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It's Amiibo time


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Ana, if they cancelled your preorder, they will refund you. You did not lose your money.

Also...please note that the closing of preorders does not mean cancellation. It means they are no longer accepting preorders and that shipping has begun. You will likely have your Ike soon. If it was an in-store preorder (not online), they will call you either way.



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How, though, if they're not even sending me so much as an email saying that they're refunding my money?

EDIT: It was an online preorder. I wasn't taking any chances with this one.

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FYI, I didn't get notified right away. It wasn't until a whole two hours after I got off school when I received the email. There's always tomorrow if you don't get called today.

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I haven't gotten any emails or calls about my Shulk amiibo yet (unless that one missed call was from GameStop, but I doubt it), but I'm not freaking out over it because if it comes it'll come and if not I'll probably get a refund. Either way, flipping out and screaming isn't going to solve anything. If you're so certain your order got canceled, double check with the store. If it really did get canceled, then secure an Ike through import or ask someone if they're willing to help you out.

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Well, maybe I shouldn't have "screamed" but I have every right to be upset.

I just checked the info page on my Ike preorder again, and it says that it did not ship. The number under "total shipped" is zero. That confirms the cancelation, I'm pretty sure.

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If you're so concerned about your amiibo order being cancelled, then email GameStop or call them up or something and ask them what it means. You may be upset right now, but you're not going to learn any more than you already know about the state of your order if you just scream at an internet board instead of doing what you can to find out what is going on.

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My Sheik, Toon Link, and Shulk all just shipped today. Meanwhile, MegaMan, Ike, and Sonic are all on backorder/delayed statust I haven't gotten anything saying that they have been canceled yet but all have been payed in full.

@Ana if its any consulation I'm kinda in the same boat with Ike. You can actually go to Amazon right now and Ikes are still pretty cheap hovering around $26 tops for the Japanese editions.

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But I am 100% confident. Trust me, I hope to God that I am wrong, believe me. But I just don't see how it's possible.

I'm calm now though. I can still hope that someday Ike gets another shipment just like Marth...

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I don't want a Japanese one though. I know they're not region-locked, but still. I would just rather have an American one for some reason.

lol as if we dont know that reason. *eyes emoji*

Hell, i doubt my amiibo orders are canceled, but im not adverse to looking abroad for them if i cant get em here. (Robin....)

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Well, anyone that hasn't preordered Ike may be too late. GameStop has him listed as no longer available. I'm very glad I preordered him when I did.

So have I. :)

If it's exclusive to one shop for NA, how would it be distributed across Europe?

Ooh, Rosalina and Luma look great! ^^

I wish preorders for her were available right now... And that the nearest Target to me wasn't all the way across town. But I know some others who want her are worse off (like you, Florina. Sucks that you don't have a Target at all. D:), so I'll be grateful if I do manage to get my hands on her.

So like

how the fuck are people here gonna get a Rosalina & Luma amiibo outside of importing from NA?

Is why I've ordered mine for 49.99 on E-Bay yesterday! :)

Does anyone know if they're region-locked?

People are saying they're not region-locked.

(By the creators themselves)

No problem.

Also, I am like, the only person who had trouble finding a Yoshi amiibo?

It took me forever to find one.

Like none of the stores around here had any and I only found one very recently.

It took luck for me to find one in a Target store yesterday! 13 dollar obtain. Yoink.

we're pretty much screwed with the Rosalina Target Canada Preorder right now. They claimed since they already paid for the rights they should in theory get it before the liquidation but it's almost starting soon and there has been no update on the situation for anything and Nintendo of Canada and Target still would not comment about the situation. Making the preorder situations difficult for a lot of Canadian customers.

Not to mention the amount of amiibos on Amazon Canada are going for ridiculous prices from a bunch of third party sellers.

Damn scalpers.

My gosh, looks you can't preorder the Super Mario Toad amiibo on amazon anymore, that was short lived @_@

You can now!

I think I've bought like four out of my current like 12 (which includes Mac, Falcon, Marth, and Pit) in stores the rest I've ordered online via amazon or gamestop. Hell I had to shell out $40 for the Rosalina one for my little sis's b-day. Its literally like Nintendo is saying "no its ok we don't want your money".

Why they have poor stocks of these items, no one knows. .___.

I think its the other way around. We have scalpers because there is no NOA online store. :P

Looks that way.

Amiibo wave 3 is here at last! (Some of them, at least.) I went to target this morning and got Rosalina.


I'm glad I went early, they only had 2 left. (I got there 8:15)

Good luck hunting everyone!

Lucky you.
I had to get mine for 50 dollars on E-Bay. Especially, since they're gone now, period!

Aw, nice haul guys! I'm glad you were able to get Rosalina, Ray~ ;D

Things were pretty nasty at my Target. There's some crazy people hunting amiibos... @_@ Me and my friends go there just before the store opened, but we weren't able to get a Rosalina, there were too many people waiting in line in front of us. Good luck to anyone trying to get their hands on one!

I'm so sick and tired of everything I want being gone in seconds.

I fucking hate everyone right now, especially Nintendo. You guys have Rosalina and my local Target is picked clean of her even though the guy said they got like 30 of her. Granted, I WANTED to be there earlier, but my mom forgot and I didn't think Rosalina would sell THAT fast here.

This is utter bullshit. Fuck you, NoA, FUCK YOU!

I was told from them in every Target I went to (2 of them) that they replied with them selling out in less than 5 minutes.

Amazon.co.uk has Rosalinas going for £44.50, that equates to $67.18, according to Google. I haven't visited any shops that may sell Rosalina amiibos, but I'd imagine they are all sold out thanks to scalpers. It's ridiculous. Nearly as bad as the GameCube adapter situation, and it rubs me the wrong way. But all I can do is place a preorder and hope for the best - the best being the shop prioritising their preorders over free amiibos on their shop shelves.

A one/two per person policy really needs to be put in place. The shops are cowards for not taking a stand against scalping. No, as long as they sell their stock and get their moneys, they don't give a fuck about people with qenuine intentions to keep and use them for themselves/gift as presents to others. Quite sad, really

They actually have that policy now. :)

you mean like me

I hate to ask my mom to go to Target each time, just cause it's so much farther away than the mall / GameStop. It's a good thing my brother pre-ordered Ike. I hope I'll find a Rosalina someday. I went today, and she wasn't there.

I checked earlier today, and Rosalina was up for ordering on the Target website, but I'll have to check again right now and not miss my chance! I really want that Rosalina amiibo!

EDIT: Darn... that was quick. Either Target took down Rosalina pre-orders again, or she could be sold out within half a day.

That it is worse that they are available for only a limited time and having no choice otherwise to use the amazon, e-bay, etc after they go out of print.

I'm glad I got to preorder Ike and Toon Link myself. I would be HELLA upset if I couldn't get my hands on the former. And quite upset if i couldn't get the latter either. Toon Link is adorbs.

My mom asked her friend from Arizona, but I think her friend was too late. She didn't even know about the Rosalina Amiibos until my mom mentioned them to her. Still, I appreciate that my mom tried, she knew how upset I was and how much I wanted this figure. And how I've been going through frustration with this.

Why HASN'T NoA taken the hint? Yeah, they're bringing more Marth. But that's it. Marth isn't the only Amiibo in demand here. I bet they're stressed too, but none of this is helping a lot of people!

This is a very good idea. Sure, some people might argue "first come, first serve" and shit, but scalpers are still horrible, greedy people. Kids that want these Amiibos can't expect their parents to be willing to pay so much money for one little figure, and these kids are likely going to be after more than one.

Unfortunately, all we can hope for is that people don't buy from these scalpers and make these scalpers realize how stupid they are and that nobody is going to pay their insane prices.

Indeedy. -.-


Someone came in today.

apologies for not very good quality my phone sucks and lighting in my room sux


Really bad news, guys. Rosalina isn't on Target's website anymore. She's gone. We'll never see her again. :( (at least the Smash version. She might eventually join the Super Mario series)

I can conclude this, because the site still lists Ike, but that he is sold out. If Rosalina was simply only sold out, she'd still be there too. But her not being there anymore means that not only is she told out, but also that Target is not expecting more shipments of her.

I really want to say fuck you again, Nintendo, if you really aren't going to replenish her.

They have them cheap now at E-Bay/Amazon for around 30ish to 40ish. But...at this point, we aren't going to have a choice. I've spent 50 on her. No regrets.

I'm not sure if this has been linked here before, but apparently even Sakurai himself is having trouble collecting them all (so much for the theory that they're all really easy to find in Japan).

Of course, I probably wouldn't be trying to collect them all if they weren't so hard to get. After getting Villager (which ended up being a smart move on my part) and Link to test out the Amiibo features in SSB4, I originally only intended on getting Shulk, Bowser, Lucina, and Duck Hunt Dog (hopefully my Gamestop at least has enough Shulks to fill the pre-orders. Lucina and Duck Hunt Dog are going to be a serious pain to get, too), but now I want to have a complete collection. I mean, I'm kind of upset that the Toys 'R Us near me went out of business early last month so that I can't get Lucario's Amiibo, and I hate Lucario.

Indeed. Cuz, I'll have to spend around 60+ for mine now since they're gone forever. The challenge for getting some of these adds more to their value that people online will spend those insane prices on those high demanding ones.

I'm not trying to collect them all, it just so happens that many of the ones I want are being released in stupidly low quantities. -____-

But damn, if even Sakurai is having trouble with these, we DO have a problem here.

Why Nintendo Of America doesn't improve their stock on these?! No one knows. -.-

Guys, I just got an email from Gamestop saying that my Shulk Amiibo has shipped!


It'll be a dream come true to have that happen with my Ike one.


Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK, NINTENDO. GameStop too.

I just checked my order history and my Ike Amiibo order is closed! WTF, I didn't receive an email about this or ANYTHING! I'm getting TIRED of this bullshit and I was looking forward to using my Ike Amiibo in Codename Steam. This was fully paid for too and now I've lost my fucking money. THANKS A FUCKING LOT, ALL OF YOU.


I waited years for an official Ike figure to be made. And when one finally is, and I preorder it very early (way back in early December), I STILL CAN'T FUCKING GET IT. You guys don't know how much this hurts... I'm honestly in tears. Ike is my favorite video game character besides Luigi!

This puts me at worry now that mine was already backordered. -.-

When the page says "Closed", it means the order is being shipped. I can confirm this with my Shulk pre-order. You don't need to worry.

You could be right!

That's only if I put it to have it shipped to my house, which I didn't. I prefer to go to the store to get my stuff because I usually get it faster that way. There's no need to ship it anywhere in this case (besides the store itself).

Besides, you said you got an email about it. I didn't get one.

Therefore, the only possible explanation is that my order's been canceled just like that.

That usually happens when people Pre-Order too late. -.-

If you're that hell-bent on getting an Ike amiibo, you will be willing to import.

American. European. Japanese. They are all exactly. The. Same.

Which I'll have to do for Shulk's since his American ones are too expensive online.



Already waiting for the Luigi version two amiibo as it looks MUCH better than the Smash one.
Already ordered my Toad amiibo. Only ones left to get for me now are...
-Yoshi (Hard to get! Got at Target as there were two left there. Every other store had none available. For everything!)
-Rosalina (Hard to get! Needed for Mario Party 10 and everything else!)
-Marth (Impossible without online right now. Needed for everything and Code Name S.T.E.A.M!)
To get
-Luigi(2nd version. Ah. Why not?)
-Villager(Online exclusive now as it is out of print. For everything!)
-Ike(Pre-Ordered! It's on backorder due to the demand being strong right now and lack of supplies! Needed for everything and Code Name S.T.E.A.M!)
-Shulk (It's very rare. Good luck with this one! For Xenoblade and Smash Bros.)
-Robin(Not out yet, but will pre-order immediately the moment it becomes available to pre-order. He's for Code Name S.T.E.A.M!)
-Toad(Pre-Ordered! For Mario Party 10 and Hyrule Warriors!)
-Link(Needed for Hyrule Warriors as he gets bonus attacks from other games like Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess! Thankfully, it's easy to get!)
-Ness(Not out yet, but will try to get this for 13 dollars as you can use this in Mario Kart 8! For Smash, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Party 10, etc.)
-Pac-Man(Not out yet, but will try to get this for 13 dollars. Everything!)
-Lucina(For Code Name S.T.E.A.M!)
Makes me glad that I've obtained mine on E-Bay yesterday!
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The absolute worst thing you could do is give in and pay fourfold the original price to scalpers. It encourages them to do it more.

They can't get more than two though since they only limit to two per person.

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They can't get more than two though since they only limit to two per person.

The definition of scalping is simply to resell something at a higher price. It doesn't matter if they have just two of them or twenty.

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The definition of scalping is simply to resell something at a higher price. It doesn't matter if they have just two of them or twenty.

I know that!

They really want to make more than they can chew by wanting to buy the entire stores stock to make much more. -.-

Too bad that they cannot do that anymore. But...one or two is still good money if some folks do buy them. x.x

Thanks alot, Nintendo. lol

Your fueling the scalpers.

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Shops, both retail and online, should have limited the number of purchases from the beginning. We'd be in less of a state for it right now if that were the case.

I see people here blaming Nintendo, but it's really the retailers not giving a damn as long as they get rid of their stock.

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Yep and...




Yep. Rosalina is gone forever. Importing, amazon, e-bay is all you can do now. She appears like Mew and goes like the wind. That's Rosalina for you. :D

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Shops, both retail and online, should have limited the number of purchases from the beginning. We'd be in less of a state for it right now if that were the case.

I see people here blaming Nintendo, but it's really the retailers not giving a damn as long as they get rid of their stock.

Nintendo IS at fault here for not meeting demand even after figures in set 1 and 2 sold out fast and were still in demand afterward. Sure, they're going to restock Marth, but that's all. None of the other figures that came and went in the blink of an eye are getting this treatment. They're the ones that don't care anymore, even though refusing to restock others is losing them money.

As for retailers, scalping should be illegal, but retailers can't do anything about that. They're not police. They can't just go confronting customers after merchandise has been bought, that's bad for business. I should know, I work at a retailer myself and we're not allowed to do this. If other potential customers see an employee "harassing" a customer for some reason, they might not want to shop there for fear of running into this employee. Or things could get worse and this potential customer decides to report the incident. This customer doesn't know that that other customer was a scalper or anything, and the scalper bought the merchandise and didn't actually do anything wrong in the store.

I hate defending these scum, but it's the truth. And it isn't like you can pick out a scalper from the rest of the customers before they buy things. They look like ordinary people, I presume.

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Nintendo IS at fault here for not meeting demand even after figures in set 1 and 2 sold out fast and were still in demand afterward. Sure, they're going to restock Marth, but that's all. None of the other figures that came and went in the blink of an eye are getting this treatment. They're the ones that don't care anymore, even though refusing to restock others is losing them money.

As for retailers, scalping should be illegal, but retailers can't do anything about that. They're not police. They can't just go confronting customers after merchandise has been bought, that's bad for business. I should know, I work at a retailer myself and we're not allowed to do this. If other potential customers see an employee "harassing" a customer for some reason, they might not want to shop there for fear of running into this employee. Or things could get worse and this potential customer decides to report the incident. This customer doesn't know that that other customer was a scalper or anything, and the scalper bought the merchandise and didn't actually do anything wrong in the store.

I hate defending these scum, but it's the truth. And it isn't like you can pick out a scalper from the rest of the customers before they buy things. They look like ordinary people, I presume.

Sometimes you can pretty obviously pick out scalpers, but you still aren't allowed to do anything to stop them.

And the whole "only one or two of an Amiibo per customer" thing sounds good in theory, but doesn't really work too well at stopping scalpers from building up a huge stock because it's not like Target can keep track of your purchases at Gamestop (or even your purchases at other Targets, especially if you pay in cash. Though there aren't many areas where a scalper could drive from one Target to another before the stock of an Amiibo has been bought either by legitimate purchasers or other scalpers), and various retailers open their stores at different times making it very easy for scalpers to go from one to another and be right at the opening of all of them. Also, scalpers sometimes work in groups (like the ones I saw) so that each one of them can buy one or two of a restricted Amiibo and still have the entire store's stock to themselves.

Don't get me wrong, limiting the number of an Amiibo a person can buy (at least while supplies are low) is probably the best thing that can be done, but it's still not a very good deterrent by any means. The only way to stop the scalpers is for Nintendo to produce more of every Amiibo.

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ClevelandSteve has a point, scalpers can work in groups too.

More figures need to be sent to the retailer I work for. Only certain people are allowed to shop there, and I doubt those scalpers are in the military or are military dependent. But alas, our store never even got Luigi, though we did get Zelda, Little Mac, and Diddy Kong out of set 2. No set 3 Amiibos yet. Set 1, we might have had all of them, I don't know. I never really got a chance to check if Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, and Marth were ever there.

But yeah, we never got Luigi, Pit, or Captain Falcon. Probably because the store is small. We can't possibly make space for all of these. I wonder if the other store here did get those three though, to compensate. If so, this is a good strategy. This way, our retailer can sell every figure despite the space issues.

The only thing that can solve this problem is for NoA to fucking open an online store to sell these. Let a customer put in an order, then the factory makes the figure and ships it, and everybody's happy! Then nobody will buy from scalpers because they charge a lot more. Is THIS SO HARD, NOA?

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Nintendo IS at fault here for not meeting demand even after figures in set 1 and 2 sold out fast and were still in demand afterward. Sure, they're going to restock Marth, but that's all. None of the other figures that came and went in the blink of an eye are getting this treatment. They're the ones that don't care anymore, even though refusing to restock others is losing them money.

Nobody here knows for sure at what rate they are able to pump out amiibos from wherever and however it is they're being made. I don't remember exactly where I heard it, but they have apparently already sold more than five million amiibos around the world. To think that they have even managed to produce so many in the first place is fucking mind blowing to me.

Also this http://www.reddit.com/r/amiibo/comments/2v3gv0/ike_lucario_sheik_and_toon_link_all_on_amazon_uk/

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Raven how is the amiibo situation over there, anyways?

On a side note

someone came in the mail today


p.s raven u suck at skype </3

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