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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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i love you? with a question mark

YOU LOVE ME! But my hunty skills leave something to be desired...

what's your first and current impressions of makaze

what did you think of logh? did you watch all the gaidens?

First was that he was a pretty serious human being, current that he is a robot. (Makaze, I promise you that I'll give you a different and non-joking answer if you ask me this).

I'm marking this with spoilers just in case.

Sometimes I think logh glorifies war a bit much (even though it does have graphic scenes and heart-wrenching consequences of said war to impress upon the watcher that war is terrible). However, even though I kind of don't think galactic unification is important enough to cost so many lives, I do admit to liking Reinhard. I was kind of pissed at Reuenthal's last bit of activity since the show seems to be telling us that he was too proud to apologize, which IMO is a pretty poor excuse for costing many subordinates their lives on both his and Reinhard's side. There are obvious statements to make on characters such as Yang and Kircheis, which I will omit because they are obvious. I was also pretty sad when Jessica Edwards died, because I thought she might become an important and interesting political force later on in the series or something.

LoGH might be my favorite anime, and overall I just really love it and think it's super great. The only things that stick out to me as bad in the series are the terraists and rubinsky. The terraists are kind of boring and lame, and rubinsky is in the shadows so much that his stuff feels kind of out of place in the context of the series, IMO. I did find rubinsky to be a reasonably interesting character, unlike DeVilliers or other terraists.

I haven't watched all of the gaidens. I need to watch the one which centers around Kircheis, and another one that IIRC doesn't revolve around any central characters from the rest of the LoGH series (Third Battle of Tiamat IIRC?). And I've only watched 1 of the 3 movies (it was the one with a battle taking place in the atmosphere of a gas giant.

Also, my favorite pairing in LoGH was probably Kessler and Marika.

How do you feel winning the interviews?

I'm happy, because I think it'll give me a reason to make giant posts for once. I used to do that more often but more recently my posts tend to be pretty short, if I'm not mistaken. I'll be slightly dismayed if I don't get that many questions, but that's OK - I still have a few already.

Why is everything you say so quotable?

First and current impressions of me?

For the first one. Uh, hmm. Well, all I can say is that I've been told that before. One of my econ teachers said I had a talent for making pithy assessments of larger bodies of text.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I only have a vague positive assessment of you. I know I have seen your name before on here, and if I can't think of anything bad that generally means you're pretty good. Also, I tend to know ppl who were around back when I started posting here more than others.

I knew it was going to happen eventually.

1. First and current impressions of me?

I think my very first impression of you was that you might be messing with us by posting up a guide for doing something (I think it may have been using VBA) but leaving out step 3. A little past that, I thought of you as a serious guy who probably had some interesting views. Current is slightly dismayed due to having heard some things about you on IRC, but I still think you can be an interesting poster, so I'm glad you're around.

Wow how do you feel about Makaze stealing TheEnd's question stolen from Makaze?

Where on Earth would you really really like to visit?

What is the cutest duck?

1: I don't know who started it, but it has to be stopped before it overtakes us all me.

Actually I guess I do know that TheEnd started it based on the information you gave me. But maybe Makaze started it, since he made the question that TheEnd coveted. Or maybe it was someone else who once asked Makaze what Makaze's (possibly first and current) impressions were of the asker. I don't know. This is like that Futurama episode where they tracked down the original were-car (which I feel confident was based on some werewolf movie or story where they had to kill the original were-wolf, so maybe that's what started it).

2: If I have to choose one country, I'd probably choose a gigantic country like China, Russia, India or Indonesia. Indonesia in particular would be really cool, I think. I don't know much about it, but what I do know, I like.

If you're talking more like one specific place, I would choose this one portage trail (I don't really have any idea where it is except Ontario, since I don't remember the name of the lake area we were boating around in) which has this really beautiful view of sundown through this super great grove of trees. I reached the end of that trail at pretty much the perfect time, it was absolutely great.

3: Holy shit that is a hard question. I guess I would actually go with a group of ducks from a youtube video. I don't know why but I find giant herds of ducks cooler than just individual ducks. This isn't the video I had in mind when I went looking to show you, but it's kind of close.

In addition, here is a picture of one of my favorite ducks, Sgt Joe from Suikoden III.


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what is humankind's destiny on this world?

will we ever truly into space?

do you believe in life after love?

1: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

2: I nominate me to go to space now bye.

3: That's the only line from that song I know.

what the fuck

I agree.

Are you a waifu person?

If you could have a waifu or marry a fictional character who would it be?

1: Not much of one.

2: If I had to choose someone I'd go with Jolyne Kujo, she's interesting, she's really cute and I like the spider web thing. However, I'd rather not marry someone tbh. I'm not closing my mind to it completely, but right now I don't see it happening, ever. Also, marrying Jotaro Kujo's daughter while being a wuss is probably ill-advised.

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1. You are forced to create a time paradox for unknown reasons. What would you want this time paradox to be and why (does not have to relate to yourself, describe in detail if possible)?

2. What is one social aspect of humanity you would not want to see changed?

3. You have the power to make any wish you want. However, upon making the wish, a number of others will suffer minor mishaps, with the number being based on how "strong" the wish is (for instance, saving someone's life from terminal disease would be a very strong wish, thus causing many, many people mishaps). With that in mind, what would be your wish if you were to make one at all and why?

4. You have a rare opportunity to meet with your past self from 5 years ago. You are only allowed to say a statement of up to 15 words. What would it be?

5. What one adjustment would you make to the current (U.S.) copyright laws?

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1. what brand of toothpaste is the most acceptable?

2. should tea ever have milk?

3. what about coffee?

4. missed an essential question: what do you think of me? '3'

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Do you contain the heart and soul of the original

Have you downloaded Pokemon Shuffle

What's your favorite monster from Monster Hunter

A Fire Flower and Boomerang Flower are in front of you, which one do you take

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@your LoGH comments

>Sometimes I think logh glorifies war a bit much (even though it does have graphic scenes and heart-wrenching consequences of said war to impress upon the watcher that war is terrible). However, even though I kind of don't think galactic unification is important enough to cost so many lives, I do admit to liking Reinhard.

Funny that you mention it since Yang complained that his government glorified war. I think there was that one thing where his army left with no casualties though? Was it his first mission of the 13th fleet? I forgot. o.o

But yes they don't hide the fact that war is gory and takes lives...

I think your comment tugged at me because I wasn't sure about your wording. I don't really think LoGH is trying to glorify war, but as an engrossed watcher I/people end up "rooting" for Yang or for Reinhard and you want one side to win maybe. Or you forget there's people inside the battleships and you think "whee explosions and dogfights".

Reinhard is so sparkly.

>I was kind of pissed at Reuenthal's last bit of activity since the show seems to be telling us that he was too proud to apologize, which IMO is a pretty poor excuse for costing many subordinates their lives on both his and Reinhard's side.

Yeah that was kinda lame.

>The terraists are kind of boring and lame, and rubinsky is in the shadows so much that his stuff feels kind of out of place in the context of the series

Yeah they ended up being anti-climaticky. They build up all this underground shady stuff but they didn't seem much of a threat at the end.

pox pox bijibus


You should write your posts in a text editor!

1. You've probably answered this one hundred billion times, but, how do you pronounce your username?

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First/current impressions of me?

Resturant you like going to, if any?

Favorite food?

Favorite candy/sweet/confection?

Favorite color?

Pretty levelheaded and pleasant. And in your picture, you looked so damn young.

1: Restaurant: umm, I guess my favorite is maybe a thai place one town over? They have this crispy watercress salad that tastes great IMO. There are a lot of restaurants in my area though.

2: Favorite food: maybe chicken feet. Chicken schnitzle is also great.

3: Favorite sweet: This is a tough question. Either a strawberry chocolate tart my mom makes, or baklava made by my dad.

4: Color: Blue or green I guess....

what is your first and current love for me

1: First: either when you said "SeverIan is completely self-centered" or when you said "a toast to bisexuality" (even though I found out you were just gay later...ugh, so boring).

Second: A short fling of romantic hunting with Big_Boss in MH4U's demo (Great Jaggi is the most beautiful besides u).

1. You are forced to create a time paradox for unknown reasons. What would you want this time paradox to be and why (does not have to relate to yourself, describe in detail if possible)?

2. What is one social aspect of humanity you would not want to see changed?

3. You have the power to make any wish you want. However, upon making the wish, a number of others will suffer minor mishaps, with the number being based on how "strong" the wish is (for instance, saving someone's life from terminal disease would be a very strong wish, thus causing many, many people mishaps). With that in mind, what would be your wish if you were to make one at all and why?

4. You have a rare opportunity to meet with your past self from 5 years ago. You are only allowed to say a statement of up to 15 words. What would it be?

5. What one adjustment would you make to the current (U.S.) copyright laws?

1: I have no fucking clue. It seems like the point of a time paradox is that no one knows how they work, so I have no particular desire in this regard since I would know even less about the results of my actions than in the usual cases. I'm sorry.

2: Those times when someone asks something about me and I give a somewhat longform answer that reveals a tiny bit of awkward information, so that the person who asked me a question feels bad for asking and thus putting me on the spot without realizing it.

3: A cost-benefit analysis of something like that would be very difficult to actually formulate, I think. But all the same, if I couldn't get a detailed report of the short-term effects of the wish I was making, I wouldn't make one. That being said, the wish I would make if I could have some idea of the consequences would not be particularly altruistic. I'd actually want to take back something I said to someone a few years ago, so that the conversation never happened (I would want to forget it too). Not going to say what it was, so don't ask.

4: Russia invades Ukraine Feb 2014. Ebola, West Africa, ~December 2013. Japan Tsunami March 2011. 'Luck!

5: I don't know much about copyright laws, so I'm going to pass on this one.

1. what brand of toothpaste is the most acceptable?

2. should tea ever have milk?

3. what about coffee?

4. missed an essential question: what do you think of me? '3'

1: I go with Colgate. I'm not an expert on this, though.

2: Not if it's my tea. Otherwise, the whole of the law is "do as thou wilt."

3: Not a fan of coffee. I don't care if coffee has milk, as long as milk doesn't have coffee. If you know what I mean ;)

4: Oh shit I have to tell someone else I don't know them that well. OK, one thing I just noticed...the picture set in your "about me" is great.

what sort of music do you listen to? any favorite bands/albums/songs?

Jazz, country, and video game music in general. My favorite jazz musicians include Mose Allison, Ahmad Jamal, Coltrane, Munk (Monk? agh), John Mclaughlin. Country includes the Hank Williams trio, Merle Haggard, Ray Wylie Hubbard, and Cross Canadian Ragweed. W/ video games, I really love that Japanese guy who did stuff in FF12, Tactics, etc.

I don't think I can single out a favorite song.

followup questions:

why the fuck

how the fuck

who the fuck

2: I can't answer you no whys.

3: I'm the man who makes the possible impossible.

4: Hire the Nightmarre and Hikarusa Detective Agency is my only sugggestion.

1. are you single

2. what's your sign

3. would you like a drink

4. whats your number

5. want to take this party back to my place

1: Hell yes.

2: The shape of an L on my forehead.

3: Water with some ice cubes would be great.

4: 1049

5: Ya, lemme just get on an L-1049 and hop over to your side of this country.

Do you contain the heart and soul of the original

Have you downloaded Pokemon Shuffle

What's your favorite monster from Monster Hunter

A Fire Flower and Boomerang Flower are in front of you, which one do you take

1: Probably not.

2: No...is it free?

3: Deviljho or Great Jaggi. I also really like the very low rank bug monster (Selkath?) in 4U. There are a lot of great ones, though.

I'm not a big fan of Rathalos, just because I feel it spends too much time in the air, and is annoying to hit while it's up there.

4: Fire flower. Catching a boomerang seems like it would be tougher. And I mean, boomerangs don't even actually come back when they hit something, right?


I have to admit I don't understand this joke, but...if you need my cooperation all you need is chicken feet. Don't like, ferment it though. If you do that I'll use deathbound on you.

(This is something that relates to a SMT series, right? Isn't deathbound a powerful offensive ability in that set of games?)

As far as LoGH goes, I kind of feel like I made an oversight when commenting.

For me, I kind of feel like Reinhard's dominance of the empire which comes towards the end of the first season, iirc, should mark a potential end to the empire's desire to wage war, because I don't think that conquering the Free Planets Alliance should be worth the cost. However, it is true that the Free Planets Alliance actually does have elements that are gung-ho, or pretend to be gung-ho for the purpose of getting elected and such (even calling it a holy war), about destroying the empire because it is a dictatorship, regardless of whether it is hostile towards the FPA or not.

I also don't like Reinhard's (IIRC) decision towards the very very end of the series to base his interest in Julian's terms on how well Julian's side fights, and whether they can get to him. I still find myself liking Reinhard, despite sometimes feeling like he can be a douche. Part of that is certainly because he is no coward.

I'll also add that my favorite gaiden of those I've seen was probably 100 billion stars/lights.

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