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Hopes for Zelda U

Misses Elise-chan!

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Having a few elements of an RPG doesn't make it an RPG, though. That's like saying FE Awakening is a dating sim because of the Avatar and marriage system.

Yeah Zelda is an adventure game first and foremost but I have seen most people refer to it as an adventure/RPG game more than an action/adventure game. See when I think action I think something like God of War, Bayonetta, and Hyrule Warriors which while Zelda does have fighting in it this isn't its first and foremost focus (except for maybe SS where the combat system is more precise).

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You know what? I can't wait to bomb some Dodongos in Zelda U. I also hope you get to eat Octorock after killing them to refill your hunger bar. If we get to meet King Harkinian in this game, that would be perfect.

I've been thinking about something lately...what if they added a Dark World, Lorule, or alternate version of Hyrule in this game?

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What? Zelda has tons of combat. Monsters to fight, boss battles, etc. And you play as a freaking swordsman that gets a big arsenal of weapons to use. And I've seen more people call Zelda a puzzle game than an RPG. Zelda's main focuses are combat, exploration, and puzzles, if you ask me. Which to me, translates to action/adventure with some puzzle mixed in.

Edited by Anacybele
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What? Zelda has tons of combat. Monsters to fight, boss battles, etc. And you play as a freaking swordsman that gets a big arsenal of weapons to use. And I've seen more people call Zelda a puzzle game than an RPG. Zelda's main focuses are combat, exploration, and puzzles, if you ask me. Which to me, translates to action/adventure with some puzzle mixed in.

I wouldn't call it exactly full of combat however, yes there is a significant amount of fighting but exploring and puzzles are what its more known for.

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In the top down Zelda games, your two main moves are 1. Walk and 2. Slash. One mechanic is mainly for exploration, the other for combat, although these categories have some overlap. Often, as you travel through the world and cut down whatever gets in your way, it is easy to forget just how many enemies you've slain.

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Regardless of whether or not its the "main focus", a large portion of the game is spent fighting enemies, and when your combat system is so dull and shallow, that makes for a big problem.

I wasn't suggesting that Zelda should throw away the exploration and environmental puzzles that its known for and become some linear, arena-based brawler. What I want them to do is keep the things that are good while improving the things that are bad. Outside of Skyward Sword which has a whole slew of its own problems, Zelda's core combat has barely changed since 1998. That's terrible.

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I never had any problem with Zelda's combat. I actually loved it to pieces in Skyward Sword. :P And I don't think SS's combat has any problems. It just takes getting used to. It took me some time to get the hang of it too. I really don't see why people complain about it so much. And fans were asking for Zelda to bring new stuff for years. When it does, people complain. It's a lot like the Pokemon fanbase, now that I think about it.

Skyward Sword brought new combat stuff, upgrading Link's equipment, dashing, a stamina meter, etc. But so many people complain about the game. I can see why people would dislike Fi and how linear the game is. But that's it. I never understood the complaints about everything else.

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I'm actually a fan of SS combat system I thought it was far more challenging than previous Zelda titles and I particulary like how the shield mechanics worked. I was just pointing out that while some people may consider it an action game, compared to other hack and slashes out there its really not that kind of game.

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Skyward Sword's combat is by far the most complex, but the problem with it is that the motion controls are love it or hate it, and depending on which side you follow can make or break the entire game for you. Skyward added a bunch of other gameplay mechanics though that I'd still love to see in the new Zelda, I think I already mentioned customization and the shield, but the stamina system was pretty cool as well, I doubt it will be returning but I hope Link can still sprint.

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If motion controls exist, I'd like them to accommodate left handed gamers. Whilst a nice idea, it's really unintuitive if your sword's on the wrong side.

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While I'd also like motion controls I don't think this is the route nintendo is taking. There's no way to guareentee that everyone who has a wii u will have a wiimote with motion plus and a nunchuck but everyone has a gamepad. Yeah you could bundle a wiimote+ but you would still need a nunchuck. Also if you remember when SS was being released the first thing they marketed and pushed was the one to one control whereas here its the gamepad.

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If motion controls exist, I'd like them to accommodate left handed gamers. Whilst a nice idea, it's really unintuitive if your sword's on the wrong side.

You missed the point. If you're a lefty playing skyward sword, you're supposed to use your right hand anyway, so that you can become ambidextrous.

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While I'd also like motion controls I don't think this is the route nintendo is taking. There's no way to guareentee that everyone who has a wii u will have a wiimote with motion plus and a nunchuck but everyone has a gamepad. Yeah you could bundle a wiimote+ but you would still need a nunchuck. Also if you remember when SS was being released the first thing they marketed and pushed was the one to one control whereas here its the gamepad.

Once again, this is why I said it should be OPTIONAL. Like, at the beginning, you can choose your control scheme like you can in Hyrule Warriors. You can choose between the Gamepad/Wii U Pro controller, or the Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuck.

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Personally hoping that there are no motion controls at all.

Gyroscope in Wind Waker HD is my least favorite part. I can't lay on my couch and play the game smoothly due to the gyroscope. #firstworldproblems

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I have a feeling there might not be off TV play, but yet I'm not sure. I wouldn't mind if they didn't have an option for Wii remote controls, I feel the game is supposed to take advantage of what the Gamepad has and unless the combat is going to be focused on motion controls (which I doubt) I'd prefer the game to be optimized with all the buttons on the Gamepad as well as full camera control, without having to accommodate for having less buttons and no free camera control on an alternate control scheme.

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More time spent developing other parts of the game instead of adding multiple control options that make the game extremely complicated and f**k up the item and map gamepad screens would be favorable to me.

I was hoping for a better discussion than "Motion plus controls versus gamepad controls". Sorry Anacybele, but your outnumbered, I guess the gamepad lovers win. With the little information we have of the game, we can't say for sure if motion controls will or will'nt be coming back. From what we have seen so far, it is most likely that the gamepad is going to be the only control option. Remember how in Skyward Sword you had to swing in a certain direction to actually hurt enemies? From motion plus to the gamepad, that won't be an easy thing to replicate and I don't see Nintendo changing up the entire enemy AI for that. Still, we could be wrong or we could be right, only time will tell...

I'd like to see the meat item return. I'd like to see the return of friendly moblins or enemy like creatures because fully 3D Zelda games have yet to have something like that. More door repairs. Cucoos too.

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