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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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When did you get into frills?

How do you manage to always be so full of life in your posts? Varying font sizes, underlines, bolds. It's admirable.

First and current impression of me? (Never tried this Q before)

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6. Do you like history and if you do, is there a particular time period you like?

7. First video game you remember playing?

8. Which is cooler to you, capes or scarves?

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When did you get into frills?

How do you manage to always be so full of life in your posts? Varying font sizes, underlines, bolds. It's admirable.

First and current impression of me? (Never tried this Q before)

Well, maybe around pre-teens? Though I started getting really really into it by like... late teens

Idk, I guess I really like making effort to show expression? ^o^ Though I almost never underline or bold~ I usually change font size, use strikethrough, and sometimes italicize. (oh and emotes and tildes~~~~~)

I'm not sure if I remember my first impressions... (I usually just take people I see and say "oh hey another person" but idk I'm not a good judge of personalities unless they're like real extreme so I tend to just see other people as other people until I get to really know them ;u;)

Currently, I'd say "whoa that buff looking dud~!" And also one who can be pretty fun at times I like it c:

6. Do you like history and if you do, is there a particular time period you like?

7. First video game you remember playing?

8. Which is cooler to you, capes or scarves?

6. Yes I do like history, don't think there's a particular time period I can think of...

7. Sonic the Hedgehog 2

8. Hmmmmmmmmm that's pretty tough. I might have to say scarves.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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6. Yes I do like history, don't think there's a particular time period I can think of...

7. Sonic the Hedgehog 2

8. Hmmmmmmmmm that's pretty tough. I might have to say scarves.

9. Is there a country then whose history you find the most interesting?

OH YEAH I remember us talking about Sonic 2, my bad on that haha.

scarves, I can respect that :D

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21. Have you cosplayed any characters?

22. What is this fluff fruit salad??

23. Have you ever surprised/shocked Integrity?

24. When do you wear your lolita clothes?

25. Favourite event day if you have one?

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9. Is there a country then whose history you find the most interesting?

OH YEAH I remember us talking about Sonic 2, my bad on that haha.

scarves, I can respect that :D

9. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh imaknow c:

[spoiler=they can especially make red scarves look so good like omg]h9meG.png

21. Have you cosplayed any characters?

22. What is this fluff fruit salad??

23. Have you ever surprised/shocked Integrity?

24. When do you wear your lolita clothes?

25. Favourite event day if you have one?

21. Does wearing a pikachu costume for Halloween count? =D

22. It is an amazing salad made of whipped cream and I think they said pudding??? and marshmallows and various fruit (typically mandarin oranges, pineapple, pears, and grapes)

I will see if I can ever make it myself someday, just without the pears ^o^

23. Plenty of times, almost always because he's influenced me a liiiiiiiiiiiittle too much~

24. Not as often as I'd like ;~; I'd wear it more if I didn't have a job.


1). do you like hurting other people?

2). who is leaving messages on your answering machine?

3). where are you right now?

4). why are we having this conversation?

just kidding

16). do you ever use taobao?

17). like stationary (cute pencils)?

18). how often do you eat fast food?

19). would you like any drink?

20). and an instrument to go with it?

1. only sometimes

2. I wish I knew

3. not in Ohio ;n;

4. Fate

16. I look there every now and then, but I've never bought from there (I don't want to make any attempt with all that chinese ^o^)

17. If they're cute pencils then YEAH because they're CUTE

18. With me and my dad both having jobs, almost never. Before I ever got a job it'd probably be once every.... 3-4 weeksish?

19. The fact that I'm way too sensitive so that all soda is a pain for me to drink aside, ginger ale!!


I mean


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11. If you could grant one wish,(for anyone) but it had to have a negative effect, what would you grant and what is its negative effect?

12. Do you ask enough questions or are you satisfied with your current level of knowledge?

13. What super power would you give someone close to you and why?

14. Would you rather play a game with someone more skilled or less skilled than you and why?

15. Have you become the person you are today by pleasure and success or by pain and disappointment?

1). do you like hurting other people?

2). who is leaving messages on your answering machine?

3). where are you right now?

4). why are we having this conversation?

just kidding

I was going to do this in Tonton's interview

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11. If you could grant one wish,(for anyone) but it had to have a negative effect, what would you grant and what is its negative effect?

12. Do you ask enough questions or are you satisfied with your current level of knowledge?

13. What super power would you give someone close to you and why?

14. Would you rather play a game with someone more skilled or less skilled than you and why?

15. Have you become the person you are today by pleasure and success or by pain and disappointment?

11. I wish Integrity could continue to always eat to his heart's desire~! Which may not always be to his stomach's desire~

12. I could stand to ask more questions, I guess I am not really.... ambitious enough?? Or often it doesn't occur to me that I have a question I could ask~

13. I will give Specta the power to SPARKLE because she always /me SPARKLES

14. More skilled. I'm almost never competitive and don't care about winning/losing (again, lack of ambition), but the other person usually does! E-even if I usually worry about the other person not appreciating/enjoying playing with someone so unskilled~ Which isn't what you said but that's usually the case with me ^o^

15. Well I mean... both! Don't think you could have one without the other. Though even if it was "which had a stronger influence/happened more frequently" I'd still say both because I've had a lot of influence of both

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16. Is there a concept, a human ideal, that you disagree with?

17. Do you know any myths? If so, which is your favorite?

18. What was your most enjoyable dream, and your worst nightmare?

19. If your life was made into a movie, what would it be called, and would you watch it?

20. If you wrote a manuscript describing your past or what you want from your future, which would it be and how many chapters(or pages) would it contain?

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16. Is there a concept, a human ideal, that you disagree with?

17. Do you know any myths? If so, which is your favorite?

18. What was your most enjoyable dream, and your worst nightmare?

19. If your life was made into a movie, what would it be called, and would you watch it?

20. If you wrote a manuscript describing your past or what you want from your future, which would it be and how many chapters(or pages) would it contain?

16. I couldn't really come up with those kinds of things off the top of my head so I googled and found "list of the virtues" and looked through there and decided I don't fully agree with detachment~ I can see why it's considered good but I just... don't really like it ^o^ Like in Avatar the Last Airbender when Aang could only master his avatar state if he detached himself from the girl he loved, I was like "that's a stupid expectation :c" and I still think so ^o^

17. Hmmmmm I know several from mythbusters~! And maybe very very few outside of mythbusters. My favourite would have to be Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp~! The fact that the town or whatever that's near there turned that into a big marketing scheme is pretty fun ^o^ Just Lizard Man everything in that town~ But idk Lizard Man just seems kinda cool anyway~!

18. Happiest dream? Hmmmmmm well believe it or not it was not any of my dreams involving Integrity ^o^ Or.... not as far as I remember..... most of the ones I remember are just me living with him and those were more calm than happy.

Once, long long ago when I was still in high school, I had this crush and one time I dreamt that they told me they liked me and so then we started dating and it was a loooooooong dream of us just doing a bunch of fun stuffs together. And eventually I woke up from that and.... well even though that was a super happy dream I was, as you could probably understand, devastated when I woke up rather than happy~ Because I was all "o-oh that never happened and that'll never happen :ccccc" (and it didn't~! at this point I of course don't even mind anymore)

And then...

[spoiler=The Nightmare...][7/6/14 09:10:48] Mrs. Sparkles: I dreamt a lot =o

[7/6/14 09:11:04] Ike: qwhoa

[7/6/14 09:11:06] Ike: whaoa

[7/6/14 09:11:08] Ike: WAO

[7/6/14 09:11:15] Mrs. Sparkles: b-but I remember in one of them it was kinda terrible for a bit ;u;

[7/6/14 09:11:18] Mrs. Sparkles: =D

[7/6/14 09:11:23] Mrs. Sparkles: WAO

[7/6/14 09:11:58] Mrs. Sparkles: there was this like evil demon ghost thingy guy!!

[7/6/14 09:12:03] Mrs. Sparkles: spirit!

[7/6/14 09:12:12] Mrs. Sparkles: whatever he was he was evil and invisible~

[7/6/14 09:12:22] Mrs. Sparkles: b-but he TOOK OVER YOU =O

[7/6/14 09:12:27] Mrs. Sparkles: so you were EVIL

[7/6/14 09:12:32] Mrs. Sparkles: or... doing evil things~

[7/6/14 09:12:39] Mrs. Sparkles: I don't really remember much of what you did though

[7/6/14 09:12:56] Ike: WOW

[7/6/14 09:12:57] Ike: SATAN

[7/6/14 09:13:00] Mrs. Sparkles: but when the demon guy decided he was finished and did what he set out to do which again I don't remember

[7/6/14 09:13:19] Mrs. Sparkles: you had got a gun

[7/6/14 09:13:27] Mrs. Sparkles: you raised the gun up

[7/6/14 09:13:30] Ike: :O

[7/6/14 09:13:34] Mrs. Sparkles: turned the gun around

[7/6/14 09:13:41] Ike: NRO

[7/6/14 09:13:42] Mrs. Sparkles: ... and shot yourself in the chest ;A;

[7/6/14 09:13:46] Mrs. Sparkles: I WAS HORRIFIED

[7/6/14 09:13:55] Ike: I WOULD BE TOO

[7/6/14 09:14:04] Mrs. Sparkles: I grabbed you and placed my ear against your chest

[7/6/14 09:14:18] Mrs. Sparkles: for a bit heard nothing but I thought "nuuuuu give it a bit longeeeeer"

[7/6/14 09:14:25] Mrs. Sparkles: then I heard a thump =o

[7/6/14 09:14:43] Mrs. Sparkles: apparently conveniently we were just outside a hospital (we were in a parking lot!) so I rushed you in there

[7/6/14 09:14:58] Mrs. Sparkles: and once you were in their hands apparently my mind assumed that you'd be fine now~!

[7/6/14 09:15:11] Mrs. Sparkles: and the dream kinda switched tracks after you were there and then later on you were back and fine again~

[7/6/14 09:15:17] Mrs. Sparkles: so happy endiiiiiiiiing~!

[7/6/14 09:15:23] Ike: WOW

19. Don't Watch This It Will Be Very Boring for 18.5 Years Also the Protagonist Sits on a Computer Lots Toward the End. Or just Don't Watch This. No I would not watch it~

20. ...... I'll be honest I don't really know how manuscripts work~ So I'm not really sure how many chapters/pages it would be ^o^ But I guess I would... choose to write about my past. I'd prefer more storytelling than trying to evaluate my future and setting much expectations.

How do you like your steak prepared?

medium well to well done

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26. How did you find the interview?? Wasn't too bad was it. :D

26. Better than I was expecting~ Though soledai was getting pretty tough in the end there >u>

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What is your opinion of crispy M&Ms?

I think I remember seeing them a long long long time ago but I don't believe I've ever tried any? If I have I don't remember what they're like

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It almost worked last time let's try it again but better~!

no ho mo Integrityo yo~! AN EXTRA YO =DDD

What's the most intimidating aspect of you and Mr. Sparkles?

What's the most intimidating aspect of your favorite FE?

His farts and the fact that I let him get away with them without reprimanding him probably makes for a deadly combo

though it's not like he would listen to me or anything anyway ^o^

Uhhhhh I guess my favourite would be awakening... letting somebody like gaius or stahl die is a very intimidating aspect :c (or getting stalked by tharja or getting screamed at by noire :ccc)

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