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It's Amiibo time


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I went on Amazon just to see if MAYBE I could find a Rosalina that's cheap, but no, the bastards want $30-$50 for her. Meanwhile, the common ones are like less than $5. It's total BS.

At least that's better than Shulk and Villager. They're both going from twice to three times the amount that the cheaper-priced Rosalinas are going for ($65 to almost $90, to be precise). So glad I pre-ordered Shulk beforehand.

I don't think NoA was remotely aware of the existance of scalpers and sent out shipments without that being a factor. Hopefully that changes in later waves with recent news of certain scalpers being so widespread now.

Edited by Kiseki
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I was just charged for my Ike and Shulk preorders from Gamestop today so you should be good to go. If not there will be hell to pay from alot of people.

Mine should be fully paid for too, and I haven't gotten word of my preorders being canceled either. So so far, I'm good to go on Ike and Toon Link.

But Rosalina... :(

And they STILL have not opened preorders for set 4! Damn it, I want my Robin before he sells out too!

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, at least Toon Link will get replenished... But Ike, damn, I better NOT lose my preorder on him.

As for Rosalina, I expected as such. Sigh...

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And they STILL have not opened preorders for set 4! Damn it, I want my Robin before he sells out too!

I don't think pre-orders are ever going to open for Wave 4. NoA's probably trying to spite the scalpers who try to spite everyone else. You're going to have to run straight to the store once they're released.

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I don't think pre-orders are ever going to open for Wave 4. NoA's probably trying to spite the scalpers who try to spite everyone else. You're going to have to run straight to the store once they're released.

Still wouldn't do them any good. Whats to say a scalper wouldn't run to the store buy some and just resell them on Amazon or Ebay for higher prices? They would just be staving off what will inevitablly happen with their current practice.

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King Deedle


Anyway as to not be spam, hoary shit the gouging. Wwoowowowowowoow. /patpat everyone

This shit is getting mad.

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Still wouldn't do them any good. Whats to say a scalper wouldn't run to the store buy some and just resell them on Amazon or Ebay for higher prices?

There is no sales risk and no reason to allow one person to command the entire inventory and disappoint other guests.

While the purchase limit was unfortunately not called out in the ad, Target does have a standing policy reserving the rights to limit quantity purchases of any item.

Yeah, not happening. Scalpers will only be able to make use of the one and only figure that they're allowed to purchase (that is, only if this rumor is true).

Edited by Kiseki
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Oh snap, I missed that "King Deedle" bit. lol

I don't think pre-orders are ever going to open for Wave 4. NoA's probably trying to spite the scalpers who try to spite everyone else. You're going to have to run straight to the store once they're released.

What Taco said, unfortunately.

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Yeah, not happening. Scalpers will only be able to make use of the one and only figure that they're allowed to purchase (that is, only if this rumor is true).

Fine fair enough but that only means there will be fewer in supply driving up demand. If I were to go buy a Lucina and Robin (which sell out everywhere immediatly) I sell it on Amazon or Ebay for 60-$70 (believe it or not I've seen them sell for this much) thats still a $50-60 profit. That is money that that consumer could of used to either buy more amiibo from Nintendo or hell even another game. Sides for the scalpers really committed they could just go to the store a couple blocks down buy some there and no one would know. Or better yet if they get in a group send one person in to buy one and then alternate. There's many ways to do this and simply limiting to one person and closing preorders does nothing to help. As long as there is a limited supply and a high demand they will sell and scalpers will take advantage of it any way they can.

Edited by LordTaco42
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Yeah, the scalpers I saw worked as a group of three, so the "one per person" rule wouldn't stop them. Plus, there's the fact that they can buy from multiple stores for the non-exclusive Amiibos due to different stores having different hours (for example, Target opens at 8, Best Buy opens at 9 (I think), and GameStop opens at 10. So a group of three scalpers could buy three of an Amiibo at Target at 8, another three at Best Buy at 9, and another three at Gamestop at 10).

Also, if the "limit one per person" thing was an actual rule at Target, I certainly wasn't informed of it (though it might be because my job is stocking the shelves so I might not be considered someone who needs to know).

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I wonder if Nintendo is actually genuinely really bad at manufacturing as the amiibo and Majora 3DS situation make them look, or if they're actually pulling a smart business move to get people to really care about amiibo. "Want what you can't have", right? If a whole bunch of amiibo suddenly go back in stock I wouldn't be surprised. Getting fans on their toes before they get a chance to actually buy the product seems like a good business move. Of course, the possibility is still there that they're actually just shitty at manufacturing and scalpers intensify it. Who knows. All I'm saying is that if we're at the point when not even pre-orders are being satisfied, either Nintendo's up to something or they're messed up on something.

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I wonder if Nintendo is actually genuinely really bad at manufacturing as the amiibo and Majora 3DS situation make them look, or if they're actually pulling a smart business move to get people to really care about amiibo. "Want what you can't have", right? If a whole bunch of amiibo suddenly go back in stock I wouldn't be surprised. Getting fans on their toes before they get a chance to actually buy the product seems like a good business move. Of course, the possibility is still there that they're actually just shitty at manufacturing and scalpers intensify it. Who knows. All I'm saying is that if we're at the point when not even pre-orders are being satisfied, either Nintendo's up to something or they're messed up on something.

I think they are up to something. Amiibo itself is a business experiment. They arent sure they can compete with Infinity and Skylanders. So they may have created a purposeful supply and demand situation in order to find out if there was demand at all.

If its intentional, im going to chortle and commend Nintendo for shit disturbing on such a level. Either way, they win.

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Pff, I don't ever see anybody buy Skylanders or Disney Infinity figures. Their hooks are always full when I see them, and the Amiibo section always has some empty hooks. Nintendo honestly has nothing to worry about.

Also, people can just buy all three if they want... The figures are cheap.

Edited by Anacybele
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I firmly believe that Nintendo is purposely understocking certain amiibo in order to generate a sense of scarcity and get people to act fast whenever they want to buy one. As soon as some amiibo disappeared from stock, those who had a passing interest in amiibo suddenly became more interested, and knew that when new ones got announced, they need to resort to preorders in order to get a hold of said figurines. It generates higher demand and the word-of-mouth becomes stronger, and while it's a shitty experience for the consumer, it's quite a common (and effective) business tactic.

Oh, and Ana, if you think Skylanders are easy to find now, check out a testimony from someone who experienced Skylanders year one, which is where amiibo are now.

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Yeah, I can't help but feel that a lot of this scarcity smells like marketing. I don't think people would be talking about Amiibos nearly as much as they are if there were millions of them everywhere, and that discussion leads to more interest and more sales, etc. and so forth.

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