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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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1: How do you feel about my nickname for you (cabbage)?
2: First/current impressions of me, if you even know who I am?
3: How do you feel about Love Live? Pretty sure you themed it once but it mighta been someone else.
4: What's a restaurant you like going to, if any?
5: Favorite food?

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Balcerzak, April 9, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Balcerzak, April 9, 2015 - No reason given

EDIT: damn it wrong thread, sorry.

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1. I am very yes, guaranteed or your money back!

2. Hello Sol!!!!!

3. ..I have a weakness for chicken nuggets ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

4. Never had it

5. Mmm, thats hard! I feel like right now might be despite being it awfully rough since I have to get the hang of ADULTING even with my bouts of crippling sadness and anxiety, but at the same time I feel like I'm finally starting to get a sense of self and want to live my own life and not simply accepting and going along with what everyone else wants like I have been for years despite not having a clear goal yet, I've also slowly gotten the hang of opening up to people more and met some great pals along the way though I still isolate myself a lot ;_;

Oh, good to know! I was ready to make a purchase. :O

6. Do you have an idea at least of what you want to do?

7. Do you want to meet one day? (No location disclosure)

8. What do you enjoy doing most, and have you done it lately? If not, why not?

9. Do you ask enough questions or are you satisfied with your current level of knowledge?

10. Fiction or Non-fiction?

11. What super power you give to your closest friend and why?

12. If you could grant one wish(for yourself or the world), but it had to have a negative effect, what would those be?

13. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

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5. What is your view on online relationships?

...Wow, why did I read "Lettucide" as "the murdering of lettuces"? >~>;

You're not the only one! I prefer Pridettuce or something. Edited by NTG
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1. Compared to last year, do you have a bit more pride inside?

2. What are your thoughts on the letter sent to Iran a couple weeks ago or so (i.e. "47 traitors")?

Oh also:

3. Can you be nommed? If so, who would you let nom?

1. Yeah I do actually, I'm still heavy on the self-deprecating side though

2. Is this related to the whole nuclear talks thing? I haven't kept up so I can't really comment on the matter :s

3. Uhh, possibly

No idea!!! Not many probably but I don't wanna make a list and leave anyone out

1. First and current impressions of me?

2. First/Current impressions of the HHH thread?

3. Favourite VN?

4. Impressions of FE3?

5. Have you accepted Radd as your lord and saviour?

1. Before: Likes Nasu stuff a lot, seems ok

Now: has a thing for Radd too apparently still don't know all that well yet but you're on the good list we good

2. Before: What the fuck is this whats going on who are these people why is this thing so active I don't understand the inside jokes or anything what the fuck

Now: Know more people in there now and I like 'em, still can't keep up well but I do like to pop in and converse for a little at least

3. I don't really play any but apparently Ace Attorney counts as one despite having more things to do besides dialogue choices so I guess that!!

4. idk, haven't really paid attention

5. nay

Window shopping yaaay I like it too.

3. What is your current occupation?

4. What gives you pleasure?

3. I wouldn't mind taking at least a couple of classes and being a STOODENT at one local college since I could really use workin' my brain more and have friends to go with, I'm still not sure on what to take yet and I gotta get my driver's liscence so I can get places ;v;

4. Being able to relax and recline somewhere comfy, epsecially with some soothing music or light rain in the background-- Eating a really nice tasting dessert, long pleasant conversations with close friends, reading/watching something that becomes really interesting or heartwarming

How do you feel about croutons?

They're alright

6. what meat do you like best? (now thinking about it, it must be pride's yo)

7. what do you think of taboo relationships in fictional media?

8. what is love?

9. how often do you fall asleep in class like me?

10. what is a perfect world for you?

6. PLEASE I really like beef though

7. depends on what we're talking about 'ere but overall they aren't really my thing

8. A thing that has many different types that can be expressed in different degrees-- can largely impact someone in both positive and negative ways and can be a primary motivation at times as well

9. I have the tendency to lay my head on my desk and doze off easily after finishing my work, so a fair bit

10. One where climate change or running out of resources isn't an issue, every disease has a cure, endangered species wouldn't be an issue because people wouldn't be overhunting and there wouldn't be any other causes either unless it was suppossed to happen naturally, and hopefully things like conflicts and social issues aren't much of an issue since I doubt those things would be 100% avoidable without it seeming unnatural because humans are flawed and thats fine it'd just

be nice if it was dealt with a lot better

6. when did you discover you were a maiden in love

7. first and current impressions of the fe4 thread

8. what fe games have you played, what do you think about them in general and why did you join serenes totally not 3 questions in 1

9. do you play mmos, what's your opinion about them

10. loosely speaking, what are your plans for the future other than marrying pride

6. PROBABLY like last fall??? I thought it'd pass but it keeps escalating plaesses help this is a SOS call and I am deterioratingshit..... ..

7. First: Uhh wow it looks hard a f to talk here I'm sure I'll be judged I wouldn't belong

Now: Not so bad, there are some pretty welcoming people and I feel more comfortable now

8. The only one I fully played was Awakening, all the rest I either watched friends/peers in real life play in bits and watched a few playthroughs because bored, its a pretty alright series with some likeable characters but not one I'm highly invested in, Emerald kept nagging me to join for some reason and I went along with it and its pretty much the only reason I even joined whoops

9. I tried one like once, they aren't really my thing and I find them too much of a timesink for my taste

10. Tch--- To think you could easily see right through me... I'd really just like to be fianically stable, live in a nicely tight knit neighborhood with nice people and a strong sense of community whilst managing a garden, maybe grow some fruits or veggies along with flowers and learn how to make dishes, own a cat, learn some kind of crafting skill like woodworking-- I don't know if I could travel much since I get homesick easily but if I ever got over that and had the means to do it that might be nice sometimes as well.. I'd like to explore places if I ever figured out where I'd wanna go and view all the flora and fauna there and other noteworthy sites and shops

How do you feel about the S.S. Lettucide?

I feel



about it

I-I don't dislike it, though..

How's your general mood been lately?

Would you rather have sweet or salty?

What do you do to relax when you're stressed?

Favorite FE character?

...Wow, why did I read "Lettucide" as "the murdering of lettuces"? >~>;

1. On the frazzled end, but I've been pretty ok the past couple of days

2. I really like both, but probably sweet

3. I usually try to find music or any relaxing gifs/videos on the 'net to watch and distract myself a bit if I need it badly enough, or I'll just lay down for awhile if I have the time to spare

4. Maribelle, definitely

Its ok you aren't the only one


fuck it I'm gonna ask you stuff

1. Do you like ghost stories?

2. Do you feel cool that this is like the second whole question I've asked in this thread?

3. What accents and languages are your favorites to listen to?

4. What subjects interest you most?

i keep thinking like

'shit have i asked this in the qotd already' aa



i'm haunted by questions

AAAAAAAAAAAAA holy shit hi

1. Yes! I'm always down to hear any stories people can come up with

2. omg yes I feel very honored to be questioned by the great Specta herself ( ღ´∀`ღ)

3. Accents I'm not too sure about, all the ones I know/am familiar with none really stand out to me-- I like voices that sound smooth and slikish those so if theres any sort of accent that sound like that or would compliment those tones well then probably something like that??? As for language I really like hearing Latin

4. I've always liked literature as it gave me an excuse to read things and I couldn't slack off either because its required for schoolwork except during the times whenever we had to read stuff not to my liking but its ok, also really love stuff like mythology and would love to learn more about various stories passed down in different cultures, if I didn't make it obvious before I have some sort of love/hate relationship going on with art too


1: How do you feel about my nickname for you (cabbage)?

2: First/current impressions of me, if you even know who I am?

3: How do you feel about Love Live? Pretty sure you themed it once but it mighta been someone else.

4: What's a restaurant you like going to, if any?

5: Favorite food?

1. I like it

2. You're Draco

First: Person I see posting in forum games and sometimes HHH

Now: Not too much has changed but I see you post more than I used to so thats cool!!

3. YES I love Love Live and currently drowning in idols if you bring it up around me I likely won't shut up for a bit

I've done a Kotori theme at least twice because shes my favorite

4. Don't have one but any place that has great tasting wedge fries is A-OK in my book at least for that

5. Scrambled eggs are also pretty GUD




First: Guy who comes out of nowhere and yells in caps a lot and seems very energetic

Now: Still does those things and is also cool and friendly and also apparently has great taste in things such as liking Rei from Fist of the North Star


A few times it looked nice!!!!!!!!!!!!

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

How would your friends describe you, personality-wise?

How good are you at platforming games? (Eg: Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong Country, etc.)

1. Mostly quiet and reserved, tries my best to stay calm and relaxed but kinda bad at communicating and probably gets misunderstood a lot, mostly paitient but not always-- don't enjoy conflict or getting mad at people because I feel bad about it afterwards and a bit of a doormat, idk what else of importance

2. I actually don't know too much, I'm curious but also afraid to ask ahahaha.. But from what little I do know I've been told that I don't talk much, been called hardheaded and obstinate, nice, clingy, picky-- and thats all I can remember off the bat

3. Averageish, I haven't played enough for proper assessment but I'm pretty okay at Kirby at least

Oh, good to know! I was ready to make a purchase. :O

6. Do you have an idea at least of what you want to do?

7. Do you want to meet one day? (No location disclosure)

8. What do you enjoy doing most, and have you done it lately? If not, why not?

9. Do you ask enough questions or are you satisfied with your current level of knowledge?

10. Fiction or Non-fiction?

11. What super power you give to your closest friend and why?

12. If you could grant one wish(for yourself or the world), but it had to have a negative effect, what would those be?

13. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

6. Not quite, like I said I wouldn't mind taking up some craft-- I'd also maybe like to do things to be of help to people somehow but only in small amounts because even though I feel the need for interaction I also need time to cool off and be by myself

7. Yes-- there are plenty of people here that would be nice to meet in all honesty ;_;

8. Probably video games and reading as of late, I've been putting it off those because I'm either not in the mood or I get distracted by other things for now

9. I feel like I never know enough and am never satisfied in terms of knowledge, I've never been too good about asking about anything to anyone directly though

10. Fiction

11. The ability to get and stay rich in a honest manner

12. Aaaa-- hmm.. I wouldn't get getting rich myself either but at the cost of still having to working hard(can't hire anyone to do housework either), having to donate it to those who need it at times, and to also stay strongly disciplined even though I could just sit on my laurels and do whatever the fuck I wanted

13. I think charity could easily destroy someone in overexcess, if one is overly self-sacrificial they could easily overwork and exhaust themselves to an early grave, or be taken advantage of by others so much who used them to their own end that they would have all the joy sucked out of them and become extremely resentful and maybe if something extreme enough happened, become misanthropic and thus lose the ability to build bonds with anyone ever again even

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11. where did you know emerald from and why do you think he brought you here other than his love for green

12. what do you think about lego

13. have you ever given idolm@ster a chance

14. are you proficient with any foreign languages

15. what are your main sins

Edited by TravelingElder
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1. First/Current impression of me?

2. Your opinion on creepy pastas?

3. Favorite meme if you have one?

4. Weirdest thing you recall ever seeing?

5. Favorite animal if you have one?

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14. You're in an rpg/platformer/whichever genre strikes your fancy, what does the final dungeon look like, and what music does it have?

15. What weapon does your final boss fight with?

16. Which would you want to do more, travel by sea or air?

17. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

18. Upon reading this question, can you write the first 3 words that popped into your head in another language?

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Lol this emote.

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Permission for weird questions granted? Thank you.

1. What are your fetishes?

2. If you could have any one existing item to keep, regardless of cost, what would you pick?

3. Are you more forgiving or more judgmental? Why?

4. What is your problem with Interest?

5. First and current impressions of me?

Edited by Makaze
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11. where did you know emerald from and why do you think he brought you here other than his love for green

12. what do you think about lego

13. have you ever given idolm@ster a chance

14. are you proficient with any foreign languages

15. what are your main sins

11. Remember when I said I tried an mmo once? I met him on there and knew 'im for a couple of years, when I told him I was playing Awakening he thought that was enough for me to join SF over since he likes it here and also thought it was a good way for me to meet more people

12. They are fun! I only played with them when I was younger though so no experience with building any sort of fancy set so I kinda just assembled pieces at random, I also remember breaking my nails countless times from trying to dislodge the extremely thin two-pronged pieces when stuck together weh

13. Nope, I watched the first episode of CG because I was told to and as for the games I never felt like bothering with learning Japanese or importing-- the only way I'd actually play it is if Bamco ever releases it overseas which I don't think will happen ever

14. Nope, I've been studying Spanish on Duolingo for the hell of it but my knowledge/memory on it is minimal still

15. Sloth and envy

1. First/Current impression of me?

2. Your opinion on creepy pastas?

3. Favorite meme if you have one?

4. Weirdest thing you recall ever seeing?

5. Favorite animal if you have one?

1. First: HHH poster, might like Youtube poops since I think I've seen you post at least one before

Now: No changes yet

2. Never got the appeal

3. I really liked those videos that were going around on Niconico at least with characters from various anime/video games being used set to a song where they'd go to a convenience store and hijinks ensued

4. Weirdest thing uhh.. I remember one time this one teacher in my elementary school was going around carrying a three-legged raccoon she rescued and apparently she was given the OK to do so, the raccoon itself seemed calm thankfully and its because of that I can say that I have experienced petting one

5. Owls!

14. You're in an rpg/platformer/whichever genre strikes your fancy, what does the final dungeon look like, and what music does it have?

15. What weapon does your final boss fight with?

16. Which would you want to do more, travel by sea or air?

17. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

18. Upon reading this question, can you write the first 3 words that popped into your head in another language?

Lol this emote.

14. arpeegee, probably

probably somewhere with a lot of crystalline sculptures and running water, a bunch of lights being hung from a ceiling that looks more like an abyss, also filled with various gardens and dead trees with a giant ornate bell in the center area, the music would be some sort of soft somber piano piece with some violin in it too

15. A fancy crossbow

16. Air sounds nice

17. I'd really like to see an aurora, though it'd be cold..

18. yo como cuando (I eat when) ???????????? I don't know why either ogm

1. are you single

2. what's your sign

3. would you like a drink

4. whats your number

5. want to take this party back to my place

1. Yes

2. Leo

3. I'd like some lemonade, yeah

4. I'm a 10/10

5. Nah

Permission for weird questions granted? Thank you.

1. What are your fetishes?

2. If you could have any one existing item to keep, regardless of cost, what would you pick?

3. Are you more forgiving or more judgmental? Why?

4. What is your problem with Interest?

5. First and current impressions of me?

1.I don't know, my tastes are vanilia and my sex drive is abysmally lacking and usually non-existent

does overly excessive affection and attention count

2. airsh-- oh right existing ;_;

probably a car that is safe, not too fuel costly and doesn't suck

3. Depends on the severity of the action really,

sometimes I feel like I let stuff slide I really shouldn't and other times if I feel you crossed a line you shouldn't have crossed I won't forget it, I won't think about it to unhealthy levels or let it consume me but if you're around don't expect me to go to you and enjoy your company or recommend you to anyone, ever

4. None that I know of

Now that little elf guy in his avatar on the other hand, he looks like hes lookin' for a fistfight (ง•̀o•́)ง

im gonna fite

5. First: Very wordy with words, speaks plainly and bluntly and seems to draw the ire of other users a lot

Now: Still those things, I like to hear their output on things out of sheer curiousity, likes tormenting me probably, probably not a robot

What do you think of my salad-related line of questioning?

It amuses me

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11). who's your favorite crossing knightmare character

12). which member of the forum would you marry forever

13). who is the most trustworthy?

14). who is the fairest?

15). how cute is my desktop?

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19. What do you fight with?

20. Does a friend leave the party? If so, why did they? Assuming they weren't tempted by the enemy.

21. Favorite time of day? (Were you asked this already?)

22. Who did you use the most in Tales of Xillia and was it Jude?

23. Favorite/most used quote or phrase?

24. Have you ever played a rouge rpg? pokemon not included if so.

25. Is there a concept, a human ideal, that you disagree with?

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how u doin?

what should i ask you not that you finally got nominated after i voted for you all these times?

when do you think pride will ask you questions?

when do you think pride will ask you the question?

how did you start to use ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_?

Edited by Tonton
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Why are your reactions so hilarious?


Are you into Jay Z at all?

Why be a 10, when on a PH scale, that says basic?

Because apparently I have buttons that are easily pushed and my kneejerk reactions are a source of amusement to you, it seems!

First: Wow this guy really likes Marth

Now: Calm, dependable pal who is willing to lend an ear and nice to converse with

Never paid too much attention to 'im so no

...Ouch ;_;

1. Opinions on SMT X FE trailer?

2. Opinions on FE: If so far?

1. Looks nothing like SMT or FE, was kinda of hoping it was a joke because it looks too ridiculous to be real with the idol thing and the transformations with a nice topping of cheesy JRPG opening BUUUT on the other hand it might be good who knows and I do enjoy my cheese if done right

I'll reserve full on judgement until the game actually comes out

2. I'm still bitter as fuck about them being two seperate versions like way to milk out money there guys

Other than that I do like the designs for both avatars and twintails character a lot, the conflict between the two sides sounds intriguing too

11). who's your favorite crossing knightmare character

12). which member of the forum would you marry forever

13). who is the most trustworthy?

14). who is the fairest?

15). how cute is my desktop?

11. The one guy who is missing an arm he looks like a real hoot to bring to parties

12. Shit man I don't know I GUESS Pride...

13. Night-o-mare

14. Nightmare again

15. It was p cute and simplistic and therefore from what I remember IF I'm remembering right at all

19. What do you fight with?

20. Does a friend leave the party? If so, why did they? Assuming they weren't tempted by the enemy.

21. Favorite time of day? (Were you asked this already?)

22. Who did you use the most in Tales of Xillia and was it Jude?

23. Favorite/most used quote or phrase?

24. Have you ever played a rouge rpg? pokemon not included if so.

25. Is there a concept, a human ideal, that you disagree with?

19. Using katar daggers would be like


20. Yes, they got lost along the way and we couldn't find them and time was of the essence so we all to had reach the painful decision of leaving them behind.. Fortunately by the time the ending happens they send out a letter stating that they are alive and well, and have found a nice place to start a boat rental service and are living comfortably.

21. Early evening

22. Yep, its Jude. I'm usually too lazy to switch from using the protagonist regardless of my liking torwards them unless forced to

23. Don't have anything specific or inspiring unfortunately, does "what" count I mean thats something I say a lot

24. Nah, the playstyle of those don't look appealing to me at all

25. Uhh I'm not sure if this counts but I was thinking earlier about how dumb it is when people complain about "technology destroying human interactions" like I'm talking when people complain about other people using things like texting and social media networking to communicate, and how people would suppossedly rather stare at their screens rather than talk face to face. I mean for one thing people can't always be around in the same area all the time with friends and family for many reasons and using any sort of device and website/im program/etc to communicate with them is a great way to keep in touch. Its not the same as actually having them around but it helps a GREAT deal as I can attest to when the last time I was hospitalized for health complications and had to speak with family over Skype since it was winter and the weather wasn't always favorable, also they had work.

5. What is your view on online relationships?

SHIT sorry I missed this I had this nagging feeling I was missing something and when I checked back a page it turns out I was right, please forgive me Jenni ;__;

I generally don't recommend them, as I feel a lot of people don't have the capacity to handle them but they CAN work as long as both of you are always communicating openly and can trust each other like with any other relationship-- also being able to set times for one another and always being prepared for communications to be cut off due to things like power outages and the like and either having backup if you have the means or just being able to accept it until communication is restored

I don't think they're any less valid than non LDR relationships its dumb when people say they are

Edited by Lettuce
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how u doin?

what should i ask you not that you finally got nominated after i voted for you all these times?

when do you think pride will ask you questions?

when do you think pride will ask you the question?

how did you start to use ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_?

1. I'm ok I like stared at this question for like 5 minutes

amazing huh

2.Whatever you want to know, friend

3. I don't know but hopefully before it ends if I'm forgotten I'm gonna be like, not very chipper and mildy sulky and groan about it you know?????????

4. ok first off what is "the" question?? youuuuuuuuuuuu caaaaaaan't just add a "the" and make it sound like something specific and then expect me to know these things thats not how the world works please explain I gotta know cmon now

5. I saw it on the internet one day I forgot where but it looked cool and casual I like to just imagine myself sliding up out of nowhere posed like that its pretty great

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26. What is the name of your Mystic Arte/Hi-Ougi?

27. If you could witness one moment in history, what would it be?

28. Do you have a favorite mythology?

29. What technological convenience would you invent? Assuming it doesn't exist already.

30. What Tales games have you played?

31. Another myth question. What one item from a myth would you bring into existence?

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i think you skipped one of jenni's questions

how were your mmo adventures with emerald

are you enjoying the non-smtxfe shitstorm

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