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It's Amiibo time


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Well, I guess I'll order from the UK if I'm right that my Ike Amiibo order in GameStop is canceled.

And yeah, but they could at least say that they're going to restock these Amiibos eventually, like they said about Marth. But there's nothing on Rosalina or others that are currently all gone.

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Ana, did you visit or contact your local GameStop to ask them what your order being "closed" meant yet?

No, not yet. It kind of slipped my mind today and my brother was annoying me anyway. I don't like calling people when I'm in a bad mood. Also, I suppose I'm just afraid to find out...

Edited by Anacybele
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If you're that hell-bent on getting an Ike amiibo, you will be willing to import.

American. European. Japanese. They are all exactly. The. Same.

b-b-but my shiny AMERICAN packaging ;~;

if I import an Amiibo from Japan it will be wrapped in communism and not :UnitedStates:freedom :UnitedStates:

really though I've heard people be very happy with ordering from amazon.de, so that might be worth looking into

even if your amiibos are clothed in communism

also I'm basically of the mind that acquiring Amiibos is way more effort than it's worth to me. I'm sure I'll miss out on the ones I care about but I don't actually care very much anyways so lol

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b-b-but my shiny AMERICAN packaging ;~;

if I import an Amiibo from Japan it will be wrapped in communism and not :UnitedStates:freedom :UnitedStates:

FYI Japan doesn't run on a communist government. They're democratic just like us.

(China's the one that's communist)

Edited by Kiseki
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Another letter from Nintendo today. Yes, it is wonderful, but many are hard to come by.


They have to have something planned with Rosalina. Cutting her off after one shipment doesn't make sense at all. -.- Let's hope that she gets a remake amiibo next month. The Shulk ones won't go away for awhile as the Xenoblade 3D game will likely stop them from going out of production. But...having to succumb to importing is all you can do if you hate the scalpers. x.x

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FYI Japan doesn't run on a communist government. They're democratic just like us.

(China's the one that's communist)

You know, when I was a kid, I didn't know the difference between China and Japan. I also didn't know the difference between garlic and an onion.

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FYI Japan doesn't run on a communist government. They're democratic just like us.

(China's the one that's communist)

dude what are you on

nobody can compare to the :UnitedStates:great and mighty U S OF A :UnitedStates: and our twin pillars of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY and GUNS GOD

also the Japanese are awful monarchist communists. just because they're not AS bad as China doesn't mean they're not communists

you and your bankrupt ideology of moral relativism can go and stay go VbcGmCB.gif

also "Zelda" the Link Amiibo is coming along okay, but still has a long way to go before he's anywhere near usable

in retrospect I should've named him "exCUUUSE me" but I'm too lazy to rename him

do you guys think I should try to get my brother to name his Zelda Amiibo "exCUUUSE me" or is that too much work?

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dude what are you on

nobody can compare to the :UnitedStates:great and mighty U S OF A :UnitedStates: and our twin pillars of FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY and GUNS GOD

also the Japanese are awful monarchist communists. just because they're not AS bad as China doesn't mean they're not communists

you and your bankrupt ideology of moral relativism can go and stay go VbcGmCB.gif

No offense dude but did you even pass World History in high school?

All of the history textbooks I've read in school stated that it wasn't until after WWII when Japan ditched their communist government and opened trade with the US. That's why we have fancy stuff from Japan here in the Americas today.

They have to have something planned with Rosalina. Cutting her off after one shipment doesn't make sense at all. -.- Let's hope that she gets a remake amiibo next month.

If you watched the Mario Party 10 segment of January's Nintendo Direct, you can very clearly see a Rosalina amiibo without Luma. It's already been confirmed, we just don't know when that version'll be released.

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I said that I wasn't really interested in getting Amiibos but like

I kind of want a Lucina figure since I really like her design and as a character, but I still have my pride, so some sort of figma (if she even has those) is right out

also because her style of play would probably lend itself better to AI play than Marth's

No offense dude but did you even pass World History in high school?

All of the history textbooks I've read in school stated that it wasn't until after WWII when Japan ditched their communist government and opened trade with the US. That's why we have fancy stuff from Japan here in the Americas today.

actually yes. AP as well.

I know enough to know that pre-WW2 they weren't Communists at all

they were beaten so. fucking. badly. by us and the power of our :UnitedStates:FREEDOM :UnitedStates: that they became the festering pit of kawaii socialist commies they are today (source)

also they opened trade with the US in the 19th century (for those of you not in the know WW2 was in middle of the 20th)

"no offense dude" but I question whether you actually read any of your textbooks

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If you watched the Mario Party 10 segment of January's Nintendo Direct, you can very clearly see a Rosalina amiibo without Luma. It's already been confirmed, we just don't know when that version'll be released.

I don't remember seeing this, but this doesn't excuse not making more Smash Rosalina Amiibos. This new Rosalina one likely won't be compatible with Smash AND it won't have Luma. I want the Amiibo with Luma.

In fact, I think I'm going to refuse to buy this Super Mario version unless the Smash Rosalina gets more figures. I'm not going to settle for an inferior figure that lacks a Luma.

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I don't remember seeing this, but this doesn't excuse not making more Smash Rosalina Amiibos. This new Rosalina one likely won't be compatible with Smash AND it won't have Luma. I want the Amiibo with Luma.

In fact, I think I'm going to refuse to buy this Super Mario version unless the Smash Rosalina gets more figures. I'm not going to settle for an inferior figure that lacks a Luma.

You realize doing that will make Nintendo want to make less Rosalina figures right?

Euklyd lmao

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As in why would they make more Smash Rosalinas if they can't even sell the Super Mario ones?

lolwut? Just because me, ONE person, is boycotting the Super Mario Rosalina figure doesn't mean the Super Mario one won't sell. xP

Also, maybe people like the Rosalina one more because it includes Luma.

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actually yes. AP as well.

Oh. My apologies, then. Moving on.

I don't remember seeing this, but this doesn't excuse not making more Smash Rosalina Amiibos. This new Rosalina one likely won't be compatible with Smash AND it won't have Luma. I want the Amiibo with Luma.


(Seen briefly at 13:33 and at 14:10 in the January Direct. DK was also seen at 13:54.)

I'm very sure that it's been said that the Mario characters that appeared in Smash will also be compatible with Smash. The only Mario series amiibo I can think of that won't be compatable with Smash is Toad.

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I think the Amiibos basically just represent a character token so every figure of the same character will do the same thing in every supported game. There's so little data to work with in the NFC chips that they probably just have a name flag inside.

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