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Am the only one who doesn't want to watch Game of Thrones.


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I quit watching the show after S1 because whilst the raw events of the plot are covered acceptably, what made the books capture me initially was the well defined and interesting characters, and the monologues they were would have repeatedly. That's just the difference between a novel and a show I suppose, although I have watched series that made the leap well. Essentially, the TV show feels more event driven than the novels, and the reduced characterisation makes it a world less interesting.

Side note though, it started going downhill in book 4 and I'm pretty much done after book 5.

The show is going in really weird places. However, i do not expect it to go full True Blood style and be absolute bullshit. The show does delve into the character study part of the series. Unfortunately, some characters get more time spent on them than others. (Stannis..why...) I would argue that there are some things the show just does better than the books. Sansa's character development progression is quicker and much more pronounced. Meaning that viewers are not left still hating her guts. (her development in the books is rather subtle and the fandom is still torn on if shes even progressed.) Cersei is presented as a much less cartoonish character in the show. In season 1, Viserys was far more nuanced than he was in the book. Theon Greyjoy is gr9 in the show. Braavos looks incredible. That One Reveal in season 4 regarding the White Walkers was actually pretty damn cool. The guys in Slaver's Bay seem to have more life in the show. (the books' Slaver's Bay is so...one dimensional, even when [sPOILA] gets there.)

As far as adaptations go, GoT is pretty good. Even though i got a bunch of gripes about how Dany is being played. Dat actress is not gud.

My mom hates gory shows and games and doesn't like the idea of my younger brother (or anyone under 17) watching sex scenes. The living room, unfortunately, is the only place with a TV with HD and proper heat distribution and comfort. I never understood why she dislikes Shawn of the Dead so much but enjoys Hot Fuzz despite them being equally as gory. She also enjoyed Attack on Titan when my brother showed it to her. I don't have cable anymore either so...

Thats a pity. I feel that after a certain age, we shouldnt shelter children from media and the less pleasant side of things. Especially when its established that this stuff is fiction.

does it really

Yeah actually.

"Man, why dont you like Nicki Minaj? Shes so much fun, whats wrong with you?"

"Whats wrong with you? Why are you listening to tripe like Nicki Minaj when you should be listening to The Mars Volta! You fucken pleb!"

"Hey screw you, mang!"

*dancey shrug*


Fite da powah, integ! Sock it to the man.

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The show is going in really weird places. However, i do not expect it to go full True Blood style and be absolute bullshit. The show does delve into the character study part of the series. Unfortunately, some characters get more time spent on them than others. (Stannis..why...) I would argue that there are some things the show just does better than the books. Sansa's character development progression is quicker and much more pronounced. Meaning that viewers are not left still hating her guts. (her development in the books is rather subtle and the fandom is still torn on if shes even progressed.) Cersei is presented as a much less cartoonish character in the show. In season 1, Viserys was far more nuanced than he was in the book. Theon Greyjoy is gr9 in the show. Braavos looks incredible. That One Revealâ„¢ in season 4 regarding the White Walkers was actually pretty damn cool. The guys in Slaver's Bay seem to have more life in the show. (the books' Slaver's Bay is so...one dimensional, even when [sPOILA] gets there.)

As far as adaptations go, GoT is pretty good. Even though i got a bunch of gripes about how Dany is being played. Dat actress is not gud.

It's difficult for me to comment on much of the rest since I haven't watched past S1, but the fact is the degree of attention given to each individual simply can't be replicated in TV shows. Primarily, the novel series relies on lots of insight into the mindset of a character's thought process and how their outlook on their situations and life that isn't quite as a pronounced simply by what they say or what they do. If you think some changes to the execution of the plot or presentation enable better characterisation then I can't really comment, since aside from that one scene with Loras in S1, and I think one scene in a whorehose with Petyr, there was almost nothing new or different in S1 IIRC. Oh and some extra stuff with Theon I think?

Cersei I am not surprised to hear is better off though since book 4 in general was an instance of GRRM attempting to retroactively turn her into an actual character as opposed to an entirely self centered reprehensible bitch ( in the truest sense of the word! ), so it probably went backwards for the show too. Viserys I can't agree on, Greyjoy is maybe a tiny bit more likable from what I can remember (though I still think very little of him anyway, since he's such a braggart)

Edited by Irysa
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It's difficult for me to comment on much of the rest since I haven't watched past S1, but the fact is the degree of attention given to each individual simply can't be replicated in TV shows. Primarily, the novel series relies on lots of insight into the mindset of a character's thought process and how their outlook on their situations and life that isn't quite as a pronounced simply by what they say or what they do. If you think some changes to the execution of the plot or presentation enable better characterisation then I can't really comment, since aside from that one scene with Loras in S1, and I think one scene in a whorehose with Petyr, there was almost nothing new or different in S1 IIRC. Oh and some extra stuff with Theon I think?

Cersei I am not surprised to hear is better off though since book 4 in general was an instance of GRRM attempting to retroactively turn her into an actual character as opposed to an entirely self centered reprehensible bitch ( in the truest sense of the word! ), so it probably went backwards for the show too. Viserys I can't agree on, Greyjoy is maybe a tiny bit more likable from what I can remember (though I still think very little of him anyway, since he's such a braggart)

This sounds like you just dont hang well with adaptation in general. Thats fair enough i suppose. Cuz mediums differ and things get conveyed differently.

Season 3 showed stuff with Theon that was not outright depicted (but heavily implied) during his absence for two books. Season 4 shows us the result. The actor who plays Theon is really just fantastic. I think thats another thing about that show. 99% of the cast is just fucking awesome. The show also showed a lot more of Robb Stark. The problem is season 5 is gonna get weird. And something something theres a plot point still missing mumble mumble At least we get to see Dorne and a lot of it. Im ok with the show going in weird directions as long as it makes sense and is gud in the long run.

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I get the feeling you like locking threads.

i love locking threads nearly as much as i love suspending people

EDIT: i'm an industrial engineer man trimming the fat appeals to me on a primal level

Edited by Integrity
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i love locking threads nearly as much as i love suspending people

EDIT: i'm an industrial engineer man trimming the fat appeals to me on a primal level

It all makes so much sense now. And now I have more fear
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This sounds like you just dont hang well with adaptation in general. Thats fair enough i suppose. Cuz mediums differ and things get conveyed differently.

Ehhh. I like adaptations that utilise their medium effectively, but I find in particular that timeslotted TV shows are unfriendly towards large scale multifaceted development adaptations from long running series, regardless of where they come from. Movies tend to be too short too. On the flipside, I think that short story adaptations tend to work beautifully, and there are other instances where I think characterisation was better delivered from one medium to another (Tsukihime manga vs VN Arcueid, hi).

Edited by Irysa
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porn? Where? I think the overstating of nudity and sex scenes in the show is fucking hilarious. Like, "Oh no! theres boobs on tv! PORN!!!! SHAMEFUL!" Hell, its got much less sexual content than Spartacus (Showtime) and Black Sails does. Game of Thrones has actually toned down some stuff in the last season. On the violence end of the spectrum, yeah that is a thing, ill admit. Its pretty damn gory.

One thing that lots of people dont really realize, is that a lot of the sex and violence is canon. Like, its in the books. Hell, a lot of season 2 and 3 stuff involving Tyrion and Shae was hella toned down in the show. Dany actually gets naked less in the show. I think the only character who gets naked more in the show than the books is Melisandre. /shrug

Also, Arya's whole character arc is a bit different. In the books, her arc gets kinda freaking violent in places. Moreso than what you see on the show.

I was pretty sure it was in the books...there's some pretty crazy books out there when it comes to sex scenes.

But as for your first statement, I didn't know that. That other shows have more than it, I mean. I guess I wouldn't mind the boobs and stuff. I dunno why I get squeamish with violence...yeah.

Oh, and the thing with the teacher. I heard of that. Coolest teacher ever.

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I've only watched the pilot episode at my friend's behest, and it was okay. But I've heard about the massive amounts of killing and gore that happens later and that's really not my thing. I think I'll pass.

As a side note, I also don't like Walking Dead or Breaking Bad. Zombie tv shows/movies are so overdone, even if it's about 'more than the zombies', I'm just not into it. And I watched the pilot of Breaking Bad, and I just felt so sorry for Walter before he turns into this evil character. I wouldn't want to watch the rest of the series.

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I've only watched the pilot episode at my friend's behest, and it was okay. But I've heard about the massive amounts of killing and gore that happens later and that's really not my thing. I think I'll pass.

As a side note, I also don't like Walking Dead or Breaking Bad. Zombie tv shows/movies are so overdone, even if it's about 'more than the zombies', I'm just not into it. And I watched the pilot of Breaking Bad, and I just felt so sorry for Walter before he turns into this evil character. I wouldn't want to watch the rest of the series.

I think you should continue BB. Unless you don't like that feeling, in which case it should be avoided; it's definitely an emotional rollercoaster in the later seasons. I've never seen a performance as incredible as Cranston's Walt in a TV show.

Walt is never truly evil, and the series certainly doesn't end with him intending to come across that way. It's very beautifully crafted. Avoid spoilers if you decide to continue, the show needs to be watched blind as much as possible :P.

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