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I was looking for a place to download MJ1990's RageFest hacks, and arrived at SF, and noticed the "Forums" tab. I had been to SF plenty in the past but only then did I notice the forums section and chat.

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because I am a pathetic loser with no life =)

to talk about fire emblem


but yeah, I came here because I had just gotten into FE because of my cousin and like "oh look a forum" and yeah, stuff HAPPENED

and i spent 1 year in IPC

wow im a loser

Edited by Kisara
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Because the FE drafts seemed so fun and the community awesome.

Thankful that I did, I met all kinds of awesome people. People I'd be willing to consider brothers and sisters.

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I just played FE:A, my third FE, and decided to just come here to meet others who like the game.

Call this cliche'd if you want but I was actually alone with my 3DS and FE:A; no one else played FE:A with a similar fervor and love.

So yeah, I came here to both learn more about other FEs and talk with other people about FE which soon extended to talks about other stuff that also fit some of my mutual interests. I honestly wouldn't have stayed long, but then I realized how fun these people were. Talking to a bunch of random strangers on the internet about eugenics, lunatic, and waifus has never been this fun.

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Several reasons.

1) I lurked for a while, but holy hell I never found myself not laughing. I read a shit ton of RTUs and some of them had hilarious hilarious and informative ratings (Sigurd and Wendy come to mind).

2) The quality of discussion here is very high. The forums are well moderated and shit flinging piss contests are kept to absolute minimum.

3) I can fucking use swear words. I'm so abusing this privilege.

4) Since I started with Awakening, I wanted to learn more about the series. I mean actually learn more, not just ask "which fire emblem do I play next?". I've learned an entire meta from this site. I've seen each Fire Emblem game played masterfully, and it has helped me to become a better player.

5) Coming from GFaqs to this site was like moving from a hut to a mansion.

6) This forum is huge! I've only recently started exploring all the different sub forums and now FFtF has consumed my soul.

So yeah, I really like this place. Kind of my go to forum when I'm not on the bodybuilding forum Misc section.

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because I was really fucking bored one day

I may have been bedridden at the time

also probably because I've played more FE games than basically any other series

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Because watching people have waifu/husbando wars are hilarious, so I figured that going directly to the collosseum was the best was to observe these "debates" firsthand. 4chan is too full of b8s and trolls to drag the actual ragers out like sheep to a slaughter.

So far, it has been a smashing success.

also because vudeo gems, iunno

Edited by Groyer
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Discovered the place, lurked for a few days, came up with the conclusion that the Awakening sub-forum could answer any troubles I would probably have during my first Lunatic run, thus I made an account

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Old online friend (who I've lost contact with years ago) suggested I use this to help me find all the hidden desert items in FE7, after I'd asked him if there's a map because scouring every tile was taking a while.

He then suggested I join the forum since he did too. The forum was new and had about 140 registered members at the time. So I signed up. I had no intention of staying or being active but the people who were already here - and the others that came later - roped me in, and I've stuck around since then.

Because I became active here, I eventually completely dropped my activity from the Official Nintendo Magazine UK forum, as well as a smaller forum that was made of cool people from said ONM UK forum.

A lot of the people I used to hang with back in 2008/2009 have since moved on from SF, which makes me sad.

On a semi-related note, I've just found out that they are ceasing the publication of the Official Nintendo Magazine UK this month, and they are also closing their forums next month.

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