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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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I'm pretty sure the whole class would just go silent around the time and then wait for the sneeze. He never missed a day.

"OK class, let's all have a moment of silence for the holy sneeze of St [name of sneezer]."

As for the current question...Nah, no one I know could sidekick for me properly. Or, put more accurately, I'd never be superhero material, not even with super powers. Sorry.

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I'm not sure who'd want to be my sidekick, actually, my sister is younger but she also doesn't listen to me, would make terrible sidekick no teamwork

I don't really see any of my friends as sidekicks, but rather, say I was Thor they'd be Iron Man and Captain America and Black Widow and we'd just be the Avengers

Or something

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being a hero sounds like a lot of work

I'd probably sidekick for refa

we'd most likely get a lot of nothing done

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One of my old pocket buddies from tf2 or killing floor

also I'm stoly's Black Cat (not his MJ though)

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Ideally, Draco.

Realistically, my best friend. But we'd be more like a dynamic duo. Wonder Twins or some shit.

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I would be Integrity's sidekick

our goal would be to eat all the world's crispy m&ms

wow can I be your villain and steal them from you

they sound delicious

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that is a terrifying and ominous username. But does that make you Steiner?

"The third horseman rides a black horse and is popularly understood to be Famine as the horseman carries a pair of balances or weighing scales, indicating the way that bread would have been weighed during a famine. Other authors interpret the third horseman as the "Lord as a Law-Giver" holding Scales of Justice. In the passage it is read that the indicated price of grain is about ten times normal (thus the famine interpretation popularity), with an entire day's wages (a denarius) buying enough wheat for only one person, or enough of the less nutritious barley for three, so that workers would struggle to feed their families."

Doesn't sound like me.

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