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This is the most evil thing I've seen in a long time...


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Felt like sharing, there are animal lovers here right? There is something very sick and barbaric going on in Thailand according to this. Dogs are stolen from their families, then starved, beaten, tortured etc before being sent to slaughterhouses to be turned into dog meat. The sickos believe that by letting them suffer and be in that much pain, the dogs will taste better! There are laws against this, thankfully, but they apparently aren't being enforced enough. So I signed the petition...the prime minister of Thailand needs to have this stopped.

It's one thing to eat cattle and chickens and pigs...but doing this to an animal that's considered man's best friend is just wrong. Also, whenever cattle/chickens/pigs are treated this inhumanly before they're killed, animal rights groups rage. I know in India they view cattle as sacred animals so they probably think we're barbarians for having our burgers and steaks...but this is just...absolutely evil.

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cattle and chickens and plenty of animals that people keep as pets are treated harshly around the world, but ONE this specific instance of mistreating DOGS?? AHH omg must sign now!!

except the difference, in this case, is that the animals are being stolen from their families...but if i didn't know any better, i would think that you don't feel sorry for the families...i'm wrong about that, right?


Edited by xXHoshiHeartsXx
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That is horrible, of course, but I don't think it's any more inexcusable than cruelty to cattle/any other farm animal out there. They're all living beings that have feelings, here.

It also sounds like your comparisons are between two different cultures. Although idk what it's like outside of the US. But sure, dogs are considered "man's best friend" in the US at least, but are they considered so in Thailand as well? Animal rights groups rage about animal cruelty to cattle/chickens/etc in the US, but does this also happen in Thailand?

So yeah I agree that this is terrible and super sad ;n; But it kinda got to me a little that you dismissed other animals that get treated cruelly, as if to say that dogs deserve it less than them...

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I believe this is also a problem in vietnam and china.

Yeah if it was done legally and the dogs were treated well I wouldn't mind. Although granted we also treat our livestock very badly. Hoping things get better universally.

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Yeah it's a gray area. I condone eating beef/chicken etc if they are treated with kindness during their lives. Of course there's no way of telling whether or not they were given respect when that burger ends up on your plate, but...yeah. The fact of the matter is that this is illegal. And it pulls on my heartstrings because they are dogs, a species I have known and loved all my life as a companion animal. I wouldn't be able to be a rancher because I would get attached to them and be sad when they had to be killed, I have never had a pet cow or chicken. If I did I wouldn't be able to eat beef or chicken without feeling guilty.

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So yeah I agree that this is terrible and super sad ;n; But it kinda got to me a little that you dismissed other animals that get treated cruelly, as if to say that dogs deserve it less than them...

these dogs are stolen from families though.

It's not like people steal other people's pet cattle to cook them.

If those dogs were raised specifically to be eaten, and not stolen, I wouldn't really have a problem with it.

Edited by Nobody
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Yeah it's a gray area. I condone eating beef/chicken etc if they are treated with kindness during their lives. Of course there's no way of telling whether or not they were given respect when that burger ends up on your plate, but...yeah. The fact of the matter is that this is illegal. And it pulls on my heartstrings because they are dogs, a species I have known and loved all my life as a companion animal. I wouldn't be able to be a rancher because I would get attached to them and be sad when they had to be killed, I have never had a pet cow or chicken. If I did I wouldn't be able to eat beef or chicken without feeling guilty.

Yeah it's a gray area. I condone eating beef/chicken etc if they are treated with kindness during their lives. Of course there's no way of telling whether or not they were given respect when that burger ends up on your plate, but...yeah. The fact of the matter is that this is illegal. And it pulls on my heartstrings because they are dogs, a species I have known and loved all my life as a companion animal.

Yeah it's a gray area. I condone eating beef/chicken etc if they are treated with kindness during their lives. Of course there's no way of telling whether or not they were given respect when that burger ends up on your plate, but...yeah.

I condone eating beef/chicken etc if they are treated with kindness during their lives.

*Pets cow* I love you cow *Slits throat*

These factory farms aren't going to take the time to give kindness to each individual animal. Over 99% of farm animals in the U.S. are raised in factory farms, which focus on profit and efficiency at the expense of the animals' welfare.

I don't like it when people think that dogs, cats, and other types of animals people keep as pets deserve more. Why should those dogs get to live instead of the pigs, cows, and chickens? In fact, pigs are smarter that dogs. Living in a first world country I don't see a legitimate reason for most people to be eating or using animals, it's a waste of resources to, you have to feed those animals crops you could be eating instead, we'd have more food and water. I'm not saying to get rid of it all over night because that would be hurt many businesses, it would happen slowly over a long period of time. It's also unhealthy, especially dairy as no other animal on this earth takes away the milk from another. I'm not going to have any pets because I don't want to have to pick one animal over the other.

I would help these dogs if I could, but I don't think it's right to choose one over the other.

Eat what you want, It's your life, just don't walk into things blindly. All I did was speak my opinion and spam is allowed so it doesn't really matter if I get a little off topic in one post. I'm still paranoid that Integrity is going to hurt me gain. I don't think I broke any rules. Pls don't hurt me mods. I don't think there was any nastiness in my post other than "I don't like."

Edited by Rabbattack
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these dogs are stolen from families though.

It's not like people steal other people's pet cattle to cook them.

If those dogs were raised specifically to be eaten, and not stolen, I wouldn't really have a problem with it.

Yes they were stolen and that does make it worse but I think that is another point entirely from the aspect (and the part of the post) I was addressing

Edited by Freohr Datia
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was gonna post that i saw a video of a two men getting their throats cut by some cartel guys but no this thing is definitely more evil. you can fuck with our humans but you cant fuck with our dogs

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I find this far more nefarious to be perfectly honest. The fact people are crying over a shirt some guy who landed a craft on a fucking comet was wearing, and very little is discussed about the situation in the link i provided, tells me a lot about society.


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okay we get it this is not "the most evil thing" ever but just because there are more evil things happening and bigger issues to solve does not mean the situation of those dogs (or of livestock in general) should be ignored. people don't have a one good action limit you know

also "there are bigger issues to solve" is the excuse used to ignore everything, from same sex marriage to environment issues, and there is no point of even saying it

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The fact that 43 missing students in Mexico is being ignored and people are ranting about injustice done to puppies, Kim Kardashian, etc, is fucking messed up.

Nah, instead people rather bitch about ethics in gaming journalism.


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I think i'll palm my support towards bigger issues like slavery first

Holy shit Alb wants to support slavery.

EDIT-I admit I don't know what palming means in this quote so maybe I misunderstood.

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