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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Removing question limit, keep them in waves of 5-7.

Where did your fascination on samurai originate?

Favorite genesis rpg?

How would you describe yourself?

Besides your imoutos, who are your favorite people to chat with?

The one valuable thing you've learned through your decades long life?

I don't fully remember, it started with katanas at first, then it gradually moved on to samurai over time.

It's between Shining Force 2 and Phantasy Star 4, I can't choose. Honorable mention to Shadowrun.

Besides boring, a decent listener, and an okay gamer, I don't know. o:

Why imoutos? Hmm, that'd be Koneko, Crizix, Shinpichu, recently TheEnd, Saskules, Shirley, and yourself. Alternatively the safe answer, most people from HHH.

All our learning experiences shape how we end up, however small. Take nothing for granted, try to learn from everything and everyone etc. and instincts are good to make use of too.

Proper wording is out the window here.

Who's the second best Tsukihime girl? (we all know who you think #1 is)

Which is better: Empire Strikes Back or Wrath of Kahn?

Worst game you've ever played?

Do you consider Visual Novels to be video games? Why or why not?

First and current impressions of me?

Hisui. >w>

Never seen Wrath of Khan, so Empire Strikes Back by default.

Uh.. Wow, I can't thnk of one, it must've been so bad I erased it from my memory.

Yes, only on the grounds that it's presented the same way as video games.

First: An HHH member.

Current: A good friend of mine who is good at rom hacking.

how does it feel to trump the god of ties
what's this thing about being the old man of hhh
how much japanese do you know
what was your first contact with falcom
opinions about the real console wars

1. Pretty good, though I wouldn't have minded if Rei Rei won o:

2. I have no idea, I think it's because of all the regulars there, I'm the oldest, I'm even twice the age of about 3 members there.

3. It's pretty novice level, I know some words, but I still get hung up on their meaning.

4. Ys 4 Mask of the Sun on the Snes. Then after a long hiatus, I returned with YsF on psp.

5. real huh? They're fun to watch, but I don't actually keep up with it. Although, if it's a Neptunia ref, then Noire

Favorite Dynasty Warriors character, stage, game and song?
Any wisdom you have to embark?
Best game you've played?
why are you so great

1. Character: Zhao Yun. Stage: DW4XL Xiao Qiao stage/Chibi DW8. Game: DW4XL. Song: DW7 Secret Strategy.

2. "Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire" ...off the top of my head.

3. I can't decide between FE4, Tactics Ogre, or Der Langrisser... Probably TO

4. Am I? I dunno :o

What is your opinion on the actual Old Man?

The actual Old Man is a pretty cool guy to talk to, I see how many people like him o:

1: If reality was like a FE game what support level do you think you and I would have?

2: Most disliked historical figure apart from Hitler?

3: What fictional character has connected to you the most personality-wise?

4: How tall are you?

5: What do you get up to when you lose contact with everyone for a few days/weeks? :o

1. Internal sibling support, giving crit and crit avoid.

2. None off the top of my head, at the moment.

3. I never thought about it, Kyosuke Nanbu is sort of close.

4. Last I checked, 5'10

5. Heh, who knows?

1. First and(if different yet) current impressions of me?

2. If two trains are approaching one another on the same track, both going 100mph, and starting 438.7 KM apart, what will 2 Chainz name his next single?

1.First: The guy with the Rin avi.

Current: Likes VNs also, is cool.

2. Uhhh? Crash, maybe.

What's your favorite color?

How would you describe yourself?

How are you?

Why did you join SF?

Do you regret joining SF?


Rigid, but good at video games and listening

I'm good and sleepy too.

I don't remember o:

Not really no, I met some rather interesting people.

1. What was your favorite memory that you had with your brother Sam?
2. Why do you like having your hair kept long?
3. What's your first and current impression of me \o /
4. What's your current goals for the future and such?

1. Our fights and our various adventures into the wilderness.

2. I always wanted it long since I was a pup.

3. First: That kid who know Samurai Warriors.

Current: Unquestionably one of my best friends here, full stop.

4. Heh, I haven't planned much for it, but I think I'm suitably prepared for whatever comes, also get better af foreign languages.

1-If you could have one waifu or fictional character to life and marry her, who would it be?

2-If you were in a harem anime and you could choose any 6 characters to be potential waifus or husbandos, who would they be?

1. I don't waifu, but maybe Toko Kuchiki.

2. I don't husbando or harem either, but for the sake of this amusing question:

1 Nera Briscoletti

2 Rin Tohsaka

3 Setsuko Ohara

4 Tsine Espio

5 Misty Tredwell

6 Tsuzuriko Yosomiya

how do you feel shattering my dreams?

My condolences.

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Never seen Wrath of Khan, so Empire Strikes Back by default.

U Wot

see it now

like, i think Empire is better, but Khan is great too.

First: An HHH member.

Current: A good friend of mine who is good at rom hacking.

you're far too generous

2. I don't husbando or harem either, but for the sake of this amusing question:

1 Nera Briscoletti

2 Rin Tohsaka

3 Setsuko Ohara

4 Tsine Espio

5 Misty Tredwell

6 Tsuzuriko Yosomiya


Edited by #RR. shinpichu
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(The answer we were looking for was 2 trainz, but that is an acceptable substitute)

3. What's your favourite/least favourite food? If you can't think of an absolute, just what comes to mind at the time.

4. Also, anything you reeeeeally want to try, but haven't been able to?

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Didn't see these, my apologies

1. Law, Chaos, or Neutral?
2. If you could have dinner with any person in history, who would it be?
3. What Fire Emblem character do you most relate to?

4. If you're life was a movie, what would the title be?
5. What're your most common negative thoughts?

1. Chaos

2. Mitsunari Ishida

3. FE6 Karel by process of elimination, I used to aspire to Ike though.

4. Tumbleweed Strained Mind.

5. Will this fail too? How did I mess this up? Are things going to stay like this?

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U Wot

see it now

like, i think Empire is better, but Khan is great too.

you're far too generous

o: alright

No really, with the Gaiden patch and now what you've got planned with FE5, I think so.

I knew I forgot someone, Akiha >~~<

(The answer we were looking for was 2 trainz, but that is an acceptable substitute)

3. What's your favourite/least favourite food? If you can't think of an absolute, just what comes to mind at the time.

4. Also, anything you reeeeeally want to try, but haven't been able to?


3. Favorite: At the moment, Chicken Fried Rice because I've had it so much.

Least: Chicken. I like it, I don't like eating it all the time.

4. Paella, any kind.

you are pretty cool yourself in my opinion

You think so? Thanks Saskules.

6. If you were a Pokemon, what type would you be?

7. If every book in the world was burned, and only 5 were allowed to survive, what books would you want them to be?

8. Who would you say was your first friend on SF?

6. Fire, maybe Flying too..

7. I can't think of any specifics, but any Shakespearean novel, a novel on myths, science fiction novel, a romance novel, and a cook book.

8. Silver Lightning.

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First and current impressions of me?

thoughts on apparently being the successor of old man of sf?

I don't fully remember, it started with katanas at first, then it gradually moved on to samurai over time.

Besides boring, a decent listener, and an okay gamer, I don't know. o:

Why imoutos? Hmm, that'd be Koneko, Crizix, Shinpichu, recently TheEnd, Saskules, Shirley, and yourself. Alternatively the safe answer, most people from HHH.

All our learning experiences shape how we end up, however small. Take nothing for granted, try to learn from everything and everyone etc. and instincts are good to make use of too.

Katana's are just better

i don't blame ya


you misspelled humble

you know why, old man >w>

i'm touched ;w;

that's a pretty wise saying :0

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Which UFO boss is your favorite, and which stage have you reached in your efforts?

Did you know I totally expected Nera to be on that list?

Uhh, the third one, I forget her name, she can beat me, so she's memorable.

lol yes, I started to leave a note saying "Glace is not allowed to comment on it"

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Bobby Flay though.

You get it.


First and current impressions of me?

First: That guy was in ipc, if I recall.

Current: One of my close friends, who is quite expressive. Not a bad thing.

thoughts on apparently being the successor of old man of sf?

Interesting really. I didn't think I'd end up like this after first posting there.

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Uhh, the third one, I forget her name, she can beat me, so she's memorable.

lol yes, I started to leave a note saying "Glace is not allowed to comment on it"


I just bombspam through her spells because SanaeB's bomb is lolOP

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I'm gonna jump the gun and ask impressions too. *flees*

A fleeing theme expert.

First: I don't remember, actually.

Current: Nice to talk to, is mostly bored(?), and has enough good themes for me to save a specific post for nearly each theme change.


I just bombspam through her spells because SanaeB's bomb is lolOP

I see.

I actually don't ever pay attention to their names in hindsight.. wow, and I use Marisa anyhow.

Edited by Soledai
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REI REI impressions:

First: I don't know him, but I see him the FE4 THREAD at times

Current: Is a pretty funny guy when you talk to him.

BRAZIL impressions:

First: I was one of few in my elementary school classes that knew "Brazilian" wasn't the name of the language spoken.

Current: A place I would not mind visiting on a cruise or something. Is it a good time to visit?

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Excluding this question, has anyone made the Soledie/Soledye pun and if so, how often?

Actually given how many of the ladies you're attracting maybe the pun should be Soledæ„› or Soledaisuki

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Excluding this question, has anyone made the Soledie/Soledye pun and if so, how often?

Actually given how many of the ladies you're attracting maybe the pun should be Soledæ„› or Soledaisuki

Only Souldie, by Elieson.

Oh my...

Do you own a katana in real life?

No, but my uncle owns about 4 of them, and I'm trying to get one.

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1. what is the appeal of tsunderes

2. what kind of figure is best

3. do you like feathers on your hat

4. can you play video games with no legs attached

5. how hard can you whistle

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First and current impressions of HHH and it's members?

What got you into the warriors series?

would samurai Sigurd be more awesome than samurai Celice?

Edited by Shockmaster
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1. Favourite historical Japanese swordsman? Based entirely on history.

2. How about based on fiction and/or both?

3. Red Oni or Blue Oni?

4. Favourite video game composer?

5. Will you heed the teachings of our LORD and saviour YHVH? It's not too late yet...

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