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what does your favorite fire emblem say about you?

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And I couldn't agree more with the lol FE13 one. Though FE10's.... I like Micaiah!

I think you're missing the point of the FE10 one. doesn't say that there's anything wrong with liking Micaiah.

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13 is mine. I am currently doing what it told me to do, starting with FE1 and I can now claim that pantsless Marth rules over all. Serene's Forest seems like a good community, even though I'm a newb I'll still be sticking around for a long time.

Edited by Rabbattack
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Fits me. FE 6 had me the entire game questioning why Roy just can't promote without the Sword of Seals other than story reason. Though nostalgia is the sole reason FE 7 is still my favorite Fire Emblem.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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I don't like FE8 cuz Ephraim...

I like level design of some chapters. And Seth. Ephraim is...OK, but nothing amazing.

And description for FE5 is accurate. This game is good in many things, but level design is best in this series.

Edited by Nicolas
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Holy shit Genealogy yes yes yes. Areone y u no receuitable?! I didn't cry at chapter 5 but it hits me in the feels every time.

I read SD and thought of RJW so fast it's not even funny.

FE5 is also painfully accurate, as is FE12. FE13 description too strong.

Great list overall.

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My favourite game tends to depend on my mood and what I've played most recently, but seems to flit between 4, 7, 10, and 13. None of those really fit me at all, though, so kind of disappointing. 8's fit me the most (we do need more non-sword Lords, though I prefer Hector over Ephraim), even though I'm not as fond of that game as others. Oh well, was an amusing readthrough at least.

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Funnily enough, my favourite game being FE9 is somewhat at odds with what I'd usually say about my personality. When it comes to other noninteractive media, I tend to elevate significantly flawed pieces that have sparks of brilliance in them that leave a strong impression. This usually puts them above what would be typically considered to be more consistently strong, but less innovative works.

FE9 is the entire opposite though because the reason I like it so much is mostly in just how consistent it actually is. FE11 would fit more into my typical behaviour, but even on a good day I could only list it as a second favourite. I tend to do this a lot with games though as opposed to stuff like books, music, movies or serials.

Edited by Irysa
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Some of these are really funny like the FE 13 one its so true though you dont know FE till you actually play somethin else.

And the fact that they mentioned the "In America" from kempf in FE 5 is so funny.

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Not very accurate about my love of FE7. I never did think Marth or Roy were unlockable, and I don't seem to have a love/hate relationship with Battle Before Dawn.

That being said, I completely agree with 13.

Edited by DragonLord
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i saw this on another site, i think its rather accurate, at least for the ones i really love.


Hey image,


Except the Battle Before Dawn bit. That is accurate.

i think the micaiah thing was referring to how in some places you can't say FE10 was your favorite without people accusing you of only liking it for micaiah.

Who even does this though?

What a load of shit.

indeed. I like FE8 cuz of Eirika.

Also the image suggests everyone playing FE is like 20 years old. FE7 is my favorite and what it says about me? I like big axe lord with moe pegknight smushing things in the name of Ostia Justice.

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well loki i can tell ya that anyplace that isn't SF, does that micaiah stuff.

its kinda why i came back here, i couldn't find anywhere else to hold a decent convo about fire emblem

Once you go SF you don't go back. I literally can't stand the Gamefaqs Awakening board for more than 10 minutes anymore. :(

You know you haven't played FE4 in too long when you forget who Areone is

Other than that, STORY OF MY LIFE




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Very inaccurate about my love for Awakening considering how FE7 was my first. I just feel that it balances the story and gameplay the best, the story, while not being as great as PoR's, was still an enjoyable part of the game, and I love how you can use second seals to reclass everyone, makes for good experimentation.

I also like how you can almost get all of the old FE characters to join you too 8D.

My 2nd favorite FE game is FE7 and description is pretty accurate considering how I thought Eliwood was Roy at first lol. I started to like Lyn more than Eliwood though. Never touched the Link Arena at all.

My third favorite is PoR and yes, I do fight for my friends.

I do have one question, I only recently started playing FE12 but why is the avatar hated on in that game? According to that picture people hate the avatar there, but why? I don't get it .___. The Avatar seems just fine to me so far.

Edited by Zx-RendingSaber-Zx
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I only recently started playing FE12 but why is the avatar hated on in that game? According to that picture people hate the avatar there, but why? I don't get it .___. The Avatar seems just fine to me so far.

To put it in the nicest way possible... It's because he shits all over Marth's character development and the story shoehorned him in. It's hard to enjoy the plot when Marth keeps thanking him at every turn. Not to mention he isn't even a good self insert since he is such a dunce and every other line is "I must protect and serve milord!".

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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