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It's Amiibo time


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Those Splatoon amiibos are looking pretty sweet.

Also, I take it that Mr. Game & Watch's amiibo will be in the last-but-one wave, right?

Game&Watch/Falco/R.O.B./DuckHunt are the final release

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And I'm looking to get Falco and Duck Hunt Dog. I am honestly afraid of how difficult it will be... I mean, my Robin and Charizard seemed easy, but that luck can run right out.

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Well, that's my Smash set of amiibo done. Unless Wolf ends up being DLC, that is

Aw man, congrats~ It's nice hearing people who are actually able to get all the amiibo they want, hehe.

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Got Peach, Zelda, and Wii Fit Trainer. Rosalina and Luma is being shipped. Robin and Lucina to be shipped after Japanese release. And waiting to preorder Palutena and Zero Suit Samus.

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Game&Watch/Falco/R.O.B./DuckHunt are the final release

I think you'll find that Mewtwo, Lucas and the ballot character are going to be the final wave of Smash Bros. amiibo.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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And I'm looking to get Falco and Duck Hunt Dog. I am honestly afraid of how difficult it will be... I mean, my Robin and Charizard seemed easy, but that luck can run right out.

I know that Dark Pit's and Palutena's will. Ness craze has already caused Gamestops servers to fail. (No surprise) Kakarotto is too loved!

For Ness and Jigglypuff, almost no chance at getting these for retail.

Aw man, congrats~ It's nice hearing people who are actually able to get all the amiibo they want, hehe.

Not a Robin for me. But...did get a Pac-man. :3

Robin and Lucina shouldn't stop selling after one shipment because of the Codename S.T.E.A.M game and FE Awakening's successful sales!

Edited by PuffPuff
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Codename S.T.E.A.M successful sales!

This does not compute. The game sold abysmal at 30K on the first month and I do not expect it to do well internationally in Japan or Europe. The amiibos definitely won't help the sales for this game.

Edited by kingddd
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Robin and Lucina shouldn't stop selling after one shipment because of the Codename S.T.E.A.M game and FE Awakening's successful sales!

That should be the case, but unfortunately, it's already just as bad as, if not worse than, the situation for the initial stock of physical retail copies when FE13 first came to America.

My Rosalina amiibo arrived -- woot! Now just waiting on Robin and Lucina and keeping my eye on Palutena and later, ZSS.

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This does not compute. The game sold abysmal at 30K on the first month and I do not expect it to do well internationally in Japan or Europe. The amiibos definitely won't help the sales for this game.

I don't know, Amiibos were the reason I changed my mind on getting the game. I just haven't gotten it yet because I want a New 3DS and my Ike and Robin Amiibos first.

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This does not compute. The game sold abysmal at 30K on the first month and I do not expect it to do well internationally in Japan or Europe. The amiibos definitely won't help the sales for this game.

Nonono, you misunderstand.

The Codename STEAM game

and Awakening's good sales

two separate things

Not a Robin for me. But...did get a Pac-man. :3

Hey, not bad! Those FE characters, though... so slippery

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I can kind of see how some people would be turned off by Codename Steam at first though. I mean, at first, I thought it looked pretty silly. But I gave the demo a try after the Amiibo compatibility was announced, and I wound up enjoying it. So yeah, it's one of those games that just got a weird first glance and just needs to be given a chance.

Edited by Anacybele
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Nonono, you misunderstand.

The Codename STEAM game

and Awakening's good sales

two separate things

It's just the use of the word and that confused me. Programming logic sometimes gets to you.

Anyway here, Kirby is starting to become uncommon now and bestbuy.ca sold out their preorders of wave 4 in a 1 minute preorder window again. Guess I will have to do a hunt on release day. I got my Robin amiibo preordered on Amazon JP but still this is a frustrating experience.

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It IS frustrating. I literally had absolutely 0 chance to get Jigglypuff because both times she was available at Target, I was at work the whole time. it was a miracle this didn't happen with Robin, who I wanted the most out of wave 4.

I'm a bit worried how he'll look in the mail though, I've heard bad things about Best Buy shipping. I mean, I'm an OoB collector (that means out of box), but I'd still be disappointed to see a smashed up box, even if I will keep the Robin inside it. And for all I know, Robin himself could end up damaged too and I'd be unable to get a replacement.

And whoever I get my Ike Amiibo from, whether it's my delayed preorder or not, I definitely don't want the box to be bent and smashed, because even though I'll be taking Ike out of it to use him in games and touch his muscles all day, I want to keep the box because it has his handsome sexy face on it. <3

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So mad props to this guy who made a Female Robin Amiibo from scratch.


Female Robin should have been the official one, not the male one.

I don't think this will happen, but do you think we'll see alternates (Like Male WFT, Female Villager, Alph, etc.) down the line?

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Female Robin should have been the official one, not the male one.

I don't think this will happen, but do you think we'll see alternates (Like Male WFT, Female Villager, Alph, etc.) down the line?

Given the current stock shortages I'd say no. Nintendo themselves underestimated the popularity of them and didn't produce enough of the defaults. Plus if just the regular Robin, WFT, and Villager are hard to find imagine finding their alternates.

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My Toys 'R Us has 2 Greninja left of the 20 they were alloted. I was 8th in line, and braved a fucking Tornado and 3 hours of rain to get into 8th slot in line for it.

Not really, 5/7 of the guys in front of me did though; they were wet though.

Got Greninja in the end. $1 preorder and a receipt with my confirmation number on it. Show back up at the end of May and I'll get that sucker. This means I managed to get all of Wave 4 [Preorder]. Woah my first entire wave~

Edited by Sara.
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Congrats, Sara! That's awesome. ^^

I have a birthday in a week, so I'm kinda hoping someone ordered me Amiibos online as a present. lol I have specifically said Ike, Meta Knight, and Marth too. :P

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Hee hee...

I know how to get these near impossible amiibos. Japan has some in stock for fair prices since no one bothers to come here and that I can read Japanese. If they can deliver in the US, it's all good!



A much better Lucina.

They're going to make this a single store exclusive and it will sell out in seconds worldwide.


Cheap Reflet.





UK's is pretty pricey right now. -.-

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