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What would you do if you knew the world was ending?


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Depends on what you mean by "end of the world." If you mean "everybody dies", then I'd probably take out a huge loan that I could never repay and blow it on everything I ever wanted. If it's more of an "end of civilization" kind of thing, I would befriend the owners of all the local gun shops because, when society collapses, they're going to be the new warlords. I will then pit them against each other and become the right-hand man of whoever comes out of the conflict on top. Then, after everyone in the area hates his tyrannical rule, I will put poison in his drink, declare myself a "liberator", and found the Empire of New Clevelandia (in Minnesota) with huge popular support.

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I would find the people who have been mean to me. Two in particular,come to mind. I would find them, and I would kill them. It wouldn't be painful. I'm not that cruel. But I would make sure they knew it was me. Hell, I'd maybe even make them beg. It would be satisfying. Then, I'd destroy any monument to Woodrow Wilson I could find. I hate that guy. Finally, I'd use all my college money to buy a Picklehaube and wear it home, where I would play Monarch Santa as Germany in Kaiserriech one last time. I'd spend the last hour with my family.

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I would find the people who have been mean to me. Two in particular,come to mind. I would find them, and I would kill them. It wouldn't be painful. I'm not that cruel. But I would make sure they knew it was me. Hell, I'd maybe even make them beg. It would be satisfying. Then, I'd destroy any monument to Woodrow Wilson I could find. I hate that guy. Finally, I'd use all my college money to buy a Picklehaube and wear it home, where I would play Monarch Santa as Germany in Kaiserriech one last time. I'd spend the last hour with my family.

I hate Woodrow Wilson too...

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  • 1 month later...

Ah, the question of questions.

I would close all the doors in my house, I think, because there is need of calm when the world is going to end. So I would go to the bathroom, I would use the toilet, wash the face, hands and blew the nose.

I'll phone my grandparents.

Then, I would read some good book, or sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spend my remaining days with my family and girlfriend. We'd go out reminiscing on the good times.

Edited by Xanaxian
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I'd probably die.

Really it depends, if it is some kind of demon thing I'd prob try and fight them and die horribly.

If it was just like the sun exploding I'd have a wild orgy.

Edited by zerosabers
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Depends how it ends. Say it's a virus, preventable by say... eating a certain type of food. I would prevent it.

However, if it was un-preventable, I would call of my friends, especially the one's I have been mean to. I would apologize. I would eat my favorite foods, and spend my money on what I was saving for. I would meet up with my friends and have a great time, staying up all night.

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