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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Who the hell do you think i am not?

That wasnt a question. The actual question what do you think of angel duster by run the jewels, which that line is from

And also what do you think about the song by cerati i keep posting in this thread

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What's a restaurant you like going to, if there's any at all?

Who was your first friend on SF?

1. I have a few. A local pizza place is one of my favourites.

2. I don't remember. Probably Euklyd?

6. what did ya mean by i'll be damned?

7. In terms of the self assessment, for want of being more specific, how about what you think of yourself in the area of interpersonal skills/ how you think you act around others?

8. Favourite Mumford and Sons song? i personally like Dust Bowl Dance

6. I was just thinking about you a few days ago. Thought you left. Turns out you just changed names.

7. I have decent persuasion skills once I get to know someone, but I can be insensitive and do not empathize with highly emotional people. I tend to appeal to reason despite the fact it doesn't work on them.

8. Same.

7. If you were to create a "faction" or "party" of individuals who support you, what would you name said party and what would be the focus (while the nature of the question seems political, it's not intended to be)?

7. καλλίστη. Focus would be espionage and information brokering.

Respect probably comes from being around since long ago (albeit semi-actively), admiration probably comes from being female. :S

A puzzle! That's interesting, I don't think I've heard anyone say that about me.

4. What are your views on marriage? (eg is it just a piece of paper or would you wait for the right person to marry for the rest of your life etc etc)

5. What are your reasons for not disclosing your gender?

6. Do you like to exercise control on all things?


7. Who and what are you?

Or if that wasn't a good question:

7.5. What do you think are your defining traits? What makes you you? Or do you have identity problems?

Edit: OK I'll stop editing this post.

4. I dislike marriage. The ceremony itself doesn't bother me, but the idea of making love into a contract makes a mockery of it to me.

5. Gender is a social construct. On the one hand, I don't believe I adequately fit either archetype. On the other, I wouldn't be comfortable with having personality traits projected and enforced on me like that if I did. I have no desire to be told I am being unfeminine or unmanly or have people treat me differently because they expect one or the other. Not specifying gender is my way of passively resisting what I consider one of the most a corrosive ideas to have existed.

6. Depends on the things. I don't want people I love to be perfectly controlled. I want surprises. I want to exercise control over myself. I want unlimited control over myself and what I am. I want a large amount of control over how people perceive me, but I also love it when people surprise me with their insight. I usually like to exercise control in all things while doing it, but it's not always the best path.

7.5. Independence. I value independent thought, self-sufficiency, and uniqueness. Independence leads me to detach myself from things that I rely on and become someone who can survive without them.

Integrity. I value reciprocity, intellectual integrity and keeping my word. I pay my debts and hold people to their words. I hate dishonesty and hypocrisy. Integrity leads me to admit my faults, honor agreements, and hold others accountable for theirs.

Perfectionism. I value flawlessness. Perfectionism leads me to insatiably turn a critical eye on every single thing I encounter and find out what perfect statements can be made about it. It leads me to improve something as long as I think it can be improved. It leads me to attach myself to only the least flawed idea I can find and disregard everything else.

on a scale of 1-10 how glorious are your facial features

7/10, I guess. I am not my type. Then again, who is?

Who the hell do you think i am not?

That wasnt a question. The actual question what do you think of angel duster by run the jewels, which that line is from

And also what do you think about the song by cerati i keep posting in this thread

Not very good.

Pretty good.

Since you like mentally stimulating games, have you ever considered the Professor Layton series?

Yes. I haven't finished one though.

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1. what are your first and current impressions of me?

2. Have you ever walked out on a movie or some other public event?

3. Do you have any resources you'd recommend for someone who wants to learn Javascript?

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Have you played a Mario Kart game

What's your opinion on the current 'state' of gaming

What's your first and current impression of lil' ol' me

I joined the impression bandwagon, how does that make you feel

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1-First and current impressions of me?

2-Do you think I'll ever be as smart as you one day?

3-Do you dislike females/women?

4-How did you become so smart?

5-What is your favorite color?

6-Opinions on the Mother series?

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1. what are your first and current impressions of me?

2. Have you ever walked out on a movie or some other public event?

3. Do you have any resources you'd recommend for someone who wants to learn Javascript?

First: Annoying name and avatar. Probably loves memes. Ugh.

Current: Good taste in gifs. Not so bad after all.

2. Yes. The Spongebob Movie (way back).

3. The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) is great for learning about features. Pretty much any site other than w3schools will be fine as tutorials go.

Have you played a Mario Kart game

What's your opinion on the current 'state' of gaming

What's your first and current impression of lil' ol' me

I joined the impression bandwagon, how does that make you feel

1. Yes. I'm not very good.

2. We are heading in a bad direction. Games are being pumped out unfinished, glitchy, without the features they were promised, year late. Focus continues to be put on graphics instead of innovating gameplay.


First: On the one hand, uses Comic Sans. On the other, calls me Madam. Eeeeh...

Current: Can't read their posts because Comic Sans.

4. Bored, since I don't know you very well.

1-First and current impressions of me?

2-Do you think I'll ever be as smart as you one day?

3-Do you dislike females/women?

4-How did you become so smart?

5-What is your favorite color?

6-Opinions on the Mother series?

7-Are you a competitive person?

First: Don't remember.

Current: A troll. Needs to grow up.

2. No.

3. No.

4. Outside observer would say genetics. Internal Hermione says, "Actually i'm highly logical, which allows me to look past extraneous detail."

6. Haven't played.

7. Yes. Very.

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First: Don't remember.Current: A troll. Needs to grow up.2. No.3. No.4. Outside observer would say genetics. Internal Hermione says, "Actually i'm highly logical, which allows me to look past extraneous detail."6. Haven't played.7. Yes. Very.

ya, looking past extraneous details like the 5th question you didnt answer :p

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1-Opinion on dairy products?

2-Kira or L?


how would you try to get someone into kingdom hearts

I wouldn't. I would say I love the games, but I don't push people to play them.

How does it feel to be wrong?


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I gotta ask this too. How do you feel about penguins?

Oswald Cobblepot is cool in Gotham.

1. Worst fear?

2. Lawful, neutral, or chaos? (Edit: After reading the interview, it seems you might be a bit more complex than that...)

3. Favorite JRPG?

4. If you could have dinner with any person in history, who would it be?

I would ask you for impressions, but I haven't been here long, so yeah

1. Doing something I regret and cannot fix.

2. Depends on the context. I usually get Chaotic, sometimes Neutral.

3. The Legend of Dragoon

4. Emperor Norton

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3. Do you have any resources you'd recommend for someone who wants to learn Javascript?

I am open to helping you learn it. I need something to do and I could use the teaching experience.

for what reasons is Legend of Dragoon your favorite JRPG?

Music, gameplay, graphics, characters/development, and influence/nostalgia.

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Let's see...What am I on...?

Question 8, I think

8. Which information that is frequently requested (on the internet) are you least willing to part with (this can be a very general, vague answer if needed or it would defeat the point of the question, not to mention it would be downright invasive)?

9. Of the types of media that are commonly consumed, which do you like the most? Dislike the most? Why?

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If you were somehow forced to assume leadership over a country that has a terrible government, what country would you wish to obtain leadership over, and how would you change their economic, political and/or religious structure to bring about what you believe would be an effective means of restoration and help rise the struggling nation to what might become part of the G8, changing it to what would be a G9?

Which type of apple is your favorite type of apple?

Do you have a preferred apple-based treat/pastry/meal/snack?

Edited by Sara.
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First: Big shot Mafia player and host. Supposedly good.

Current: Actually good. No impression outside of Mafia.

I don't think he's ever hosted a (non-eimm) game?

/u/refa plz confirm

5. Kill Elieson, Fuck Euklyd, Marry Nightmare. You each should know why.

I do not actually know why.

n+1) Do I want to know why?

How do you think I am communicating so quickly if I am that far away?

n+2) Do you possess, or are you interested in becoming, an ansible?

2. I don't remember. Probably Euklyd?

wait wtf you were on SF without a friend for 2 years?

(you can consider the above to be question "n+3)" if you wish)

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You'll li- Oh.

Let's see...What am I on...?

Question 8, I think

8. Which information that is frequently requested (on the internet) are you least willing to part with (this can be a very general, vague answer if needed or it would defeat the point of the question, not to mention it would be downright invasive)?

9. Of the types of media that are commonly consumed, which do you like the most? Dislike the most? Why?

8. Most common: Sex. Least willing to disclose: My name.

9. I love cinema. I would say books or music, but cinema is go great. My least favourite... I don't dislike any mediums, but... I guess visual art?

If you were somehow forced to assume leadership over a country that has a terrible government, what country would you wish to obtain leadership over, and how would you change their economic, political and/or religious structure to bring about what you believe would be an effective means of restoration and help rise the struggling nation to what might become part of the G8, changing it to what would be a G9?

Which type of apple is your favorite type of apple?

Do you have a preferred apple-based treat/pastry/meal/snack?

1. I don't have enough knowledge to make that kind of decision. Based on what I do know, I would probably pick Israel, turn it into a peaceful state, and eventually dissolve it. I don't know enough about their economics or internal political landscape to speculate about particulars.

2. I don't know... Gala, I think?

3. Apple crisp.

I don't think he's ever hosted a (non-eimm) game?

/u/refa plz confirm

I do not actually know why.

n+1) Do I want to know why?

n+2) Do you possess, or are you interested in becoming, an ansible?

wait wtf you were on SF without a friend for 2 years?

(you can consider the above to be question "n+3)" if you wish)

n+1. Probably not.

n+2. Hell yes.

n+3. I think so.

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