogue 23 giant army

Lunatic+ mode = all frustrating chapters

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Anyone who tries Lunatic(+) without knowing what they're up against will get hammered by the Prologue, no exceptions.

Most of the people who do know what they're up against, especially if they're packing a -Def Avatar, will get a headache from Cht.2 and 3.

Any chapter in Lunatic(+) where you realize you've been overleveling Fred and now must either restart or use DLC.

And any chapter you manage to die on after turn 3 with Battle animations on, due to them taking quite some time. Restarts are much more tolerable if you turn them off.

I have quite a bit of patience for this game, but these are some of the most common ones people fall into.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I remember Chapter.24 and Chapter.21 being a nightmare in Lunatic , and is even worse if you don't grind , i didn't grind in that file , so i everytime get headaches because of those chapters , i remember giving up on Chapter.21 and soloing it with Sorcerer Nosferatu Avatar ( please don't judge me D: ) , in Chapter.24 i was lucky , 22MT Silver Weapons are just insane

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Chapter 2 Lunatic

Chapter 3 Lunatic

Chapter 8 (Stupid desert filler)

Chapter 13 (Only upside is Henry)

Chapter 19 Hard, Lunatic

Chapter 21 (Sooooooo filler)

Chapter 24 (Worst chapter near endgame since...I don't even know. Maybe 4-4 fromRadiant Dawn)

Also Paralogue 2 Lunatic

Paralogue 3 for retarded villagers

Paralogue 7

Paralogue14 for being hard

Edited by Blaze The Great
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The chapter that has caused me, personally, the most headache was C5 L+. C3 with Armin/Chrom only was a NIGHTMARE to never again be repeated, and Chapter 2 perpetually holds a special place in my heart for being hell.

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While I don't find any chapter hard (except for Chapter 2/3 Lunatic, the reason I've never finished a run on Lunatic) I find Nah's paralogue to be exceptionally annoying due to all the moving walls.

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Future Past 1, if you want all four of the girls to survive. Practically every turn, a set of enemies spawns from one of the staircases that can one-round one of the girls with ease. You literally have to block ALL of the staircases before you can focus on the actual map itself, and that is annoying as hell. It's the only map I really don't find remotely fun at all.

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Paralogue 13 is a pain in the ass but that's only because I can't bring myself to only face one army when the option to fight both is right there. It's like a big red button. And of course that means struggling to reach Yarne without him throwing himself at you to get killed.

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Paralogue 13 is a pain in the ass but that's only because I can't bring myself to only face one army when the option to fight both is right there. It's like a big red button. And of course that means struggling to reach Yarne without him throwing himself at you to get killed.

Really? He's easily within flying range of your units. All you have to do is make Panne a wyvern rider/lord and boom, recruitment.

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Lunatic+ Chapter 5, at the moment. Actually Chapter 5 in general. It's a pain in the ass on Lunatic(+), and the closest thing Hard has to a difficult earlygame map.

Tiki's Paralogue is tricky too. I haven't even tried it above Hard, but it's still been frustrating. I'm not sure how fair it is to count Paralogues though, since they can be saved for later, and most of them don't seem like they were designed to be played right after unlocking them. On the other hand you don't have a lot of choice if you want to use Tiki or certain children before really late game.

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Lunatic+ Chapter 5, at the moment. Actually Chapter 5 in general. It's a pain in the ass on Lunatic(+), and the closest thing Hard has to a difficult earlygame map.

Tiki's Paralogue is tricky too. I haven't even tried it above Hard, but it's still been frustrating. I'm not sure how fair it is to count Paralogues though, since they can be saved for later, and most of them don't seem like they were designed to be played right after unlocking them. On the other hand you don't have a lot of choice if you want to use Tiki or certain children before really late game.

Now that I think about it, would it even be fair to mention DLC chapters? I doubt it.

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Huh, I didn't think of that. I wasn't trying to criticize anyone else's choice; sorry if that's what it sounded like.

It didn't sound like that at all - I just noticed someone mentioned a DLC map.

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It didn't sound like that at all - I just noticed someone mentioned a DLC map.

Yeah, well, Future Past 1 is frustrating no matter what, unless you've grinded a lot for eight parents that don't get much use by the time you have the children, hence why I mentioned it.

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Unpleasant all the time:

2 on both L and L+

3 on L+

5 on L and L+

Not entirely frustrating every time, but I had a less-than-pleasant experience with due to factors within my run:

21 on L+: Pure bowteam made it hard to push through quickly, which normally isn't that big of deal thanks to my team's high defense, but then there's Mire.

23 on L+: I lowmanned L+ with just Chromatar and LucinaMorgan (though Lucina and Morgan had separate support units until this chapter). Usually I have Chrom supporting Lucina since avatar works with everyone, and I have Fred on Morgan, but since I wanted everyone alive and Chrom/MU's stuck behind the barrier I had to make Lucina solo it (praise Aether) with Morgan as her support partner instead so the barrier doesn't come down until the enemies die. Annoying as shit.

24 on L: Granted I solved the problem eventually by just deploying MU, Sully, Lucina, and their partners, instead of the full team (and Libra on fortify somewhere out of the way), but I kept on trying to do it with the full team and Morgan was pretty defense screwed and Panne saw too many effectives that chapter. So I kept on trying but failing until I just undeployed half the team. Had a much smoother experience on L+.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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