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Road to Smash Wii U Tourney (Smash 3DS tournament)


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off the top of my head: Pictochat and Flat Zone (black stage), and Balloon Fight (background).

I don't remember if they're bad: WarioWare, Brinstar, Boxing Ring

I've heard the lag thing with omega stages as well; idr if it's actually the case or not

dynamic backgrounds might do it? no clue

DodgeDusk, Blyvern, and idk the other two.

It's too late to make changes to stage lists, though I'll keep it in mind, as should other TOs. It's a minuscule difference though.

Has anyone besides Horace and Fox tried to play (oh and Void)? I've updates their scores in round 1. I had to end round 1 on Challonge in order to generate the bracket for round 2. So round 2 preview is up. Though it seems like I can't retroactively edit scores from past rounds. That's dumb. I'll just use Challonge as a random bracket generator and nothing more. Was going to ditch it when it came to top cut anyway. Scores will be updated in the OP.

Dusk and Fox, as I mentioned I have to wait for internet to be set-up which could be Wednesday at the latest, though could be earlier as well. I'll let you know. Anybody else, let me know if your planning to hold matches past your round's deadline.

HiFlo, I removed you for now so that I can get round 2 bracket generated accurately (in case you won't post here, which I bet you won't). If you let me know before round 2 begins, I'll try to seed you back.

Also, OP now includes pairings (in case your lazy to go to Challonge) as well as a schedule for top cut. Who will be our top four?

Edited by Knife
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I'm not available to fight until literally 12 hours' time. I'll try to get in touch with Roxas before then so we can arrange the fight.

Febro is my round 2 opponent, may as well set that score to 3-0 to him now.

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I'm not available to fight until literally 12 hours' time. I'll try to get in touch with Roxas before then so we can arrange the fight.

Febro is my round 2 opponent, may as well set that score to 3-0 to him now.

Could you ask Roxas to post in this thread? I don't recall seeing Roxas participate in any tournaments before so I'm not sure who to get in contact with to arrange my round 2 matches.

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Previewing rounds:
By allowing preview rounds, I'm allowing you to see who you're playing the next round. So for example when round 1 starts, you can also see who your round 2 opponent is. You can even play your match early if you want. This is only possible in a Swiss tournament as all rounds that aren't top cut will be random pairings. So you basically have 4 days to play your rounds instead of 2. You can only preview 1 round ahead though to keep the suspense going!
Holding matches:
Through a mutual agreement (Gentlemen's clause), two opponents may decide to "hold" off on a match even past the round's deadline without penalty. So if two opponents in round 1 can't fight on 11/2, 11/3, 11/4, 11/5 but 11/6 (beginning of round 3) works perfectly for them, that's totally cool. Be careful about "holding" too many matches though since Swiss rounds must end when Round 4 ends. Any "held" matches that haven't taken place by then will get both competitors 0-0. There's also no guarantee that you will be able to hold your match since your opponent could easily say "I was available, you were not, so screw you I'm taking the win". You must keep the TO (me) informed of held matches as well as when your intent is to play. Round 4 ends on a Sunday, so you should be able to find a time to play assuming weekends are not a problem.

Based on this I don't think the order matters Elieson. As long as we schedule our matches, finish them all up by round 4, and keep Knife in the loop we should be fine.

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weird error. Here's what you're missing


[spoiler=Rules from the FullDesc]Hey.

This is a special tournament held to say bye to Smash 3DS, what with the Wii U one coming out soon. Not saying there will be no more tournaments for 3DS after this, but there sure as hell will be less.

Here's what we got: a Swiss tournament with no entrant cap and much more lenient round deadlines. Kinda like the olden days. Though, trust me I do not have nostalgia goggles on, the competitive scene here has improved a lot since back in those days when we all sucked.

I'm trying this on Challonge for the first time. Swiss can be a bit complicated, so here's the story:
Each match will be 2 stocks, 6 minutes, first to 3 wins. Scores do count since each one gets added to your Swiss points. So losing 3-2 still adds two points for the loser. Getting 3-0 gets no points for loser. The winner of a round always gets 3 points. Though the winner should try to 3-0 because it helps them in overall rankings. Max points for any participant is 12. There are 4 rounds of Swiss, each round being open for 2 days. After the 4th round ends, top cut round begins. The number of people in top cut depends on the number of total entrants (more participants, bigger top cut!), but is 4 people at minimum.

Don't sweat the complicated shit though, just know that winning=good. Losing by 3-2 is much better than losing 3-0. Overall rankings will be posted at the end of round 4. Rankings also factor in opponent strength. If you lose to the guy who lost against everyone else, but you end up winning every other round, it still hurts your overall ranking a lot. If you lost against someone who ends up doing very well overall, but you kick ass in most rounds after you could still make top cut. Technical wins (other player forfeits/is inactive) will get the winner an automatic 3-0.

Previewing rounds:
By allowing preview rounds, I'm allowing you to see who you're playing the next round. So for example when round 1 starts, you can also see who your round 2 opponent is. You can even play your match early if you want. This is only possible in a Swiss tournament as all rounds that aren't top cut will be random pairings. So you basically have 4 days to play your rounds instead of 2. You can only preview 1 round ahead though to keep the suspense going!

Holding matches:
Through a mutual agreement (Gentlemen's clause), two opponents may decide to "hold" off on a match even past the round's deadline without penalty. So if two opponents in round 1 can't fight on 11/2, 11/3, 11/4, 11/5 but 11/6 (beginning of round 3) works perfectly for them, that's totally cool. Be careful about "holding" too many matches though since Swiss rounds must end when Round 4 ends. Any "held" matches that haven't taken place by then will get both competitors 0-0. There's also no guarantee that you will be able to hold your match since your opponent could easily say "I was available, you were not, so screw you I'm taking the win". You must keep the TO (me) informed of held matches as well as when your intent is to play. Round 4 ends on a Sunday, so you should be able to find a time to play assuming weekends are not a problem.

Custom moves allowed, custom equipment no.

Stage list:
-Final Destination
-Omega anything
-Arena Ferox
-Yoshi's Island
-Prism Tower

11/2/14 (Sunday, Monday) - Round 1 begins
11/4/14 (Tuesday, Wednesday) - Round 2 begins
11/6/14 (Thursday, Friday) - Round 3 begins
11/8/14 (Saturday, Sunday) Round 4 begins
11/10/14 (begins Monday) - Top cut round begins (deadline is based on how big top cut actually is, TBA)

1st place gets this 3 set poster collection of Smash 4 newcomers, or something of equivalent value to 700 coins if its not available at the end of the tournament. You're gonna have to be ok with me knowing your address though since I gotta ship it to you.

Questions? Sign-ups be open until round 1 starts. You sign up here:

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Yep, I can see it now, weirdly enough.

Anyway I sent the guy a PM on challonge. I have no idea who he is. Probably another outsider like our good friend hi-flo


I'll be leaving now though, been a busy day, hopefully tomorrow will be less hectic for me. Not sure what we are going to do with these two outsiders if they are indeed not SF members.

Edited by Raven
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Yeah, we may need to kick him out as well unless someone who hasn't joined yet wants to sub? I hate uneven brackets.

Has Roxas here said anything? If this Roxas does not respond tonight then I'm gonna have to remove him as well, giving a technical win to his opponents so far.

What about the rest of you? What is your status for yourself/your opponent for round 1? Will be posting round 3 preview bracket tomorrow evening.

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Gemma, Bluewyvern, Elieson, and Febro, tell me whats going on with your round 1 matches? Are you holding them for a later date? Did your opponent not respond? I need to know.

Round 3 preview is up and round 2 started today. You can see them on Challonge for now and I will update the OP whenever I get internet tomorrow.

Those of you who have Roxasiamario as an opponent get an automatic bye and 3-0. (which does not affect your percentages).

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I've reached out to Blyvern and haven't heard back from him. If anyone can reach blyvern, I'll literally accept a phone call at 4am to match him.

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im sure like 8000 people have asked but slowpoke = quint right?

and yeah gg's elie asked for DA GANON and got the DORF

in one game anyway and he almost came back after being down a whole stock more or less

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Oh, I didn't see this. Too bad. I would've joined. Nowadays I don't check SF at all, I just go straight to the tournament hub since that's all I care about in SF ;/. Today I backed out to smash bros section itself to check shin's massive smash thread and saw this ;/

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PJ, you may join as Roxas's sub if you want. And I guess Blyvern's out so participants are dropping like flies. We have not heard from Gemma at all, at least Febro's played a match. I will reach out to them and see what's going on. Elieson's good now though. Based on all these changes. I have to do some serious re-bracketing when it comes to round 4 previews tomorrow, so some of you who have gotten byes may actually have to play a new opponent for your older rounds.

Despite this being kinda a mess, we still have some time before round 4 ends on Sunday. I'm not going to be enforcing updating me on round statuses anymore (esp. with all those retroactive bracket changes). By tomorrow, everyone will know who their opponents are for the Swiss portion of the tournament. If you do not play a match and do not say anything by the end of round 4, you get an automatic 0-0 for that match. Those of you who are staying active, thanks.

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