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I really hate censorships in my country.


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I really hate it.

Every moment when someone's smoking / punching / kicking, it's always been cut or censored...

Example :

Karate Kid (2010)

When Dre kicked Cheng right on his cheek, the scene got cut.

And Kung Fu Hustle.

When The Landlady is smoking, the cigarette is censored.

I think the censorship is too 'dumb' in my opinion, because they think children in the present can't differentiate between the good things and bad things... That's my opinion, anyway.

Have any opinions?

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On one hand, I feel like it's annoying because it cuts people off from reality.

On the other hand, seeing little kids form streetgangs/smoking is annoying.

Solution: The responsibility should be the parents'. Read the bloody age restrictions on games and movies.

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Unsupervised internet usage, gaming and movies are at the source of this.

Sounds like my Country and Parents

"Gaming is source of shooting spree so is paintball and the internet, we have to censor it all or to completely prohibit it"

They even mean like Animal crossing or Mario or something like that leading to killing people with a gun :P

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Unsupervised internet usage, gaming and movies are at the source of this.

no they're not

violent video games, for example, do not encourage kids to go out and shoot things. and people are generally clever - if you tell them they can't do something, especially if it's relatively innocuous, they'll find a way to circumvent you.

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Sounds like my Country and Parents

"Gaming is source of shooting spree so is paintball and the internet, we have to censor it all or to completely prohibit it"

They even mean like Animal crossing or Mario or something like that leading to killing people with a gun :P

no they're not

violent video games, for example, do not encourage kids to go out and shoot things. and people are generally clever - if you tell them they can't do something, especially if it's relatively innocuous, they'll find a way to circumvent you.

You're both overblowing my point. I'm not saying violent actions are the result of any of this. That's completely with parenting and state of mind. I'm saying that the recent behavior exhibited by kids is because of unsupervised gaming. Children are not as clever as you'd think. Developing minds take from their surroundings. Does that mean kids'll become killers? No! What that does mean is overall looked down on behavior such as screaming kids in Xbox Live or annoying kids on the streets.

Edit: The internet shouldn't be censored, heck no, but parents SHOULD be aware of what their children are watching and doing until they're at an age where they can effectively stand on their own.

Edited by TheYukianesa
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But you know, when I was little (6 or 7 years ago), nothing was censored or got cut!
Like action movies, for example... It was completely clean.

Well you know, children in the present should know how to differentiate between the good things and the bad things, right?

Children can't just do exactly like those scene foolishly.

Sorry I didn't say about where I am from.

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It's not just about what the children see when they are young. Often censorship is a result of political motivations that wish to prevent a country's society from being affected by outside influences. That being said, this is on another level of extreme. I can't possibly see a reason for the censors you have mentioned.

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I think people will learn with time that censorship matters because of the type of audience. Censorship can also be to hide something a country does not want other countries to see. It's not just in the form of censorship, A movie called To Live is banned in China because it demonstrates the faults of the lifestyles people had during Mao's era.

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You're both overblowing my point. I'm not saying violent actions are the result of any of this. That's completely with parenting and state of mind. I'm saying that the recent behavior exhibited by kids is because of unsupervised gaming.

congratulations, you contradicted yourself within 3 sentences. i'll at least give you the credit for not doing so within 2.

Children are not as clever as you'd think. Developing minds take from their surroundings. Does that mean kids'll become killers? No! What that does mean is overall looked down on behavior such as screaming kids in Xbox Live or annoying kids on the streets.

you completely misunderstood what i meant. children will find ways against their parents confiscating their video games or setting up filters to block access to the internet. they are not "clever" in distinguishing right from wrong (and i say "clever" in quotation marks because that's not what the word even suggests), but they are clever in getting around the rules.

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congratulations, you contradicted yourself within 3 sentences. i'll at least give you the credit for not doing so within 2.

By violent I mean actually "shooting things" as you put it. By recent behavior I mean belligerent behavior.

There's also no need for attitude, hot shot.

you completely misunderstood what i meant. children will find ways against their parents confiscating their video games or setting up filters to block access to the internet. they are not "clever" in distinguishing right from wrong (and i say "clever" in quotation marks because that's not what the word even suggests), but they are clever in getting around the rules.

Once again, you're going completely off-base. You're not supposed to buy your 8 year old Call Of Duty. You can't confiscate what they don't have. And once again, I don't think the internet should be censored, let alone blocked. Instead it should be seriously and often talked about, children don't know the first thing about the internet and can't cope with the freedom that it grants.

I DO think the parental locks on consoles should be used, which no minor is going to get around.

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children will find ways against their parents confiscating their video games or setting up filters to block access to the internet. they are not "clever" in distinguishing right from wrong (and i say "clever" in quotation marks because that's not what the word even suggests), but they are clever in getting around the rules.

So? Should we just allow people to do whatever they want just because they are clever in getting around the rules? This logic is so flawed, you're probably drunk or I understood it wrong.

If children can't distinguish right from wrong, then it comes as one more reason to restrict their liberties. They may do something bad because they are immature. This is a no-brainer.

That said, I find these government censorships absurd. Parents should choose what they want they children to watch or play, not the government. Children are not responsible, but their parents are responsible and mature enough to deal with their own individual liberties' cost.

Well, it's a Muslim country, and one that takes their religion seriously, so it's no wonder they censor everything.

It is ironic to see Muslim fundamentalists so worked up about violence, but I digress. That is, if the censorship was made on the basis of religious fundamentalism, as you said.

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So? Should we just allow people to do whatever they want just because they are clever in getting around the rules? This logic is so flawed, you're probably drunk or I understood it wrong.

you understood it wrong.

violent video games, for example, do not encourage kids to go out and shoot things. and people are generally clever - if you tell them they can't do something, especially if it's relatively innocuous, they'll find a way to circumvent you.

i make the point elsewhere that laws exist for a reason, but censorship, in contrast to normal prohibitory laws, promotes the notion that a government has something to hide.

If children can't distinguish right from wrong, then it comes as one more reason to restrict their liberties. They may do something bad because they are immature. This is a no-brainer.

i didn't say that children can't distinguish right from wrong. they can be indoctrinated into not properly distinguishing right from wrong. i never said that children should not have their liberties restricted. i did say that children have an underestimated aptitude at circumventing authority.

i do not like arguing with you because i spend more time expounding on things that i did not say instead of actually saying things. please stop yourself from engaging in this habit.

Edited by dondon151
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I apologize for reading it wrong, then. Let me try again.

Yes, I agree with you that children can go around rules, and I agree that government censorship is bad, but... what's your point? If you agree that children's liberties need to be restricted, then which is the conclusion that you reach from saying that children can circumvent authority? This would naturally lead me into thinking that you disagree with the restriction of children's liberties, since it is pointless to restrict them as they can just circumvent authority, yet you say this is not so.

i didn't say that children can't distinguish right from wrong.

Indeed, that's what I said, not you. Children are immature and under psychological development, therefore their comprehension of morals is lacking (which is not the same as saying they don't comprehend morals at all). Since they have difficulty in distinguishing right from wrong, they need to have their liberties restricted.

This is not to say that I agree with government censorship, though.

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Since they have difficulty in distinguishing right from wrong, they need to have their liberties restricted.

And adults don't? The vast majority of people in the world, if not everyone, has a lot of trouble distinguishing right from wrong. Why don't we just restrict everyone's liberties?

I honestly think most adults aren't capable of distinguishing right from wrong. Here's an example. You have people like Jedi on this forum saying stuff like this:

The only child here is you Chiki. You look down on others you constantly insult them because they aren't you or play like you. With that kind of arrogance is it any wonder the majority of us don't like you?

You may act like you don't like in your most recent post but honestly your attitude in multiple threads and pure elitism is outright heinous.

Should we restrict people like Jedi's liberties? "Heinous" is a serious accusation, it actually means horrible/evil. And if Jedi or anyone else genuinely thinks that a person is heinous for having certain opinions on a video game, then that person just has no proper sense of right or wrong whatsoever and he's not capable of making any kind of ethical decision. But does it follow, then, that Jedi's liberties should be restricted? I don't think so.

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And adults don't? The vast majority of people in the world, if not everyone, has a lot of trouble distinguishing right from wrong. Why don't we just restrict everyone's liberties?

I think that already happens, in the form of laws. How far those laws go is another matter.

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