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Lock on targetting in games


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You know, that "L-lock" kind of mechanic in 3D Zelda games? What do you think of it? A few other games I've played have them, and I think it's an excellent feature every action-adventure game with a combat system should have. Out of the games I've played, Alice II, Soul Reaver & Metal Gear Rising have them.

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I think it helps, but Egoraptors OoT synopsis of artificial difficulty summed up my opinion on how the feature is often used in games almost to the T.

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I think it helps, but Egoraptors OoT synopsis of artificial difficulty summed up my opinion on how the feature is often used in games almost to the T.

"almost to the T"? @_@ Although, I think I know what you're saying. It reeeeaaaally makes things easier when aiming with ranged weapons.

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"almost to the T"? @_@ Although, I think I know what you're saying. It reeeeaaaally makes things easier when aiming with ranged weapons.

"Almost to the tee" is sort of a way of saying...just shy of exact.

As far as lock on goes, I think that you can sometimes be pretty effective without locking on in twilight princess and metroid prime 1 and 2. In Metroid Prime 3, locking on is more effective because you keep the camera on a single enemy but can still aim and fire at different enemies that are also in front of you.

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TIL the saying is "to a tee"

My issue with the lock at times though is that it can be hard to break out of, especially if you're running away. But I prefer it more often than not because i'm very slow and imprecise with things so I have a hard time with the alternative.

Edited by Lord Raven
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I love it in Metroid Prime mainly because it switches the focus of its FPS mechanics from aiming and shooting to dodging and positioning, I don't think there is another shooter that does this so it makes the game feel unique and bosses feel like Metroid bosses just in 3D.

Of course it's great in Zelda as well, though with some games it doesn't seem to always work right for me. In games like AC2 I could never tell if it was working.

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The lock-on system in Monster Hunter is kinda bad. I have never used it, no matter what kind of weapon I was using. I would rather aim with my skill than rely on the wacky lock-on system, especially when most monsters can close the gap in a split of second.

The lock-on system in World of Tanks is also bad, very very bad. Nobody use it but the noobs and the newbies.

Other than that, pc master race needs no stupid lock-on system.

Edited by Magical Amber
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I for one think lock-on systems are awesome. I've yet to play a game with such a system that doesn't improve the combat. There are also many fun variations, such as...

The "Single Enemy Focus" lock-on from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time! It is used by most third-person action games.


The "Unrelenting Accuracy" lock-on from Sin and Punishment! The inability to miss shots comes at the cost of attack power.

(I couldn't find a good video of it since it's almost never used. Here's a video of Sin and Punishment.)


The "Sweep and Spray" lock-on from Sonic Adventure! As E-102 "Gamma", sweep your eye laser to lock on to multiple targets, then release a volley of explosive shots! The more enemies you lock onto, the more bonus time you'll gain.


The "Convenient Yet Not Strict" lock-on from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, which enables free aiming while locked on! This worked so well, it was added to the first two games in Metroid Prime Trilogy.


The "Fully Automatic" lock-on from Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury! If enemies are within the blue circle, shots will be double-size and homing missiles will work.


This was a brief look at the evolution of the versatile, combat-centric video game mechanic known as... LOCK ON!

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I liked how it was handled in Twilight Princess, only locking on when holding down the Z button. Makes it easy in combat.

I think this is every 3D Zelda game, Ocarina and Majora had the option for hold to lock IIRC.

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