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Hopes for Zelda U

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No finicky motion controls like in Skyward Sword.

This. Although it seems that they are already shifting away from it. Now about the Game Pad gyroscope aiming....

Also, let me just say that Shabunga is indeed amazing.

Edited by DragonLord
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I'd also like to see a rival character like that one dude in the Oracle game, I forgot which.

I'm not expecting much other than the bland OoT formula for a 3D Zelda. I'm just hoping they try to make Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf into actual characters. I only say that since I saw a pic of Ganondorf teaching Link how to draw a bow and it would be like really neat if the three them are friends at first then stuff happens and Ganondorf become the evil dude we all know and love.

Link please.
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This. Although it seems that they are already shifting away from it.

And I still don't get where people are getting this idea. I don't see anything indicating it.

I also don't see why they wouldn't expand/improve the motion controls Skyward Sword had. And I'll never understand why people hated it. I loved it and will be disappointed if it's not at least an option in Zelda Wii U.

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I already posted a timestamp of when Link used his sword... >_>

And not everyone liked the motion control. I know I didn't. It was a needlessly complicated mechanic had only served to make combat more of a pan in the ass than anything.

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That it is nothing like Skyward Sword. I fuggin' hated that game and if they make another game that ridiculous in gameplay, i will riot. If i have to sit through Yet Another Asshole Sidekick, i will riot.

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I don't mind the motion controls in Skyward Sword, but if I have to hold the five-million-pound gamepad in one hand whilst waving a stick in the other than I might have some objections.

I don't mind button controls either, both have merits, but I think button controls will be a better fit for this.

Edited by Knight
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I don't mind the motion controls in Skyward Sword, but if I have to hold the five-million-pound gamepad in one hand whilst waving a stick in the other than I might have some objections.

I don't mind button controls either, both have merits, but I think button controls will be a better fit for this.

Well yeah, that would be silly. I'm not saying we have to use the Wii remote and nunchuck while hanging onto the Gamepad at the same time. xP

The Gamepad could be one control option, and for people that enjoyed Skyward Sword's motion controls, the Wii remote and nunchuck could be a second option. That's what I'm trying to suggest.

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And I still don't get where people are getting this idea. I don't see anything indicating it.

I also don't see why they wouldn't expand/improve the motion controls Skyward Sword had. And I'll never understand why people hated it. I loved it and will be disappointed if it's not at least an option in Zelda Wii U.

Well to be fair the Windwaker HD did use the gamepad to great effect so if Nintendo wants to make it their primary way of control I wouldn't be suprised. As far as the skyward sword controls I thought they worked just fine more than fine they were what I wanted in TP for Wii.

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Do you mean Nayru's friend, Ralph? I'm surprised you mention him, as he was a pretty boring character.

Well in the manga he seemed much fewer boring. I'm not so sure about the game because I've yet to beat it and got distracted doing something else, but he was pretty much Link's rival in the manga. A rival character with personality would be great, imagine just wandering around the giant overworld and coming across him from time to time in the most random of places just like the postman in TP. I just love the postman, best NPC in the entire franchise. Having the postman return is a must.

Well yeah, that would be silly. I'm not saying we have to use the Wii remote and nunchuck while hanging onto the Gamepad at the same time. xP

The Gamepad could be one control option, and for people that enjoyed Skyward Sword's motion controls, the Wii remote and nunchuck could be a second option. That's what I'm trying to suggest.

I wish I had the chance to play SS. I would have liked the motion controls. Anyways, I don't see the motion controls returning and Kon was right about Mr. Developer Man using the sword during the video (2:03). I don't see them returning because of the different types of screens they may put on the game pad.
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From what we've been told, this game keeps reminding me of the original Zelda.

I was thinking it might be cool if they tried to invoke the feel of the original Zelda, and base the map somewhat on it. Hopefully there are villages though and stuff. (there were people in the first trailer so I assume so)

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Gameplay of Zelda for Wii U showed at the game awards 2014. Looks like it'll be using the gamepad and is looking good so far.

I really like how much they showed it off.I also like how the brought back TP sword fighting on horse back.But my question is:Where is Link's tunic?Is he just some random hero until he gets the Triforce of Courage?Or does the green tunic mean anything in that timeline?

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From what we've been told, this game keeps reminding me of the original Zelda.

I was about to say that. Sequalitis did something about that once and from other sources I've heard the original Zelda on the NES was supposed to be about the exploration. Mario was a linear game, and Zelda was nonlinear game where the dungeons could be beat in any order the player desired. I never beat the first Zelda, but I did make it to Ganon with every item before I got distracted doing somethig else. I am so hyped to see this old idea return.

I was thinking it might be cool if they tried to invoke the feel of the original Zelda, and base the map somewhat on it. Hopefully there are villages though and stuff. (there were people in the first trailer so I assume so)

There we're people in the first trailer?!?

I really like how much they showed it off.I also like how the brought back TP sword fighting on horse back.But my question is:Where is Link's tunic?Is he just some random hero until he gets the Triforce of Courage?Or does the green tunic mean anything in that timeline?

I was also about to mention that too...before I got distracted doing something else. I look foward to being able to have Link wear different types of tunics and clothing or equipment. I saw Link wearing a hood in the trailer, I'm curious as to how that will work. Maybe some DLC or ingame alternate costumes would be cool. Engineers uniform, Skyloft, or outset island clothing. Edited by Rabbattack
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I really like how much they showed it off.I also like how the brought back TP sword fighting on horse back.But my question is:Where is Link's tunic?Is he just some random hero until he gets the Triforce of Courage?Or does the green tunic mean anything in that timeline?

Who knows that could be the case or maybe he just gets it later or sometime after the beginning like in SS. This is just a demo though so I doubt its definitive of the whole game.

I was also about to mention that too...before I got distracted doing something else. I look foward to being able to have Link wear different types of tunics and clothing or equipment. I saw Link wearing a hood in the trailer, I'm curious as to how that will work. Maybe some DLC or ingame alternate costumes would be cool. Engineers uniform, Skyloft, or outset island clothing.

Now there is an idea how about equipping, upgrading, and buying different items that have different effects maybe even add a forging system where you could make your own items.

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And I still don't get where people are getting this idea. I don't see anything indicating it.

I also don't see why they wouldn't expand/improve the motion controls Skyward Sword had. And I'll never understand why people hated it. I loved it and will be disappointed if it's not at least an option in Zelda Wii U.

It looks from the likes of Link being right handed that the game will allow controls similar to that of Twilight Princess on the Wii, that of which I was perfectly fine with. I feel like Skyward Sword placed too much emphasis on motion controls which doesn't particularly interest many, especially the hardcore audience they seem to be reaching with this game.

Edited by DragonLord
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How would the classic zelda items work in a more open world game? I'm going to spend a good amount of time parachuting down mountains and playing with the grappling hook/hookshot.

Judging from what Mr. Developer Man said in the video, it would take it little longer than 4-5 minutes to travel to the point he marked on the cliff from his starting location. He already traveled some distance before he said that so it would be ok to add a couple more minutes to that, I don't know how much. If we take that distance and make a chain from one end of the map to another, we'd probably have a good rough estimate of how big the map is. I'm too lazy to do this. How big do you think the map is going to be and how does it compare to other zelda and non-zelda games.

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A huge map is great if it has things to fill it. I am a bit skeptical since the last time they teased a huge world was in TP, and in the end it wasn't as great as it had sounded. OoT by contrast had less stuff on the world map but it was also a smaller world map so it didn't feel as empty.

Wind Waker should be their model for this one. That game had an island with something to do on it in every square of the map grid, plus treasures scattered around the ocean, watch towers, enemy ships, etc. Of course they should take it further with the Wii U and put more towns and settlements, (mini-)dungeons, collectibles, mini-games, fairy fountains, you name it.

I also hope for sidequests with quality similar to MM's. It might be tough without a real time system in the game, but maybe they could use the console's settings to set up events based on the day of the week.

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