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I just wanna cook


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I have a ton of cooking videos on my Youtube playlist. Tons of them. And I just want to cook. It's, liek, where do I start. I don't even have many of the ingredients, which, is...liek, 95% of the problem. The other 5% being, that I don't really know where to start.

Cooking is fun and great.

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It's usual to not have many of the ingredients, because there are many more ingredients than you will probably be able to fit in your fridge, cabinets, etc. Don't sweat it. Try to choose something to cook where you know you can find most of the ingredients. And in some cases, you might be able to do without all the ingredients and still get something tasty. Like, the first time I made french onion soup, the recipe suggested the addition of some port, and I didn't have any, so I just did without, and it was still good (IMO).

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It's usual to not have many of the ingredients, because there are many more ingredients than you will probably be able to fit in your fridge, cabinets, etc. Don't sweat it. Try to choose something to cook where you know you can find most of the ingredients. And in some cases, you might be able to do without all the ingredients and still get something tasty. Like, the first time I made french onion soup, the recipe suggested the addition of some port, and I didn't have any, so I just did without, and it was still good (IMO).

That's actually pretty helpful, thanks. I'll looking into taking a step back, and look into more simpler things. My problem was that many ingredients weren't even conventional and available around here.

Try frying an egg

Seriously if you can't even fry an egg, you won't get anywhere

Try cooking salchichas. No, you don't do them in the microwave. :awesome:

On a serious note, I have a friend who wanted to cook spaghetti on a microwave.

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That's actually pretty helpful, thanks. I'll looking into taking a step back, and look into more simpler things. My problem was that many ingredients weren't even conventional and available around here.

Ya. One other thing, well, it's probably obvious but, your kitchen resources (stove, bowls, ladles, etc.) are important in cooking too! So don't forget to make sure you have what you need on that front, too.

On a serious note, I have a friend who wanted to cook spaghetti on a microwave.

Like, they wanted to warm up spaghetti that was already cooked? Or were they gonna microwave dry, brittle shafts of uncooked spaghetti? If the latter, lol.

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cooking is great and amazing and i fully support your ambitions

Try frying an egg

Seriously if you can't even fry an egg, you won't get anywhere

i'm pretty great at baking things and less great at cooking things but my fried eggs are frankly only mediocre

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I do most of the cooking at my house, so I go to the store with a plan of what I want to cook and buy what I need. The other thing I like to do is make up my own recipe with what I have at home and normally it turns out pretty good.

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If you want to learn how to cook, ask your mom.

Or the person that cooks in your house if it's someone else, I learned how to cook all of my meals in about a week. Nothing fancy but it's the kind of start you're looking for, I guess?

Start with like cooking your own lunch/dinner or something, with help.

Edited by PKLucas531
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Cooking sounds like a thing that you'll just have to be patient with, you might just have to give it lots of time. Idk starting with basics is probably the right idea.

if you will accept advice from somebody who doesn't even cook that much~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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yeah the advice of starting with basic things can be misleading, many people think that frying eggs or cooking rice are harder than complete dishes

my advice is just to get some recipe you wanna try and do your best to make it work. it's what i did to learn how to bake cookies (my first time was atrocious, now everyone loves my cookies)

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yeah the advice of starting with basic things can be misleading, many people think that frying eggs or cooking rice are harder than complete dishes

my advice is just to get some recipe you wanna try and do your best to make it work. it's what i did to learn how to bake cookies (my first time was atrocious, now everyone loves my cookies)

complete dishes that involve frying eggs or cooking rice?

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last year I tried making a buche de noel for thanksgiving

mind you, I've never baked anything before

I failed so hard it looked like a limp cow shit that tasted sweet

at least it was edible!

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If you want to learn how to cook, ask your mom.

...I never said I didn't know how to cook. I said I have a ton of things in mind, but didn't know where to start or where to get the ingredients.

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