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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 2: Warpath


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Slapping the book shut with a tiny noise, Mel smiled. "Non, c'est pas problème. I 'ad somesing to distract myself wis, donc, you could 'ave taken as much time as you wanted. But, eef you are finished..." She let it hang for a moment, wondering if Celestia had anything else to say. Since she didn't, Mel didn't hold them any longer-- well, wait, hold on. She recognized the man walking past them as after a moment's pause, she shouted at him, "VALE!" With a smile she pointed, and nodded. "Ben, oui! Zat ees votre nom, non? Eet took me un instant, ben, I remembered!" After a moment, though, she didn't know why she was so proud of that. But, at least she had an idea, in that moment. "Do you... Want to go shopping, wis us? Two belles femmes, I sink zat anyone would want zat~" She laughed a bit at that, hoping he wouldn't take it seriously.

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Taima grabbed her food and grinned. "Yup, this is perfect. Should keep me nice and energized without weighing me down too much. Don't want to end up slowed by a full belly or throwing up in the middle of a match." She started to eat her toast, and nodded. "Mmm, that'll do. How's your food, Peter?"

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Peter poked at his eggs a couple of times before taking a mouthful in. Well I'll be. There's some herbs in here! "Light and fragrant, with a touch of refinement," he said, chuckling. "It's not every day that I get to eat something like this! Hey, did you want some jam?" Peter asked, motioning to the small bowl of preserves, part of which was carved out and resting on a slice of bread, which he bit into. "Hmmm. . .raspberry. Not bad!"

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As they were walking up to the armoury and magic shops(which weren't too far away), Wolfgang was of no mind to keep things silent. "What do you think of our little group in the short time that you've spent with us? Is it much better than the days in the farm? I kinda like it... I get to do whatever I want, and I haven't really seen any sort of rift between any of us so far... for the short time that I've been here."

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"Mmm, no thanks. Butter's good enough for me. Jam's too sweet most of the time. Not a huge fan of sweets to be honest. Especially not with breakfast. Sweet and breakfast just do not belong together." She shook her head before continuing to eat the food in front of her.

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"Ah, that's a shame. Pastries were pretty popular with some of the groups I'd been in before. Imagine something with a flaky crust, filled with strawberry jam, as a pre-battle meal!" Peter responded, between bites. Yet they were the ones left standing after the battle. Perhaps there IS something to eating sweets for breakfast.
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"They seem like a decent enough bunch so far, only really got to meet Taima and Sheikah." Orpheus replied, trying to think back to his days on the farm. It had been quite a while since he left, and he'd never really thought of ever going back. "The farm was nice and all, but doing the same things day in day out, seeing the same faces and places constantly was such a drag. I've seen way more in the time I've been travelling. My family are probably happy with what they're doing, but that's their choice, not mine." Edited by Shin
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At it once again for glory, Ivan manage to ducking slightly under first man's heavy swings, and finishes off with the two quick punching to his face.

Next opponent coming out short after, Ivan misses the man and he hits him back, before miss again. He hit Ivan again, and they didn't hit much but he was starting get annoyed. Ivan wound up a punch and made him lying on ground from that one hit.

The next Ivan charging and missed his opponent from the start, who be hitting back in chest. Once again, Ivan be using his two swift punches and dodging next swinging. Ivan finishes off with strike into chest of him, retribution.

Rockman was intimidating and both him and Ivan being missing first timing. Ivan managing to getting hit on him next time but rockman lumped him right in ribs side, and starting panting. Ivan trying to jab and managed to once before Ivan getting clawing across face again, Ivan was feel light-head, but he manage to hit with one-two punch and dropped the rockman. Taking an break the last match. Ivan feel luck.

Last fight being lot more simpler, Ivan managing to charging hit at the start before the hulking huge man slamming into him, but it did it hurting. Ivan was able to finish with the two hits though after that. Ivan twice champion! Or is defend champion? Hmm, no-one be challenging for while after this least.

Ivan be wenting and collecting the money for beat the sirkit, Ivan being having loads.

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Peter couldn't help but chuckle at Taima's reply. "Ah, you would've liked another of my old coworkers. He swore by down-to-earth home cooking, and could never find someone who agreed with him. Always claimed that his flavor was hampered by a lack of a proper oven or some nonsense like that."

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Ivan having to being fix other problems. Lances be look like dull, Ivan would be standing for the new one. Being find that sellersman, mmm, Culldun, it? Thing like that. Hoping that look for lance worthy of the sharpening, being able to hit precise with. "Ivan needing best lance having! No object for money." Ivan trying to find so parting with his money for cause great, and take to house of forge where asking if can sharp to making more accuracy, Ivan get after come later.

Pry about for a ranged option, Ivan was. Threw lance one needs to fly truth, so try to picking one from the store weapons, clear out sell one of the gulping drinks.

With done, Ivan be waiting and ready tournament. The quest: are rest?

Ivan buys the Gamble Lance from Calden, and brings it into the forge to forge it for +24 Hit for when we leave. He additionally attempts to sell off his spare vulnerary at the shop and purchase a Javelin as a ranged option.


Gamble Lance: 500G

Forge: (30+10(n-1))%, so 30%, 40%, 50% for three upgrades (+8 Hit each), total: 120%*500 = 600G

Total: 1100G

In addition, if he can buy a Javelin after selling one of his vulneraries, that's +350G so he should be left with 1350G + whatever the vulnerary can sell for. All that dosh.

Edited by Tryhard
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Orpheus was rather surprised by the armoury's selection - although he was rather limited to the handful of axes available. It always amused him how he could swing an axe, but a sword was a completely different experience. His musings aside, he approached the counter, leaving Wolfgang to his own devices.

"I'll take the big one, the hammer... but could you tidy it up a little?" Orpheus asked, leaning forwards. "I mean, it's a nice piece of kit, but it'd be a mighty shame to see it miss the mark, right?"

Normally he'd have tried his chances at haggling, but he could already tell that it wasn't up for discussion. Hopefully he'd be able to net a weapon that would actually do the trick.

Orpheus buys a Hammer, getting it forged with +16 hit, which comes to 1105 in total.

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Wolfgang nodded at the young man as the two soon reach the armoury and vendor shops. Leaving Orpheus to select from the array of weapons being displayed, Wolfgang went to the vendor to get his tome repaired.

"See this tome? Well it has been enchanted, and I'd like it to be repaired. Its in quite a bad shape at the moment." he told the vendor as he handed over the tome to her.

Wolfgang repairs his forged flux tome and pays 945 gold .

Edited by Bluedoom
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"Ha, yeah, he sounds like someone that I would get along with." Watching everyone head off, she rested her elbows on the counter and stared off after them. "Hmm, I wonder... Do you think there's a forge around here somewhere? I think my weapons could use some work, just making them a bit more accurate, you know? That sort of thing."

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"Yeah, there's a weapons shop nearby that'll do it for ya," Peter said through the last bite of his eggs. "But they're kinda expensive. I went there to do something about my weapons, and came out with five gold to my name, no more, nor less. Do you know how much the tournament entry fee is? I might have to sell some stuff or something, if it's more than what I've got." I wonder if she'd let me borrow some.
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Vale stopped mid-stride. He recognized Mel instantly. "Oh--hey;" he began, "it's been a while--at least, it seems like." He chuckled. Mel's hyperactive disposition was actually exactly what he needed. "What were you guys going shopping for?" He asked this without paying heed to her last comment, partly because he had no idea how to respond and mostly because he knew she was teasing anyway. He ran a hand through his hair. He still felt tired. "Just curious--I needed something to wake me up, anyhow." He grinned.

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"Très bien! I was juste going to look at ze magique zat ze city 'as. A lot of us seem to 'ave found some scroll ou somesing for zemselves, donc, I will see what I can buy." She glanced at Celestia as she spoke, wondering what that scroll had done. "Donc, eh, eef you wish to come along for zat, you may. I sink eet would be great to 'ave you along~ What do you sink, Celestia? Pas problème, oui?" She was sure Celestia wouldn't have any concerns. Why would she? Unless... Well, Mel tossed that thought away, it couldn't be true. It had been rather petty of her, anyway. No sinking zose sorts of sings.

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"Think it's 200 gold. Though, hey, if you don't have that, I could always lend you it? You could pay me back after the tournament and such. Though I think I will head to the forge, get those weapons balanced better and such." She pushed back from the counter and reached into her purse. "Here we go, 200 gold if you want it. And don't worry, I don't charge interest." She grinned at the older man, hoping he'd take that for the joke it was meant to be.

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"Of course it isn't a problem. We'd be happy to have you along, Vale." Celestia replied with a smile, noting Melanie's repeated glances ever since she had looked over the scroll. Taking out the parchment with an exaggerated sigh, she offered it to Melanie.

"There's not any magic left in it, that I can feel, anyway. You probably won't be able to learn the technique from it, but if you want to read it, you're welcome to."

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"Ah, oui? C'est pas problème?" Mel meekly took the scroll, a bit embarrassed that she'd been caught staring at it, but wanting to know what it had been nonetheless. She opened it and read it over, nodding a few times as she did, finally understanding what it had been, and becoming almost jealous. Mostly impressed, though. "Une Luna scroll? Franchement, zat ees really powerful... I 'ope you are very sankful for zis, Celestia." Mel had to get herself something just as impressive now, or else she'd feel she missed out on the city! Then again, she had the tome Mina gave her, but she had to give that back, so...

"Eh, nevermind zat, 'ere you are." She gave the powerless scroll back to Celestia, and then turned to Vale. "Donc, eef you are fine wis coming along, zen, I sink you should lead us along~ Feel free~" Mel smiled, and hopped in place, getting incredibly antsy over what magics would be awaiting them.

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The inexperienced shopkeeper from the previous day hadn't "Oh, um, you want to know what they do?" He took a moment to compose himself properly, then continued. "Well, they're magical gems that make you well... they all make you better at different things. Harder, better, faster, stronger... All sorts of stuff.

ivan and orpheus

"Um... what?" The blacksmith scratched his head, confused. "You want this lance improved or something?" He assumed that "Well, it's a pretty odd weapon, and the design keeps kind of shoddy, but I think I can work with it. We'll see how it goes." Luckily for Ivan, the returned lance meant that he seemed to have been successful. "I'm still not really sure what this lance is, but it should be a bit easier to wield now. I'd... probably be careful with it all the same though." he admitted, before turning to Orpheus, who seemed to have arrived while they were talking.

"You're after some heavy stuff, huh?" he muttered, sizing up the weapon Orpheus had bought. "Yeah, it should be a pretty easy job. Give me a minute." He retreated into the back room, reemerging with the refined axe several minutes later. "Here you go." He said, passing Orpheus his new weapon and taking his pay. "If you've got any more work that needs doing to your equipment, let me know. Good luck!"


"Well, it's certainly worn out!" The merchant agreed, taking Wolfgang's tome. "But I can fix it up in a jiffy, don't worry about that. It won't take long!" She left Wolfgang to his devices for about a minute or so, and came back holding the result of her. "See? It's as good as new!" she chirped, placing the repaired tome on the counter. "That'll be 945 gold, thank you. By the way, you might want to bring it in for repairs earlier in the future. I don't think it would've last for much longer!"

Edited by SB.
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"Ah, thanks!" Peter said, grinning right back for different reasons. "Not like I'd be able to escape you for long if you DID charge interest," he added, with a chuckle. "Best of luck at the tournament!"
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"Ha, no problem. And thanks, you too!" She grinned and headed out the door to the forge. She placed two of her lances on the counter and asked, "Could you do some work on these to make them a bit more accurate? I think the weight's off on this one and the haft's not quite long enough on this one."

First Taima gives Peter 200 gold for the Tournament fee

Then Taima forges +24 hit and +2 mt to her Iron Lance and +8 hit to her Horseslayer


250*2.5=625 gold (full forge)

650*.3= 195 gold (one forge)

625+195=820 gold, Taima has 380 gold left over

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"I am, I was surprised when I read it." Celestia replied, taking back the scroll, before Melanie offered Vale the lead in their shopping adventure.

"Have you been around the markets yet, Vale? If you don't know the way, you don't need to feel pressured to lead either, Melanie can seem pretty pushy at times if you're not careful." The templar added with a giggle, putting the scroll away completely.

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"Harder, better, faster, stronger eh?" Lugos repeated to himself. He picked up the one that was colored dark green. "So what does this one do?" He wasn't going to just buy one blindly, these things were expensive, so he was going to make sure he got the one that suited him the most.

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