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FE Awakening Lunatic Tier List

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Congrats on the DLC use.

I've beaten Lunatic+ Classic... which requires Lunatic Classic to be cleared in order to be unlocked in the first place. In fact, my 2 images of my Streetpass team in my signature are taken from my Lunatic+ Classic file.

Not sure I should put forth the effort to justify myself and cite my already year old activity because some new member doesnt feel like reading and using the search function. What do you think? I like hearing educated input from quality representatives of the human race, as I'm not man enough to post it here, as you young kids say. I've been practicing using my funky fresh vocabulary, though. Does that add to my apparently lacking testosterone levels?

Also good to hear that youere used to being insulted. You sound pretty tough, and smart as well. Can you give me advice for more self-imposed challenges to add to my list of runs? I'm in need of new ideas and yours sound pretty fresh and unexplored.

I'd still rename your thread what I suggested. Have you considered it? I'll leave out the legalities if you act now. A rare deal, but one should not let pass by on any given fortnight.

The way you try to sound like you're not justifying yourself is cute.

This feels like arguing with Sazuke back in the glory old days on Gamefaqs.

You sound like one of those kids who dropped out of high school. I mean, you don't even know the basics of essay writing. Presenting evidence to back up your claims.

Edited by gochooindontgo
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Congrats on the DLC use.

The way you try to sound like you're not justifying yourself is cute.

You sound like one of those kids who dropped out of high school. I mean, you don't even know the basics of essay writing. Presenting evidence to back up your claims.


Thank you targeting other people on the forum with insults with how sure of yourself you are of your achievements, especially considering how much you assume people who criticize you grind and use DLC.

You come into the community hoping to "contribute your knowledge", and yet when faced with criticism, you try to elevate your own views about those of the veterans? That's not a way to be welcomed, that's a way to get shunned.

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Thank you targeting other people on the forum with insults with how sure of yourself you are of your achievements, especially considering how much you assume people who criticize you grind and use DLC.

You come into the community hoping to "contribute your knowledge", and yet when faced with criticism, you try to elevate your own views about those of the veterans? That's not a way to be welcomed, that's a way to get shunned.

That's cute. Alright, let's see how my one semester of Japanese translates this.

Hon(to)? I'm guessing ni tada no baka da ke sa. Lol. Cute.

I'm pretty sure if we're discussing something, it's good to have something to back up your statements. Too bad no1 backed up anything they've said. This community reminds me of the LoL community. Bunch of gold players trying to talk about theory and crap or the "competitive e-sports scene". They don't know wtf they're talking about, make wild claims based on bs, and provide no replays to back up their bs. Neither do they have the skills or the rank.

Edited by gochooindontgo
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I'm not quite positive where you think leveling insults will get you, but I can assure you it's not very far.
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That's cute. Alright, let's see how my one semester of Japanese translates this.

Hon(to)? I'm guessing ni tada no baka da ke sa. Lol. Cute.

I'm pretty sure if we're discussing something, it's good to have something to back up your statements. Too bad no1 backed up anything they've said. This community reminds me of the LoL community. Bunch of gold players trying to talk about theory and crap or the "competitive e-sports scene". They don't know wtf they're talking about, make wild claims based on bs, and provide no replays to back up their bs. Neither do they have the skills or the rank.

You know, a while ago I almost posted saying that people were being a little too harsh, but I'm glad I didn't. You're being way more of an ass than anyone else here. I guess they saw through you before I did. I will happily admit that you are probably a more skilled (less unskilled?) player than I am, so I'm not in a position to attack your abilities. Just your personality. Edited by isetrh
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I'm not quite positive where you think leveling insults will get you, but I can assure you it's not very far.

It's not an insult. I geniunely find these posts to be very cute. Just like yours.

You know, a while ago I almost posted saying that people were being a little too harsh, but I'm glad I didn't. You're being way more of an ass than anyone else here. I will happily admit that you are probably a more skilled (less unskilled?) player than I am, so I'm not in a position to attack your abilities. Just your personality.

Let's talk after you finish your first Lunatic+ run. Oh wait, chapter 5, you gave units imba stat ups, and still having trouble? kid, please. Is every1 else in the community using imba stat ups from renown, and claiming they're ltc'ing lunatic like a boss? You've already gone through 2 seals chapter 5, and still having trouble.

Edited by gochooindontgo
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Hey. Guys.

Personal attacks, also known as flaming, is explicitly not allowed. Flame-baiting is also not allowed. This has gone WAY past the realm of sarcasm. Cool your shit or I'm locking this thread.

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Congrats on the DLC use.

Did you ask if he used DLC, or are you using your powers of Extrasensory Perception to just know that he has DLC? Your intellectual capabilities are surpassing my expectations; I'm genuinely impressed.

The way you try to sound like you're not justifying yourself is cute.

I don't usually do this but...I'd love it if you'd call me cute again. You see, I've recently become single, and well I've been feeling awfully lonely. The way in which you communicate reminds me of my ex, who constantly complimented my on my eyelashes, telling me "You should quit using makeup on them, it makes me feel like I have to compete for attention that you get with all of the cosmetics you use". When I mentioned that I didn't use any cosmetics, for the umpteen billionth time (just a rough estimate), my ex always responded in shock, and even showed a little bit of envy. It was always amusing to see the reaction, because it was often followed by a "I'm leaving. Bye" or a "Don't forget to go to the post office. We're expecting that package and you need to sign for it." You see, that package that we were always expecting was never actually coming, but it gave my an excuse to appear more responsible than I actually was. I would use that time to instead go out and get flowers, or do some extra shopping or other errands that adults like me have to do, and get back home early to plan a surprise dinner or something else that might bring about a smile. When I would be finished, my spouse-at-the-time would come through the door and look at the surprise of the day that I had planned, and would always say "the way that you're not justifying yourself is cute." It never made sense, as it would be the first thing said before I could even say any sort of greeting such as "welcome home" or "hit any squirrels on the way home, dear?" Regardless, I always found it flattering, because those compliments came constantly, after every surprise. Eventually, my constant showering of unique event after unique event became mundane, and soon those particular compliments ceased to leave the lips of my beloved. Trying to change up my strategy, I decided to instead plan nothing, because me not doing anything surprising would be the biggest surprise of it all. I kept to that credo, and after days and days of the same unexpected plan, it became just too much to stand. I would probably feel the same way, having my expectations repeatedly met by having the unexpected happen time and time again. Just recently, I signed papers indicating that our divorce would be final, and that we would be splitting everything straight down the middle. Imagine the surprise! As per usual, a given and received response was "Still seems that the way you're not justifying yourself is cute." My spouse might even share that while looking over my shoulder at the various things that I would be doing for my job, or here in some spare time on Serenes Forest. I loved seeing my spouse's reaction to me openly sharing our private insecurities, and especially loved to see the reaction of an enduring fandom of the Fire Emblem series find weeks worth of joy in both participating in and mimicking my own creations. After all the years of our time-honored marriage, I knew that the biggest shock would be to end it, as it was secretly wanted by the other party, but never openly declared. To add to the surprise, I explained the contextual inaccuracies of the "cute" statement that I had been on the receiving end for just so many years. It's been a long week, but I think that the two of us have made amends, and are committed to no longer catching one another off guard with unanticipated surprises.

I do miss the compliments though, and hearing it from you just reminded me of what I once enjoyed.

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Disregarding the fact that neither I nor any other member participating in this discussion posted an essay, the quote of mine you most recently used did not contain a claim at all, it contained a comparison, showcasing my opinion that the inelegant prose in this topic is of a similar style to the uncouth and boisterous ramblings of the Gamefaqs user SazukeEX, but with an absurd tier list being shoved in our faces instead of Sazuke's "Vaike!Kjelle is best Kjelle" mentality.

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