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It's Amiibo time


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I don't even have one Amiibo yet, and this is the first I'm hearing about scalpers. The Amiibo situation is truly this intense? Well shit, there goes hopes of getting the few Amiibo I wanted for my birthday. 8U Might have better luck with MM3D.

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Only certain amiibo are being scalped, thus deemed "rare" or whatever.

I have no idea what the criteria is that makes people decide what will be rare or not before they're even released. Because even before Rosalina was announced/released, everyone was like "man, Rosalina's going to be so hard to find" - good fucking job, everyone's just sealed her fate to be picked up by scalpers around the world on her release simply because it's known what will be most sought after.

People are saying exactly the same thing about Lucina. I'll gladly eat my words if Lucina doesn't end up getting targeted by scalpers, but I'm sure you get my point.

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Only certain amiibo are being scalped, thus deemed "rare" or whatever.

I have no idea what the criteria is that makes people decide what will be rare or not before they're even released. Because even before Rosalina was announced/released, everyone was like "man, Rosalina's going to be so hard to find" - good fucking job, everyone's just sealed her fate to be picked up by scalpers around the world on her release simply because it's known what will be most sought after.

People are saying exactly the same thing about Lucina. I'll gladly eat my words if Lucina doesn't end up getting targeted by scalpers, but I'm sure you get my point.

The criteria is mostly any one or two of the following criterias:

The character is not from Pokemon, Kirby, Mario or Zelda

The character is used frequently in Super Smash Bros.

Is a very popular character in that specific series

Retail Store Exclusive

Of course this is case by case for specific characters. The issue is that this is still mostly a problem in North America. Japan and Europe still have a lot of supply of amiibos still sitting in their physical store shelves and they don't have to deal with retail exclusives being setup in stores. It's only their popular online stores is where the rare ones are being sold out.

Edited by kingddd
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A lot of assumptions here. Who truly knows how many amiibos have been shipped globally?

If you can supply me with numbers of amiibos shipped to each region, I'll be satisfied.

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Ha. Try finding the Kirby amiibo in Europe. It's the needle in the haystack.

Seriously, what's this "fat supply" of amiibo Europe and Japan got? Based on the online store sites I've checked, most of the non-common amiibo are sold out there as well.

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The criteria is mostly any one or two of the following criterias:

The character is not from Pokemon, Kirby, Mario or Zelda

The character is used frequently in Super Smash Bros.

Is a very popular character in that specific series

Retail Store Exclusive

Of course this is case by case for specific characters. The issue is that this is still mostly a problem in North America. Japan and Europe still have a lot of supply of amiibos still sitting in their physical store shelves and they don't have to deal with retail exclusives being setup in stores. It's only their popular online stores is where the rare ones are being sold out.

I can make it even easier. Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Pikachu, Link, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Samus, Kirby. Have fun hunting down anything other than those.

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Seriously, what's this "fat supply" of amiibo Europe and Japan got? Based on the online store sites I've checked, most of the non-common amiibo are sold out there as well.

I just keep hearing people say that Amiibos are much more common in those regions. So I thought they got more for some reason.

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I just keep hearing people say that Amiibos are much more common in those regions. So I thought they got more for some reason.

Japan definitely seems to have more than other regions, but Europe doesn't really seem to have more than America per se, just that some of the ones that are rare in the US are less rare there, and vice versa (for example, Kirby seems to be a rare one in Europe despite the fact that I could just go to Target right now and buy one, while some of the ones on Amazon that are impossible to find in the US have a German import as the cheapest option).

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Well, Nintendo needs to know now that the US is the place where Amiibos are the hottest, not their precious Japan. They NEED to send more here.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, Nintendo needs to know now that the US is the place where Amiibos are the hottest, not their precious Japan. They NEED to send more here.

Well, the US is literally larger than Japan. You could fit about 8-9 Japans into one US.

And Kirby is probably the second most unsold amiibo in my area, with Mario and Pikachu tied for first. It's like every country on the market gets an uneven variety of amiibos, with one country taking almost all of one supply from the others.

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And we're probably more populous too. Seriously, I can't believe NoA is sucking so much right now.

Yoshi and Peach have been the most unsold Amiibos where I work. Mario, Link, Zelda, Pikachu, and the others have flown off the shelves in as little as in a week. We had a ton of Peach leftover for awhile and still kinda do and we have a ton of Yoshi right now. I'm probably going to pick up a Yoshi there eventually given that Yoshi's Wooly World will have Amiibo support.

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Pikachu and Kirby have certainly been rare here, and I still haven't seen any Toon Links or Rosalinas in store, though some of the places I've been to haven't had any W3 ones yet. I'm going to do another round of shops in a day or two and see what I can see.

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We haven't gotten any set 3 Amiibos at my work either, but we always get stuff like that kind of late. Still, this may be my best bet if my preorders at GameStop get canceled or preorders for set 4 never open. We DID have Little Mac for about a week or so, same with Diddy. So we could get Robin too. I don't know if we ever had Marth though.

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Well, Nintendo needs to know now that the US is the place where Amiibos are the hottest, not their precious Japan. They NEED to send more here.

Would it kill you to do some research on the subject instead of screaming bias every time something like this comes up? Jesus Christ Ana you should know better by now.

Japan has a guaranteed market for amiibo, especially since they heavily favor merchandise like figures on top of being Nintendo's home market. There was no 100% guarantee with other countries, and with the still lackluster success of the WiiU, they chose to take a conservative stance on the amiibo. Obviously there is more of a market than they anticipated, but that was their choice. Even then, it's only been 3 months since the initial launch, fuck it's not like they can fix everything in a day.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if they ended up releasing more of every figure after the rest of the figures launch and they can sort things out better.

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Well yeah, I never said that Nintendo should've known from the beginning that the US would be the biggest market. I'm saying that NOW it should be clear and that more figures need to be released eventually. And I didn't mean they had to be released like in a month or something. Geez.

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Yeah, why did Europe and Japan get such a fat supply while we Americans only got precious few? It's so unfair!

Well, Nintendo needs to know now that the US is the place where Amiibos are the hottest, not their precious Japan. They NEED to send more here.

You certainly seemed to imply it.

I think they've had enough time to realize that there is much more of a market than what they planned for, but it will still take time for them to remedy the issue. Just give them some time to get their shit together instead of jumping down their throats.

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Something I'd like to think that might have actually happened regarding stock problems is that every country has only one factory that produces the same number of amiibos. With Japan and Europe being naturally smaller than the US, their amiibos can get to more shelves faster while in the US, they're more spread out and things like scalping occur because the US produces the same number of amiibos as Japan and Europe. It naturally makes the overall stock seem "smaller" and rare when they're more spread out.

This is just a mere speculation on my part. I don't even know what's really going on.

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^That's a possibility. But whatever the case, I do hope that this situation gets rectified, as I do still really want a Rosalina Amiibo (as well as the other Amiibos I have my eye on that I could miss out on initially).

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Europe is smaller in land mass than North America, but is more populous. This means more unique shops selling amiibos, so amiibos are more spread out from shop to shop, city to city, country to country. It wouldn't surprise me if certain amiibos won't be seen anywhere in some European countries - particulaly Eastern European countries where Nintendo products are not very popular.

Edited by Raven
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Apparently Germany is acting as some sort of western amiibo mecca. Ill be honest, if i cant find a Robin out here in the states, ill buy from German or Scandinavian stores. (as long as the price isnt fucking ridiculous)

So i did pester Gamestop today and that poor woman had no idea about when any wave 3 are coming in indefinitely. Other than Bowser, they got nothin'. I told her i heard the 13th, she just shrugged and said maybe. Gathering from her expression about the subject, she's been approached about it more than once. She was pretty damn glad i wasnt irate about it, cuz you know how nerd rage (and angry soccer moms) can be. Now its the waiting game.

Out of the Kirby franchise, its Kirby himself thats not scarce. It looks like Dedede is going to be on short supply. MetaKnight being an exclusive will be your nightmare.

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Really bad news, guys. Rosalina isn't on Target's website anymore. She's gone. We'll never see her again. :( (at least the Smash version. She might eventually join the Super Mario series)

I can conclude this, because the site still lists Ike, but that he is sold out. If Rosalina was simply only sold out, she'd still be there too. But her not being there anymore means that not only is she told out, but also that Target is not expecting more shipments of her.

I really want to say fuck you again, Nintendo, if you really aren't going to replenish her.

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