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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Being a hot-headed, irrational moron.

Now I'm only a semi-hot-headed, pretending-to-be-rational-like-Greg-House moron.

(I would really rather not describe exactly what this means).

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Quite the edgy 10 year old.

Here, have this weird Guatemalan communist revolution thing I wrote

Let me take you back to '54, in the Guatemalan communist revolution.

I was only 20 years old, but I had already established my reputation as rebel. In school I had read the works of Marx with such fervor that was uncommon for a Guatemalan youth. I had lost my job as a newspaper journalist because I was "too radical." I knew the corruption that had seeped into the Guatemalan system, and I wasn't afraid to speak out against it. I made some powerful enemies.

When the communist regime had started their civil war, I felt the call to arms swell deep within me. What was it? A deeper meaning to my roller coaster ride of a life? I knew then what my purpose was right then and there: to save my homeland from the evils of the free market, and institute a new golden age in Guatemala. It was my duty as a citizen to partake in this revolucìon, and liberate the land of my people.

I signed up, and right away I stood out against the other recruits for my passion and my work ethic. Every time in target practice, I would imagine the heads of our corrupt leaders in the place of the dummy. Sheer indignation guided my bullets, and they were all coated in righteous fury. When battle came, I was ready. Our first guerrilla mission was outside lake Guatemala, to take down a supply convo. This was a strategic line, that if we could take it out, we could severely injure the filthy loyalists. Naturally, I was appointed leader for my military mind and my courage. Hiding in the jungle, on that hot summer day, I directed our rifles, and we picked off the cars one by one. They never saw us coming, and we soon began to be known as "La sombra negro," or "the black shadow." I led other guerrilla missions with marginal success. Our campaign was going well. Until, that is, the great battle of San Juacinto. Sorry, I choke up whenever I get to this part... *tear*

We had finally gained enough strength to confront the capital, the grand shining city of Guatemala City (no really that's it's actual name). The group was split up into two groups, with myself leading the front line. Before battle I addressed my troops:

"Men. Today, we fight to regain control of Guatemala City, and by doing so, liberate the good people from the tyranny of capitalism. This battle will extend beyond this day, it will decide the future of Central America. In generations to come, kids in Soviet Guatemala will look in their state-supplied history textbooks and exclaim 'Praise be to the warriors who fought to give me the wonderful state-regulated life I lead today!' Think of the children, at the orphanage, and there beaming faces when they see food on their tables. A land free from violence or want. THIS IS THE FUTURE WE ARE FIGHTING FOR!

A large cheer erupted from my painfully small group of infantry. "We would gladly risk our life sir, for our homeland."

"THEN WE CHARGE!" With gun in hand, I led the assualt into the capital.

Many good men died that day. Despite all the fire I was under, I held the Soviet Guatemala flag high in the sky, the entire time. Lost my leg in that fight, but I did not lose my honor. We won, after numerous casualties, the loyalist scum finally surrendered. The look on the peoples faces the following day renewed the feeling in my heart that we had finally liberated Guatemala. A tragic day, yes, but a glorious future.

Sorry I need a moment... *cries*

wrong marx lol

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I used to be an insufferable asshole

but now I'm more mature, and do it ironically

I'm still in my phase.

it's ok you'll grow out of it eventually
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realtalk: I did a lot of judging/making fun of things without trying them when I was younger

I still do some but not nearly to the same extent, and I still generally try to familiarize myself with them

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that's literally the most negative opinion i've ever heard about hybrid theory

i've heard more crap said about it than positive stuff tbh, mostly directed at the angsty lyrics. fwiw i consumed more early-00's popular music than anyone i've met, with zero shame ever, but even at Peak Tween i coudn't get into that album

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Another time was when I was obsessed with everything related to dinosaurs and would wear a dino suit to class a lot when I was in preschool til second grade iirc.

omg that's

so great


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I'd think my yugioh phase in general is best forgotten but tbh it's kind of amusing to me in hindsight

Q496: Can you do any accents besides your own?

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i can do almost every accent badly

in actually good terms i can do a passing south german (whether it's rlp or bayern depends on the day) and a pretty good kentucky/virginia

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