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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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1) Rank every Castlevania game you've played

2) Are you named after a specific Nightmare or just because it's cool?

3) Do you respect the legend?

1) Fuck that's gonna be hard. It would go something like (in no particular order, besides the tiers themselves)...

Toppestestestest tier:

Symphony of the Night



Super Castlevania IV

Rondo of Blood

Harmony of Dissonance


Toppest tier:

Castlevania III/Akumajou Densetsu (Japanese version, which I prefer for reasons)

Belmont's Revenge

Aria of Sorrow

Order of Ecclesia

Top tier:

The Adventure

Simon's Quest

Haunted Castle

Dracula X Chronicles

Low tier:

Lament of Innocence

Curse of Darkness

Dawn of Sorrow

Circle of the Moon

Vampire Killer

Castlevania 64

Legacy of Darkness

Rock bottom:

Portrait of Ruin



Dracula X

Harmony of Despair

Doesn't exist:

Lords of Shadow

Mirror of Fate

Lords of Shadow 2

2) The origins of my name are somewhere in Interest's QOTD, but long story short, I had a self-insert back when I was like 8 and chose Nightmare for his name because it sounded dark, cool, mysterious and edgy.

3) Of course I do. Self-respect is healthy.

then what would you say is your favorite wrasslin match then?





this is my last question so i should make it important.

what do you think i should ask you?

hahaha go fuck yourself

Second question: what do you think of the other mods? /runs from the staff

They're generally cool. I have minor to moderate problems with some, but they're not really worth making a fuss about. At least not right now.

Edited by Nightmare
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1) Fuck that's gonna be hard. It would go something like (in no particular order, besides the tiers themselves)...

Toppestestestest tier:

Symphony of the Night



Super Castlevania IV

Rondo of Blood

Harmony of Dissonance


Toppest tier:

Castlevania III/Akumajou Densetsu (Japanese version, which I prefer for reasons)

Belmont's Revenge

Aria of Sorrow

Order of Ecclesia

Top tier:

The Adventure

Simon's Quest

Haunted Castle

Dracula X Chronicles

Low tier:

Lament of Innocence

Curse of Darkness

Dawn of Sorrow

Circle of the Moon

Vampire Killer

Castlevania 64

Legacy of Darkness

Rock bottom:

Portrait of Ruin



Dracula X

Harmony of Despair

Doesn't exist:

Lords of Shadow

Mirror of Fate

Lords of Shadow 2

I am Loki of Jotunheim and i approve this ranking.

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My MGS questions were pretty straightforward, so here's a couple that you may actually have to think about:

If you could have chosen to be born and raised ANYWHERE on the planet RIGHT THIS SECOND, where would you choose?

Rate Metal Gear boss battles you've played in order of your most favourite to least favourite, use tier lists if you'd like.

Rate your SF years from most memorable to most forgettable. Give reasons for each, if you want.

These should make up for the previously lackluster questions.

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wow PoR on Rock Bottom. Dead to me. DEAD.

But you knew that already.

Charlotte or Jonathan?


1. Town, mafia, or third-party?

2. You're, like, the god of awesome rock music. How'd you find 'em all?

1. Town

2. You work your way up from looking up bands you like (if you know any), and/or generally famous ones, test the waters and see which sounds you like and if it's worth going further in. After you get a good handle on things, it's really just a matter of asking around to find more stuff similar to the sounds you like. Or if you'd like, you can just start from asking around, but it's a little more fun to find stuff for yourself.

My MGS questions were pretty straightforward, so here's a couple that you may actually have to think about:

If you could have chosen to be born and raised ANYWHERE on the planet RIGHT THIS SECOND, where would you choose?

Rate Metal Gear boss battles you've played in order of your most favourite to least favourite, use tier lists if you'd like.

Rate your SF years from most memorable to most forgettable. Give reasons for each, if you want.

These should make up for the previously lackluster questions.

Lifting limit for these questions, Makaze.


Volgin > Metal Gear REX > Liquid Snake > The Fury > The Boss > The End > Psycho Mantis > Cyborg Ninja > Ocelot (young) > Sniper Wolf > Vulcan Raven > Ocelot (old) > The Fear > The Pain > Shagohod > Fatman > everyone/thing else

Tentatively. I'd include The Sorrow there, but it's not really truly a boss battle, I don't think.

Hmm...it's a little hard for me to try and rank years by memorableness because I remember them all with a lot of clarity...but let's try this.

Most of 2009, 2010 and 2012 were generally very uneventful as far as I was concerned, and barring a few months here and there, there wasn't a lot of super great stuff going on in those years. 2008 was definitely very memorable, being my first year here and it was definitely a really great first year, as far as those go. Made a ton of friends, had a lot of good fun. 2011 was a pretty busy year and uh, certainly memorable, in more ways than one. It was the year where my modding activities were at their highest, so yeah. 2013 was definitely memorable, even if a little rough, and 2014 has proven to be a superior year. I can't quite rank them, but that should give you a good handle.

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Do you watch Iranian films often? Is there a particular formula for many films? I've heard lots of good stuff about Iranian cinema and have been watching films from directors like Asghar Farhadi and Majid Majidi. Was wondering about your take on that.

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Lifting limit for these questions, Makaze.


1. What is your greatest weakness?

2. What person do you value most in your life? Why?

3. If you had to give up every principle but one, what would you choose to keep?

4. What metaphor best describes you?

5. First and current impressions of me?

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Do you watch Iranian films often? Is there a particular formula for many films? I've heard lots of good stuff about Iranian cinema and have been watching films from directors like Asghar Farhadi and Majid Majidi. Was wondering about your take on that.

Those are some of the big names you have there. You're sure to get some views into our culture and problems and the likes from their films, and I suppose they're best for a newcomer to the scene. Myself, I watch some films every now and then, but not a whole lot. Iran's cinema can occasionally make good things, but not very often. My favourite film is Marmoulak ("The Lizard") by Kamal Tabrizi. It's very good satire. There is also So Close, So Far by Reza Mir-Karimi, which I think is an impeccable drama.

As for formulas, hmm...well, a lot of Iranian films tend to be vague and absurd.

Hey nightmarre, although most Jafar Panahi films are banned in your country, what's your opinion on the ones that aren't?

I have never heard of him or watched his films, sorry.


1. What is your greatest weakness?

2. What person do you value most in your life? Why?

3. If you had to give up every principle but one, what would you choose to keep?

4. What metaphor best describes you?

5. First and current impressions of me?

1. My indulgent personality, probably.

2. Hmm...I don't really know if I can choose one person. Probably my parents, for being the best parents.

3. Honour, if that can count as one principle. If not, altruism.

4. Like a throbbing cock I don't really know. Haven't ever encountered metaphors and thought "Wow! This is definitely me!"

5. "He seems like he has potential."

"He has potential but still hasn't truly tapped into it. But he's an okay guy."

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1. I believe you said you've lived in both rural-ish and urban areas? Where were those, if you can say, and what was the lay of the land (grassy, arid, forested etc) like?

2. Since I feel like I don't know shit about non-European sailing traditions, which ones might you be interested in? (If I'm remembering correctly)

3. What-all role-playing games (tabletop) (or maybe keyboard-top, as the case may be) have you played?

4. If I asked what, if any creative/artistic aspirations you have, what would come to mind?

Edited by Rehab
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1. I believe you said you've lived in both rural-ish and urban areas? Where were those, if you can say, and what was the lay of the land (grassy, arid, forested etc) like?

2. Since I feel like I don't know shit about non-European sailing traditions, which ones might you be interested in? (If I'm remembering correctly)

3. What-all role-playing games (tabletop) (or maybe keyboard-top, as the case may be) have you played?

4. If I asked what, if any creative/artistic aspirations you have, what would come to mind?

1. I have indeed. I've lived in both Tehran and Khamaneh. Tehran is mountainous to the north and becomes flatter the more you go south. Humidity and such are at normal levels; it gets cold in winter and hot in summer. Usually snows in winter. Very polluted almost always.

Khamaneh is a little dryer than Tehran, but it's much cleaner and quieter (obviously). Nature runs wild here, though recent developments by city officials have destroyed a great amount of the trees and nature, the idiots. It used to be dense with trees, though not quite a lot of undergrowth, and not quite enough trees to be referred to as a forest. It's quite flat otherwise. Winters are bitterly cold, summers are extremely hot. Though even in summer, the shades are cool, and even in winter, the sun will burn.

2. Hmm, Arabian, Ottoman, Persian, Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian...I think that's about it. Probably Indonesian too.

3. DnD is the only one I've played in its original format, so far. You know about Shadowrun too, but I don't think the video games truly count. They're not exactly the same as the tabletop game, close as they may be.

4. Music and video games, definitely. Visual and literary arts come second. Cooking is a first too. Cooking is art, after all.

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