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What other Supports Would you like to read?


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While Awakening is an excellent game, there are a few areas that could have been improved. For one, there could have been more conversations between same sex characters and supports from characters from different generations (Eg. Tiki/Nah)

Some supports I'd like to read are...

Libra/Lon'qu, Panne/Nowi, Cynthia/Cordelia, any support revolving around Valm (Virion, Walhart, Say'ri, Tiki, Yen'fay, Cherche with each other), Chrom/Emmeryn, Gangrel/Emmeryn, Maribelle/Aversa (chapter 5), Ricken/Aversa (same deal), Priam/Chrom, Yen'fay/Lon'qu, Libra/Sumia (I thought that would be a nice couple), Priam/Basilio, Olivia/Basilio, and Lucina with various 1st Gen characters.

Any more ideas?

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I'd have liked to see Frederick and Stahl with a support because of being knights of Ylisse. Sully says in her support with Freddy that he trained her, but what about Stahl? What's his relationship to Frederick? Did Freddy train him too? I'd say most likely, but I still want to see them talk to each other about it or something. :P

Sumia should've had more marriage options too. Chrom is understandable, but Sumia has no excuse for just four options for a husband (five counting the male Avatar).

Edited by Anacybele
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All spouse conversation with Avatar for Beach and Hot Spring DLCs!

I could totally go for this too. As a Freddy fangirl, I don't have the privilege of a beach convo between Female Avatar and her husband. :(

Edited by Anacybele
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Mostly I'd love to see more support options for Say'ri, Tiki, Anna, Flavia, Basilio, and the SpotPass characters. All of them feel rather tacked on and it would be great to have more conversations with them to learn more about them, to get more insight into their character, culture, situations, etc. I can understand not giving them romantic pairings and kids, but at least A supports would be nice.

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Cherche-Sumia. One loves Wyverns, the other loves horses. Both have maternal qualities. They are so similar that I know they would be great friends.

Cherche negotiates Sumia to breed livestocks of Pegasus for Minervakins to replenish on!

Support Conversation Rank F reached.

F for Frenemy!

JK! I guess that support could go in friendly way with their animal talk.

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I really think Basilio and Flavia should have an S support. I swear those two are a match made in heaven.

I dig this. Also, it's weird as fuck that Olivia and Basilio have no supports. Basilio x Olivia is my guilty pleasure ship.

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I too want an S support for Basilio and Flavia.














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Male Morgan and Inigo. Here's how I imagine it would go:

Rank C: Robin has to cancel her and Morgan's weekly strategy board game session, and Morgan's dejected. Inigo offers to play with him, and while he winds up losing, it's enough of a challenge that Morgan's satisfied he learned something. Morgan says he owes Inigo, and Inigo's face lights up, and says, as a matter of fact, there IS something Morgan can do for him...

Rank B: Turns out that, predictably, Inigo's request was for Morgan to look over his general flirting performance next time they go out and try to see if he can figure out a better way for him to pick up girls. Morgan finds the entire thing dubious, as he insists that "trying" to pick up girls, saying the right things, etc., is missing the point. Morgan says that personally, he feels it's not about being the right key for whatever lock you happen to be around, it's about being yourself and finding the right lock. Inigo balks at this, partly because he thinks this is naive nonsense, but also because, as he would admit, Inigo hasn't really "been himself" since he was eight years old. Morgan reluctantly agrees to come with him to town next time and see if he can think of anything.

Rank A: The aftermath of the night on the town. Inigo's dejected, as it seems that, ONCE AGAIN, his attempts at getting a wingman have failed miserably. Morgan, as it turns out, has this unspeakably adorable demeanor about him that instantly endeared himself to about five girls at the bar who all ignored Inigo completely and started fighting over Morgan, and vying for his attention. Inigo is, once again, exceptionally depressed. This happens:

Morgan: (nervous face) Well, I can't say I really got the chance to learn much last night...

Inigo: ...

Morgan: ...But what I said before, well, I still stand by it, Inigo. Just try being yourself. This attitude of yours really isn't helping you. Just be yourself, and you'll get a lot fewer beatings, and somebody's bound to like you. And best of all? You won't have to put up an act around them. You can be you.

Inigo: ...Look, Morgan, I know you mean well and all, but... look, I'm just not ready, okay? Maybe one day...

Morgan: Fine, if you insist. But just try working on it, okay? Promise?

Inigo: Fine, fine, whatever.

Morgan: And Inigo?

Inigo: Yeah?

Morgan: Thanks for saving me back there. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't helped me escape. Those girls were insane.

Inigo: Oh, that. Don't mention it. No big deal.

Morgan: You should have Lissa check out those bruises though, they look nasty.

Inigo: Look, don't worry about it, okay? I'll be fine. This isn't the first time I've been assaulted by girls, remember?

Morgan: Oh. Right. Well seriously though, thanks again! See you at breakfast!

Inigo: ...Sure. I'll see you there.


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