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Fire Emblem theories, rumors, timeline, and conspiracies.

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Manaketes are without a doubt NOT plentiful in Magvel considering there are only Myrrh and Morva in the storyline and the latter is the Great Dragon of legends so there were probably not many of them in the past either or they would be mentioned.

Still, Magvel can't be placed in the timeline without blindly guessing. They could have remained in small numbers up to the time of Chrom, Ike, Eliwoood, or Marth.
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Everything about the timeline is blind guessing, lol. Also, I've said many times in this thread Magvel fits better as the last game in a timeline because of that.

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Everything about the timeline is blind guessing, lol.

That's mostly true, but you also can make assumptions, educated guesses and links. Work out which ones raise the fewest questions, and conclude "if there is a single timeline, this one is the most likely".

Edited by Slartibartfast
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I did say Finn was part dragon as a joke once to explain why he doesn't seem to age in the timeskip, and that as he doesn't have any of the 12 crusaders, that must mean he's Lopt descent.

Only later realised that the minor Lopt blood shows for Arvis and Deidre, not Julia and Celice though for some reason

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The Taguel race is the biggest piece of bullshit. No thought was put into them. This race of transforming creators arose out of no where within the 2000 years in between Marth and Chrom's time, had a paradise like existence where they dominated the land and were exterminated?

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The Taguel race is the biggest piece of bullshit. No thought was put into them. This race of transforming creators arose out of no where within the 2000 years in between Marth and Chrom's time, had a paradise like existence where they dominated the land and were exterminated?

Griffins bother me too.

(Though... 2000 years is a long time, not for taguel to evolve out of nowhere, though.)

Silly theory of the day: Walhart is totes a reincarnation of Duma :B

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One of my favorite fan theories is the one that nills and forseti are the same dragon. this pre-supposes that archania was the land on the other side of the dragon gate. This also explains why forseti was much more into helping humans than the other dragons. They all remember getting kicked out of elibe, whereas nills/forseti remembers getting saved by really nice people. Granted, nills is an ice dragon and forseti is a wind dragon, but the games often treat ice and wind as the same element. The main issue with this is how all of the dancer ring items in fe7 are references to the fe4 dragons (set's litany being the most relevant one here).

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One of my favorite fan theories is the one that nills and forseti are the same dragon. this pre-supposes that archania was the land on the other side of the dragon gate. This also explains why forseti was much more into helping humans than the other dragons. They all remember getting kicked out of elibe, whereas nills/forseti remembers getting saved by really nice people. Granted, nills is an ice dragon and forseti is a wind dragon, but the games often treat ice and wind as the same element. The main issue with this is how all of the dancer ring items in fe7 are references to the fe4 dragons (set's litany being the most relevant one here).

I've never heard that theory and actually really like it. Blizzard is a Wind spell after all and we've never really seen any sky dragons discounting the feral Wyverns so an Ice Dragon would fit better than any other established type for passing on wind magic. Though that gets me thinking, we only know the dragon types for the magic users. I wonder what kind of dragons passed down the swords and lances. Were any earth dragons left around that time? Hell Medeus had a decent enough relationship with Naga for a long time. Even he could have been one of the twelve crusader dragons. Of all the back stories in the series the crusaders are the ones I want to find out more about the most.

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another one that i like is that archania's regalia are actualy the fe4 holy weapons, hundreds of years latter. the falchion looks a lot like the tyrfang, and the gea blog and gravidius look utterly indistinguishable (and seem to be similarly tragic). The obvious issue with this is that the fe4 holy weapons reappear in awakening, although both of the abovementioned ones are spotpass only.

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  • 4 years later...

I’ve seen and analyzed this thread and have something to add. I’ve seen many theories on Magvel and frankly o think that it’s  it’s own timeline and myth. For path of radiance and radiant dawn and why Priam exists my guess is that the outrealms and that somehow either Ike himself or Mist cane through and established themselves on Ylisse/Archanea. Now as to why you can find many weapons name after great heroes is in Ylisse they are just legends and myths like how we have fairy tales in our world and whythe einherjars exists is most likely because they’re heroes formed from those fairy tales according to what the Ylisseans believe as it would make sense considering the Choose your legends event in FE Heroes. Something else I’d like to add is that the matter of tiki and Seliph and if they’re actually related. My guess is that tiki did travel to Jugdral but as an infant probably after Naga’s death by Gotoh, why is because he may have pities her and tried to at least let her visit another’s continent another matter is who aka the weapon guy to forge a fake Naga tome. My guess is that it was Gotoh maybe after visiting with tiki in order to help Sigurd’s army fight Loptous, but that’s very unlikely. Anyways as I said we have many reasons to believe that March and Seliph are related ( minus the hair and overall same attitude) first is the look of Marth’s falchion and seliph’s Tyrfing. They look very similar to a fault but don’t have the same effects. One grants resistance +5 while the other restores hp and is effective against dragons. Referring to what I said about Tiki visiting Jugdral with Gotoh and saying to robin that she met an ancestor of Marth. My guess is that Tyfing was renamed falchion later down the timeline as for Naga’s blood flowing through the line. And that’s the other point, remember holy blood and all of that and how Chrom Owain Lucina and Emmeryn have the exalt’s mark? Well that’s it as in Genealogy of the holy war it is said that members of a dragon blooded family have a mark somewhere on their body which explains awakenings one. The only two people at the end of GHW that have naga holy blood  ( even if someone has minor down their descendants one of them is bound to get major as explained with Tailtius children) are Seliph and Julia and I don’t believe they married since we’ll look at Julia’s parents and if they did then they wouldn’t even be capable to continue their bloodline. Now this means two things either they’re Seliph’s or Julia’s descendants but Julia’s is unlikely as she still has Loptous blood within her meaning that she can possibly revive him in a later future and he said so himself as long as greed exists he’ll exists. Also for as why the falchion looks different and has different effects let’s look at FeH and the refine. Both Tyrfing and Falchion ( except the sealed and Valentian one) have a bond or function with allies. Ylissean grants attack defense speed resistance +4 when next to an ally. Marth’’s grants the same bonus but to allies within 2 spaces to support them. Tyfing only grants attack and defense +4 when next to an ally is while this might just a reference to their respective legends I dont think so. The thing that we forget about is the awakening ritual and how the function of it make this theory possible. You need to brave Naga’s flammes in order to succeed it with the fire emblem/shield of seals. My guess is that the dragon’s fire refined it into a more powerful form as to why the falchion looks different and why if Marth is a descendant of Seliph it would make sense as to why it looks similar and has a different effect, because of the ritual and as to why it’s effective against dragons think about how the first exalt used it to plunge grima into a deep sleep. As since dragons do damage based in res instead of the res bonus tyrfing grants it would be better to make it effective against dragons so to make the wielder defeat them faster or more effectively. Want more proof just think back to how Seliph defeated Julius/Loptous. It time it should just kill the vessel and Loptous should remain free and sealed somewhere but it outright killed him and he dissipates which is whydown the descendant line and plus the awakening it would destroy dragons. Now as to how if I’m correct shouldn’t Marth technically rule over both Jugdral and Ylisse? He should but what if the succession was divided like that:

1- those with major holy blood rule over the empire of Jugdral ( like back then and as proved by the mark of the exalt)

2- those with minor rule over the minor territory of Archanea. They both seem unlikely has then why are those distant relatives not mentioned or heard of at all? Frankly I haven’t thought that far as I was just focused on proving that Marth is related to Seliph if anyone agrees and wants to develop this farther please do as I’ll be doing more research  on Tellius Elliibe and Magvel. Have a nice day ☺️



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