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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Oh, 6 hours really isn't that bad. I guess it just takes longer when one guy is trying to teach 5 newbies, or maybe there were fairly significant changes between editions.

Well, looking at the changes, it appears it was streamlined somewhat, although the game is still hounded as being overly bloated. Some of the apparent differences:

1.) Instead of there being phases for production, technology, etc. there is now one singular phase that is done continuously in short rounds of actions until every player on the board has passed. Instead of being phases everyone can do, now players choose from one of those phases --referred to as strategies-- as their major action that phase. Different strategy cards go earlier or later in the phase, altering turn order accordingly, and when someone uses their strategy ability it is consumed for that phase. When they use it, generally other players can spend resources to use a weaker version of that ability.

2.) Players generally do not have liquid assets, and instead buy units by exhausting planets that they have colonized. There are exceptions, such as with trade goods that are gained from trade agreements, which can be used in a number of ways.

3.) Players now win by accumulating victory points. The goal is to reach ten, through fulfilling public objectives randomly determined through the course of the game or through another random secret objective each player is given at the beginning of the game for more points.

It tends to take me about seven hours if I'm teaching a bunch of newbies, but ten hours sounds believable if you're taking your time.

I can say that I've not yet played Game of Thrones, though I think I played one round of Starcraft, the board game, which was unique. I don't remember much of it, though. Anyway, I do remember enjoying the one round of play-by-post Diplomacy that started up, even though it quickly died. I don't know that I've ever played a face game of it, which I count as something I still need to rectify at some point. I should probably get caught up with ASOIAF first though before picking up the game. I only ever read Game of Thrones itself, as that was all that was published at the time, and I never manage to be very diligent about slowly following slowly moving releases.

In person games can get pretty heated since betrayals are common. Moreso when the person that backstabs you promised not to. But that's Diplomacy's charm, of course. It's much quicker than Diplomacy, however, because it doesn't require a moderator but instead makes use of a number of order tokens that are placed facedown at the beginning of every action phase. During the game cards from three decks are randomly drawn prior to action orders to determine events that happen in Westeros, leaving players to respond to wildling attacks or vie for supremacy on three separate tracks that are all equally important, such as who wins in the event of military ties, who gets to resolve orders first, and who is able to make use of more potent orders.

You don't need to follow it really, as the game takes place essentially at the time of Robert's death and the only thing players need to know is that the houses are all battling for control. It's really quite an amazing game.

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Alright let's toss a few.

1. Let's talk SRW. What's your favorite game so far, what are your thoughts on the games you've played and what are you looking to play next in the series? Oh and what is the most "annoyingly hardest" battle mastery/SR point you've ever gotten?

2. What's the doktor's favorite hobby?

3. What drives you?

4. Were you ready for Freddy?

5. Is Orcs Must Die Unchained something you'd play when it comes out of Beta?

I've only actually played the two GBA OG releases so far, but they were both great games. IMO OG1 had a much tighter story, and really excelled on that front, while IIRC OG2 was a bit better at having fine tuned some of the gameplay options, though some of OG2's bosses had ridiculous wtf levels of HP, which feels like a lazy way to try to create a larger challenge. I'm not sure I have a better solution though, so I won't rag on it too hard in that regard. OG2's story was pretty much a mess from trying to handle too many things altogether, and wasn't even remotely streamlined like OG1 (unless I'm misremembering). As far as my next foray, I've been told J should probably be what I pick up, although I think I did here that alpha was worth looking into as well. I'm sort of open for suggestions, but I just really wish more Original Generation titles would localized. Most frustrating BP though... hmm, well it would probably have to be one of OG2's as they removed the failsafe of fail and restart the level from OG1. The easy answer would be the defeating the Inspectors, but that was just tedious, and IIRC unconnected to the BP. I think I'll go with the escort the Taussendfuseller in the mission when you get Arato, episode 16 I think? That said, it's still not that bad once you've figured it out. The only other contender would have to be one of those no-retreat BP on a no-upgrade run. I'm thinking destroying the Siblewind on 23 Izu maybe? IDK.

Favorite hobby. I actually kind of enjoy video editing. Maybe one of these days I'll make another AMV.

The source of my drive is actually kind of a mystery at times. Maybe to avoid disappointment, either for myself or for others?

I was ready for Freddy, but I was not ready for Foxy. RIP.

Unchained actually looked like it was taking the series in a direction I disagreed with at first blush, but I might have to look into it further to confirm or deny.

Time to toss in my 3 other questions.

3. What is the first video game you recall ever playing?

4. How would you feel if there was an SF DnD group (Or just tabletops done in general) via skype? I've given the prospect alot of thought despite not being able to do those for quite some time.

5. Where in the world do you wish to visit most?

It would be one of the following four:


Striker (ignore obnoxious reviewer for being an entitled prat)



There were probably some others I don't remember as well. If I had to recommend any one of them that stands the test of time it would be Starflight. That game was flipping amazing.

I'd totally dig tabletopping over skype.

I've already visited a lot of really neat places, but Australia and Japan remain on my list for different reasons.

while you were a Journeyman (healer guy) name in Myth I was chiefly referring to might and magic 7

OH RIGHT. That was the one where we mysteriously found some phasers near the end of our fantasy rpg world, right?
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The nominations will be redone every nomination period (in case someone disappears or the like). Otherwise we would run the risk of infinite nomination pileup after a few weeks.

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I've only actually played the two GBA OG releases so far, but they were both great games. IMO OG1 had a much tighter story, and really excelled on that front, while IIRC OG2 was a bit better at having fine tuned some of the gameplay options, though some of OG2's bosses had ridiculous wtf levels of HP, which feels like a lazy way to try to create a larger challenge. I'm not sure I have a better solution though, so I won't rag on it too hard in that regard.

Some of the older games capped boss HP at like 40-60k and just had them cast guts and a bunch of other spirit commands like strike, alert, valor, guard and spirit.

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