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olivia or sumia for chrom


olivia or sumia  

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  1. 1. olivia or sumia?

    • olivia
    • sumia

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I actually never played Path of Radiance but I do know that Ike is Aether's originator. I would love to play PoR someday. I got introduced to Ike via Smash.

Smash introduced me to Ike too! I wouldn't have even gotten into FE at all if it wasn't for that. I hope you play PoR someday too, it's really an amazing game!

Technically FE4 is your god when it comes to the originator of the skills you worship in FE9.

If there was no 太陽 or 月光, there would be no 天空.

I'm aware that FE4 first introduced skills, SOC. xP And I'm also aware that Ike's Aether animation is based off of the mercenary critical in the GBA games. But my point is that he is still the first character to use that animation, Sol, and Luna all in a single triggered attack. :P And technically, he's still the only one too since Chrom and Lucina use basic critical animations for Aether.

Edited by Anacybele
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Smash introduced me to Ike too! I wouldn't have even gotten into FE at all if it wasn't for that. I hope you play PoR someday too, it's really an amazing game!

I'm aware that FE4 first introduced skills, SOC. xP And I'm also aware that Ike's Aether animation is based off of the mercenary critical in the GBA games. But my point is that he is still the first character to use that animation, Sol, and Luna all in a single triggered attack. :P And technically, he's still the only one too since Chrom and Lucina use basic critical animations for Aether.

actually no, it's a basic critical animation for Sol, and then the luna animation for the luna portion of aether, which is unique for each class, and generally involves rushing through the opponent.

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I was always under the impression that story wise, Ike learned Aether from Stefan, or at least something he later adapted into Aether.

And technically FE5 has been doing Aether long before FE9 (since Sol and Luna can trigger simultaneously there). Ike totally stole Aether from Mareeta.

On topic: I think all the good gameplay reasons have been given, but from a story perspective I'd never reccomend Chrom/Olivia before Chrom/Sumia. Chrom/Olivia is pretty badly inserted into the game, has no buildup, and you can only make it happen if you know the conditions beforehand or get rather lucky with how you've been playing the game.

Chrom/Sumia flows with the main story a lot better and can be easily achieved without grinding.

I actually know a guy who got Chrom/Maiden by complete accident on his first playthrough (he never used Sumia).

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actually no, it's a basic critical animation for Sol, and then the luna animation for the luna portion of aether, which is unique for each class, and generally involves rushing through the opponent.

It's been a while since I did Avatar x Chrom, but I think those are proper Sol animations and not their criticals (I'm certain I've never seen Chrom crit like the first half of Aether, as a GL at least).

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Regarding animations in FE13:

There's no critical animation for Sol. It's the same motion if the skill activates. Just like for Luna or Lethality when they critical.

The only skills that allow the normal critical animation to be different from other usages of the skill (or the "lethal" regular animation) are Vengeance and Ignis.

Astra always ends, whether it kills or not, with the "lethal finisher" regular hit as the last hit.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I prefer Olivia in terms of skills and inheritance. However, if I am playing purely for fun, it would be Sumia obviously. Chrom has known Sumia for quite some time and has only just met Olivia at that time, which doesn't really make sense for him to marry a woman he doesn't even really know XD

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I prefer Olivia in terms of skills and inheritance. However, if I am playing purely for fun, it would be Sumia obviously. Chrom has known Sumia for quite some time and has only just met Olivia at that time, which doesn't really make sense for him to marry a woman he doesn't even really know XD

That applies to the majority of the cast, actually. Avatar, Virion (except Cherche), Lon'qu, Panne, Gaius, Gregor, Nowi, Tharja, presumably Libra, Olivia (except Lon'qu), Cherche (except Virion), Henry, all of Avatar's exclusives, Kellam to everyone else and everyone else to Morgan.

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Well you get to see a "semblance" of development in each level of supports you read instead of just "black screen + 2 years later + baby + Lissa lampshading". Generic Village maiden makes more sense in that kind of justification context.

Though I'm going to be sad because I assume Awakening works the same way as the GBA when activating "supports" that don't have an event associated with them will pretty much be exactly that.

*Click support*

"Robin and Robin attained support level S"

At least it's straightforward.

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I'm certain I've never seen Chrom crit like the first half of Aether, as a GL at least

That's funny. As a Great Lord I've actually seen Chrom crit the Sol part of Aether quite a bit. Not as much as I've seen him crit the Luna part of it, but still. It's probably because every time I've seen him crit the Sol part of Aether I was for some reason having him use Sigurd's Lance and it has a decent crit rate. I don't know why I love seeing Chrom use that lance. It's probably because I think it looks really cool. It was not even my intention to have him get a crit. I just thought "How about we have Chrom use a weapon of a previous FE lord, because why not?"

Edit: Some of you guys probably already knew this but just in case anybody wanted to ask me how I got that many Sigurd's Lances you can buy them infinitely from Sigurd himself if you keep summoning his streetpass team.

Sure, it's not the best lance in the game. But I like it a lot.

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That's funny. As a Great Lord I've actually seen Chrom crit the Sol part of Aether quite a bit.

I said crit like the first half of Ather (as in use the same animation- I'm saying I don't think Aether's Sol effect uses his crit animation). I've done several Chrom solos of Awakening and have had plenty of Aether crits along the way.

Statistically speaking, Aether crits are far more common on the Sol half because for Luna to crit, the enemy has to first survive Sol.

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I said crit like the first half of Ather (as in use the same animation- I'm saying I don't think Aether's Sol effect uses his crit animation). I've done several Chrom solos of Awakening and have had plenty of Aether crits along the way.

Statistically speaking, Aether crits are far more common on the Sol half because for Luna to crit, the enemy has to first survive Sol.

Haha damn man, are Chrom solos really a thing? I know Chrom is relatively self sufficient, but solo worthy?

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Let's not forget a certain individual who nearly managed to convince everyone that a 2% higher chance to activate PavGis + Sol >>>>>>Galeforce.

Although since that was a Gamefaqs incident, I'm not sure how many people here will know what I'm talking about. It's probably better that way.

You are not a true 2013 gamefaqs-ers if you did not see this one lol

classic Sazuke

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As far as non-GF Kjelles go, Vaike is near the top.

But Gaius!Kjelle is practically a second Lon'qu!Severa, so when I'm feeling in the mood to dump GF on another girl after Nah I usually go after Noire instead. Unlike Kjelle, none of the GF dads can make her anything above average (and since all of Awakening's units are above average, that really means bottom of the barrel in her niche).

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I would say Libra!Kjelle or Henry!Kjelle would be preferable to Vaike!Kjelle, as the former two have access to Vantage/Vengeance. Sure, that skillset isn't as good as it could be since Kjelle can't marry someone with Dual Strike +, but it seems better than what Vaike!Kjelle has.

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As far as non-GF Kjelles go, Vaike is near the top.

But Gaius!Kjelle is practically a second Lon'qu!Severa, so when I'm feeling in the mood to dump GF on another girl after Nah I usually go after Noire instead. Unlike Kjelle, none of the GF dads can make her anything above average (and since all of Awakening's units are above average, that really means bottom of the barrel in her niche).

Gaius!Noire has utterly fantastic stats though due to the combined luck dump. She's great for certain roles, though admittedly these roles aren't that good in no-holds-barred.

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I would say Libra!Kjelle or Henry!Kjelle would be preferable to Vaike!Kjelle, as the former two have access to Vantage/Vengeance. Sure, that skillset isn't as good as it could be since Kjelle can't marry someone with Dual Strike +, but it seems better than what Vaike!Kjelle has.

Unreliable +1 Mag VV (without TF in Henry!Kjelle's case) is definitely worse than +3 Str AF General hard support.

Gaius!Noire has utterly fantastic stats though due to the combined luck dump. She's great for certain roles, though admittedly these roles aren't that good in no-holds-barred.

Physically, she's got +2/2/4 Str/Spd/Skl (8) compared to Gaius!Kjelle's +1/5/5 (11), Lucina/Cynthia's +0/4/5 (9), and Lon'qu!Severa's +2/6/6 (14). She's roughly tied with Lucina/Cynthia in ending classes (Lucina/Cynthia have Paladin, Noire has Assassin), losing to Kjelle (Noire has Sniper, but Kjelle has 75 Spd Wyvern and Paladin) roughly tied with Severa (Noire has General and Sniper, Severa has Wyvern and Hero).

Magically, she's got no TF and thus only beats out GF Kjelle (Severa would switch to Virion to go Mag).

Nah being a hard support is a given- I'm only comparing Noire to the girls with GF and a proc here because that's the class she's in. If she wanted to go Hard support without GF, then I'd compare her to Nah. And with these rules, she's the worst in the game physically, even with Gaius (don't even mention Donnel) and only beaten magically by a unit who's clearly hard physical. So...

No, her stats aren't actually utterly fantastic (she does have a huge Lck deficit, but most of the points she gains from that go into Mag which she can't use, and unlike the others she has both Defensive stats positive so they're hogging mods too).

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Unreliable +1 Mag VV (without TF in Henry!Kjelle's case) is definitely worse than +3 Str AF General hard support.

Even as Sorcs, she'll hit 42 Skl minumum (Libra!Kjelle) + 8 vanilla rallies gets you 50 Skl. Not even including tonic, DLC, or other boosts she still gets reliablity before pair up.

Of course, Libra!Kjelle gets Sage so you do get Tomefaire, you did not lie about that part.

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Unreliable +1 Mag VV (without TF in Henry!Kjelle's case) is definitely worse than +3 Str AF General hard support.

Even as Sorcs, she'll hit 42 Skl minumum (Libra!Kjelle) + 8 vanilla rallies gets you 50 Skl. Not even including tonic, DLC, or other boosts she still gets reliablity before pair up.

Of course, Libra!Kjelle gets Sage so you do get Tomefaire, you did not lie about that part.

Whoa there. I'm talking about Apo, not ingame, and nobody uses VV there for any reason except EP sweeping, and 100% DS is required for that to be reliable. If I wasn't clear enough about that, sorry.

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I don't know if I'm missing out on something.... I just thought that Sumia and Chrom were the earliest characters so I decide to pair them....

Min max wise, the pairing is so perfect you would think the developers did it intentionally I'm not even joking.

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Min max wise, the pairing is so perfect you would think the developers did it intentionally I'm not even joking.

Not only that but they are the only ones who get a 3D cutscene if Chrom is not married by Chapter 12 I believe but have the highest support.

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