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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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I've got no problem with my natural curly naps. But are we allowed to change facial hair?

I want Idris Elba's facial hair so bad you don't even know. My facial hair grows terribly.

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seen cirque du soleil's KA and a HORRENDOUS country music themed play I had to see for a class

Q480: Do you talk to yourself?

Yeah. When im by myself, i will vocalize thoughts.

Talk to myself?!



Yeah I'm not CRAZY.

Honest answer: It's happened, but very rarely. So rare I was going to just outright say no at first because I didn't remember.

So many bonus points for Shadowgate and Uninvited scenes!

A very very yes from me

Q481: If you could magically change your hair to whatever you want, what would it look like?

I suppose technically if you wanted your hair to be literally snakes that's also an option

Id just permanently get rid of the grey and be able to change the color at will, ala Nymphadora Tonks.

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I'd keep my hair roughly the same as it is in terms of composition, maybe bring back some "thickness."

However, I'd want far more silver hair. I may have hated it before but I've taken a weird liking to the white/silver/grey hair I have.

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I like having medium-long hair and I'd not change its length ever.

I wish I had a better hairline, I guess- having a huge forhead along with an uneven partition in the middle for a long face. Its just... annoying to style, seriously.

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