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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Oh fun.

1. If you could somehow make a blanket change over all people, what is one change you would make (e.g. people are nicer, etc?)?

2. You have been bestowed with the ability to make a single person the ruler of the world. The catch? You must use the power and it must be on someone you either have a neutral or negative impression of (even slightly negative is fine). With that in mind, who would you choose and why? If there is no valid candidate (or you don't want to), choosing someone you have a neutral impression of instead is fine.

3. What would be your ideal heaven/hell/afterlife (if at all)?

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I-I mean...

what is your first and current impression of makaze

firstestest: Man that guy really likes to start arguments (also leave Specta alone whatever you were doing to her way back then was so mean >:c) Deffo a robot.

currentestest: Bakaze can have a pretty decent sense of humour~ And seems to have calmed down with the starting a bunch of trouble thing... Might not actually be a robot....... awwww

what is your first and current impression of fuccboi

A lot of people are going to be really really upset with my answer to these...

Because I don't always remember my first impressions

And I'm not sure if I saw neckite much back in his earliest days here.

But the soonest impressions I got were probably along the lines of "wow stop hating everything"

Most recent impressions, wow necktie more like softie~~~ He's too cute c: (And it was sooooo sweet seeing him in his super cheery period like awwwwwww he's happyyyyy good for him~~)

what are your hopes and dreams

what do you think of Chill Man

speaking of Mega Man, which MAN is your favorite


(I really do though~)

I do not really know of Chill Man but he looks pretty..... chill, man~

Is this talking about a particular group of MANs (as in are there more mega man related mans I don't know) or is this any MAN in the world? Because if it is the latter then there is no competition


1). first and last expressos of me

2). no double interview?

3). what do you put on your hot dog

4). how do you see the community of the site?

5). have you been caught up in any trouble in the past 5 years? (such as hitting your toe against a table too hard?)

1. I'm not sure of my first impression... ;u; I saw you and I saw your name but I didn't really know you so I couldn't form an opinion.... that or I don't remember the opinion I formed~!

BUT CURRENT IMPRESSION is Chen is rather neat and she's pretty hilarious and idk if she knows or not but psst Integrity loves you and also you are into pretty clothing and FLORAL PATTERNS and those are both pretty gr9

2. Naaaaah he already cheated on me with Parrhesia with one of those in an ask me anything thread he needs his own time to shine~~

3. Before, I would have answered ketchup

Now............ nothing, usually~

4. Neeeeerds Well like any community I imagine there are some really cool and funny and chill people and some people that really just need to calm down about their elite video games and perfect waifus/husbandos ^o^ and stop freaking out so much over fanservice

5. I..... probably have, yes.... um... idk I guess really all I can think of is how I always overreact or get overprotective on this site, that tends to get me into lots of unnecessary trouble

Do you like having things put on your head?


1. Why is makaze such a party pooper :c

2. what's your favorite mh monsty and why

3. if this is already not answered by the previous question what's your favorite monsty introduced in mh4(u) (so far)?

4. how do you rank the mh4u weapons

1. I imagine if he allowed that then suddenly everybody would start requesting for the same thing =o /also a party pooper (but also as I said above, aiku needs his OWN TIME so he can hog the attention ALL TO HIMSELF)

2. Stygian Zinogre Edit: oh crap you asked why, because he's a fuzzy doggy and he's pretty and I like his and Zinogre's howling it sounds so prettyyyyy

3. KECHA WACHA so kawaii

4. u-um

I.... wouldn't~

I don't really use any weapons besides hunting horn and lance and bow ^o^ Though I'd like to get into insect glaive (and really I'd like to get better at all of them like ike does but I'm just so spoiled by hunty horn boosts and hate to quit using it)

how does it feel to be interviewed at last

first and current impressions of integ

first and current impressions of the fe4 thread

how much fe have you played and do you even care about the series at this point

what were the origins of your username

A LITTLE SCARY but after answering questions by now I think I'll live... but that's what tends to happen when I get irrationally scared of stuffs

First: Wow what a dick (not even making this up I did not have a good first impression of him)

Current: Wow what a dick. But he's the most amazing and impressive man I ever met~ He's really grody ewwwww. But also a pampered princess~~~ I will refrain from going into the essay that I did in the appreciation thread. Also c:

1st: Hey this place is so busy it looks like fun~! Like the old days of FFtF.

Currenth: Sooooo much quieter now! I almost feel like the Challenge business going on is what most helps it keep its activity at this point... It's a mix of old grumpy people and new, fresh, young and not-so-grumpy people~!

Uhhhh well completed and played Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn multiple times. Played and completed Awakening and started a couple other files (just so I could have a female of each build ^o^) but haven't gotten too far with them. Played some of Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones but I couldn't get myself to finish them... Played a couple chapters of Genealogy ^o^ I'm definitely not as interested in the series as I used to be, but each new game does revitalize the interest! I'm really looking forward to FE if.

Weeee the answer people hate me for~! I got it from the ~ancient language~ of the Inheritance Cycle. Eragon, Eldest, etc. Paolini only translates phrases mentioned in the story rather than individual words so I had to guess what the words meant.

The name of one chapter is called "Du Sundavar Freohr" which he translates to "Death of the Shadows" and the name of a poem is "Du Silbena Datia" which translates to "The Sighing Mists." Noooow since this was total guesswork, back then I thought Freohr Datia would translate to "Shadow Mists." I felt more dark and edgy back then I was just 14 okay And then later on I thought it meant "Sighing Shadow"........ And theeeeeeen I FINALLY think that it means "Death Mists" ^o^ My name so fitting~

Favorite story(from any medium)?

Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier

1. What are your nicknames for Integ if you don't mind saying?

2. What's the latest dress/skirt you bought?

1. ikey-poo, aiku, ike (but that's just like his actual nickname), darling darling (though he's the one who made that up............ also idk if that counts as a nickname or not~!) Mr. Sparkles and Hurst. I don't think I got a single one of those nicknames without stealing them from other people who used them first~!


I.... actually bought that in a different colour~ It was like cream and brown. But that's the one I received which I don't mind because that looks cute too and I need more variety~!

1. first and current impressions of me?

2. first and current impressions of HHH thread?

3. why flareon?

4. Have you ever walked out on a movie?

5. Impressions of RADD

1. First: Image reactions!!

Current: Image reactions!! But also can be pretty fun and silly~ Unfortunately, trying to rally an emote that I reeeaaally won't think will work unless they bring up a very very good reason it should be included

2. First: Wow this place is so much more easygoing and much less drama-infested than any of the other chat threads. I think I might just live here.

Current: Theeeeen the thread got big, became drama-infested just as the others~ It's still young and lively and fun!

3. Weeeeeeeeell I've loved Flareon since I was a child, it was the cuddliest-looking one of the eeveelutions (which of course at the time were only three) Aaaaaand now I just still love it~

4. Never! I haven't been able to go to many movies though... I can't afford that much~

5. I really don't know RADD at all~! Didn't really know Radd existed till you started rallying him~ I haven't touched fe1/3/11/12


1. What is your favorite lolita brand?

2. Who is the foxiest member of Super Junior?

[spoiler=it's time for pick a suju with nametags for you]





















[spoiler=KYUHYUN i wonder if this picture looks familiar]






3. Importantly, why am I amazing?


1. Mary Magdalene by FAR!!! Though Dear Celine comes real close too like wow I love both their stuff.

2. ....shindong? ^o^

I think I'd have to go with Heechul, myself~ Rocking that fedora there

3. You're the most fabulous and dress the most fabulous and are super adorable and you're the COOL SPECTRE QUEEN OF PUMPKINS

is "first and current impression" an inside joke or something?



What are your final and previous impressions of me?

Previous: Some moderator dud!! That man sure likes his endowments~ Likes froot.

Final: Mumumumumumu really likes being silly and fun~! Also puts lots of fun stuffs on my head. Likes froot.

Oh fun.

1. If you could somehow make a blanket change over all people, what is one change you would make (e.g. people are nicer, etc?)?

2. You have been bestowed with the ability to make a single person the ruler of the world. The catch? You must use the power and it must be on someone you either have a neutral or negative impression of (even slightly negative is fine). With that in mind, who would you choose and why? If there is no valid candidate (or you don't want to), choosing someone you have a neutral impression of instead is fine.

3. What would be your ideal heaven/hell/afterlife (if at all)?

1. More interesting Probablyyyyyy.... more confident~! I think it would be really nice if everybody could feel more confident and I sure as hell need to as well~

2. But I don't want Hitler to be ruler of the world... :C

3. Heaven with Integrity 5eva~ (definitely not hell with him if that's where I went, even if it meant I still had him, because I don't want him to go through that just so I could have him. that's just cruel ;~;)

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus that took me over an hour to type up probably mostly my fault

also I would spoiler this all but colour tags work weird with spoilers and quotes ;n;

Soooo I GUESS I'll lift the limit but I will also request no more than 5 per post~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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freohr that was the best possible answer




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I-I was just referring to Nightmarre~ cuz you were supposed to think I was gonna say integrity you see

I mean...

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Favorite animated series? This can be Western or Eastern animation.

Any advice for someone curious in trying out the Lance in Monster Hunter?

First and current impressions of me?

What is your dream house?

Have you ever wanted to travel to a foreign country? If so what 3 would you pick if you could go?

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I-I was just referring to Nightmarre~ cuz you were supposed to think I was gonna say integrity you see

I mean...

lmao I thought you were making an It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia reference

nightmarre is also the best possible answer though so it's ok

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