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It's Amiibo time


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EDIT: Kon: Except Glaceon uses phrases like "shit lord" and "should die in a hole" and stuff. I don't say anything that harsh and insulting.

Apart from the specific words, what's the difference? You both are being unnecessarily negative towards things you've both claimed to not like already.

The comment against Splatoon wasn't even warranted, since this topic is not about Splatoon, just the amiibo. It's like coming into a topic about Persona and whining about how you don't like Fire Emblem, entirely out of place and uncalled for.

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Welp got the dreadful phone call just now. I will not be getting my Lucina and Robin amiibo preorders and my entire order has been cancelled. I will have to go back to the store to get my full refund.

Edited by kingddd
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Welp got the dreadful phone call just now. I will not be getting my Lucina and Robin amiibo preorders and my entire order has been cancelled. I will have to go back to the store to get my full refund.

Oh no, that's awful D;

At least you get your refund? ;-;

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Ana, it's just as bad as Glaceon's unnecessary Ike bashing. Her language may be worse, but they're still both posting unnecessary opinions that come off as if the person believes it is fact, and not their opinion. You said Splatoon looks dumb without even making it obvious its your opinion, and dumb is a harsh word, anyways; anyone who sees your comment can easily see it as if you are saying it is obviously dumb, and no one should have the same thought.

Saying "Too bad the game doesn't appeal to me" is much more nicer, and lets people know that you are expressing an opinion without bashing it. Mentioning your opinion is actually alright in this paragraph since it lets people know that it's a good deal while they don't mistake you as a fan of the game, but your word usage is too harsh, and it makes you come off as insulting and unaccepting of others' positive opinions of the game, which I'm sure you're actually accepting of, you just don't feel the same way.

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Obligatory "I will import Robin" post. Does anyone know how to say "time to tip the scales" in German?

Also, I detect rudeness in this thread. It's not coming from Jave.

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I honestly consider that worse than missing preorders completely. :C

yeah my friend has pacman and ness preordered no problem and he was behind me in the lineup and his Robin amiibo got cancelled. All the FE characters are really low supplies for Canada. Some of us are getting like 2 Robins and Lucinas. One store is getting 0 Lucinas and 1 Robin. My local store only got one ike during the wave 3 fiasco.

So I laughed when someone in America suggested someone to get a Rosalina from Canada since it's no longer store exclusive. Even though it means all the stores are getting like 1 or 2 at most.

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While I'm not too surprised that there is a shortage in stock, it's rather ridiculous that stores are getting only like 1 or 2 of various characters. I'm not sure who thought that was a brilliant idea or why it happened, but I guess all I can say is that no one thought that FE would be this popular?

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...Geez, that's really BS. I feel you there too, the stock for some characters here is ass too. You can't find a Toad here for miles, for example, while people say he's common. My local GameStop only got two Ikes...

EDIT: Who would ever think FE wouldn't be popular, though?! Especially Robin and Lucina, the latter of which is extremely popular and both are from a game that sold extremely well. This just makes me want to facepalm hard.

Edited by Anacybele
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Just got the Inkling Kids preordered on Amazon.ca. Nothing on the Three-Pack yet but some Canadian retailers haven't opened pre-orders for them yet and I'd still like to get the threesome.

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Calm the fuck down. And send me your Amiibos for training.

It's nothing.

It was making a wall of pictures that I could've just covered up in a spoiler tag.

Welp got the dreadful phone call just now. I will not be getting my Lucina and Robin amiibo preorders and my entire order has been cancelled. I will have to go back to the store to get my full refund.

Doh. -.-

Oh no, that's awful D;

At least you get your refund? ;-;

Man, that really sucks, kingddd. I'm sorry that happened. :(

Nintendo can never stock enough for the already costs that they have to pay to put Lucas in the Smash Bros game! But still...anyone would get upset and demand their refunds which this almost happened with my Ike. The clerks told me that Ness pre-orders are going crazy. No surprise. Everyone likes Kakarot.

...Geez, that's really BS. I feel you there too, the stock for some characters here is ass too. You can't find a Toad here for miles, for example, while people say he's common. My local GameStop only got two Ikes...

EDIT: Who would ever think FE wouldn't be popular, though?! Especially Robin and Lucina, the latter of which is extremely popular and both are from a game that sold extremely well. This just makes me want to facepalm hard.

Which saved the series.

Were not getting another game in awhile because Nintendo and Atlus are trying to make them good enough to getting them to sell well enough.

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This makes me hope that my import order from Amazon.jp for Robin and Lucina doesn't get canceled. I got the confirmation email and all and it shows up as successfully preordered. Guess I'll know for sure on April 29th.

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My order got cancelled and I am so upset. I am still getting Ness as far as I know and they offered me 20% off any other Amiibo but the ones I want that I don't have are also unicorns :/ my local store is only getting one of Robin and Lucina and even though I was in early, I wasn't the first order. Sigh.

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Yeah, this whole Amiibo business is really BS. It's why I felt bad about securing a Robin on Best Buy. Others weren't so fortunate and it makes me wish I could just duplicate that Robin for others who want him, but missed him or got their order canceled for whatever reason.

I myself got to a GameStop like soon after they opened hoping to buy Toad, but the guy said he already sold the only extra one they got. Another GameStop I go to a lot didn't have any extras left either. Half my Amiibos were ordered online, a few at retail price even because stock sucks ass in a lot of places in the eastern US. And of course, my Ike preorder couldn't be filled when it should have since I ordered him way before Dec. 25th.

Also, I can understand why Nintendo would think that not many people would want characters like, say, Wii Fit Trainer or Captain Falcon, but only giving each store 1-2 Marths, Ikes, Robins, and Lucinas? Especially of the latter two? This is pure stupidity after how Awakening was advertised to death and sold well, and after Lucina got popular. Marth has been in 3 straight Smash games (four if you count 3DS and Wii U separately) and Ike has been in two (three if you count 3DS and Wii U separately). OBVIOUSLY THEY WOULD HAVE FAIRLY LARGE FANBASES. Marth is especially popular in Japan while Ike is most loved in the US. Marth still has a sizable fanbase here too though. And the US is where Amiibos are selling the best!

So theoretically, Robin and Lucina should get high stock in the US, Ike should get a bit less, and Marth should get a little less than Ike, but still quite a bit. Why can't Nintendo see this?

Edited by Anacybele
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Ohmigosh yes!

Called my local EB Games and they're letting me place a pre-order for the Splatoon 3-pack amiibo. Gonna go in tomorrow and place the deposits for both the amiibos and the game.

Edited by stick
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This may be a bit of a stretch, but does anyone think Nintendo may release female Robin amiibos? I understand there's already male Robins, but it'd be an interesting idea.

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It's possible. There's no male WFT or female Villager right now, but Nintendo could be waiting until they've released figures for all the Smash characters before doing the other genders of the three genderswap characters or the Koopalings or Alph.

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As I was preordering Lucina, Robin went up and out :facepalm: I got the female Inkling and had a hand in crashing Gamestop's website for Ness, and went to bed right as Greninja went out of stock. I'm still waiting on my Ike amiibo too, I should actually call my gamestop and see if that order's cancelled or what so I can look into other options for obtaining one.

I'll fight an army over Ganondorf, I just need him and I'll have every Zelda amiibo.

The rush to get amiibos is really awful though, while stuff like scalping is out of Nintendo's hands they need to do a lot better so we aren't crashing retailer's websites and having stuff go out of stock mere minutes after they go up. What they can do I'm not entirely sure, but they need to do something.

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Also, this is the boxart of Lucina's amiibo


Notice anything missing? I'm slightly irked at this, which is weird because I normally wouldn't be.

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