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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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I'd like to see some of that sometime. Sounds really cool.

I should get back to doing it. I used to just like find junk and put it on necklace chains and earring thingers.

I craft boss fights, guides, and other various articles


Suddenly food porn.

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>that sandwich

WOAH god damn

You should see the sandwiches I make nowadays. Pastrami/Cheddar (sliced off the loaf since I buy them that way instead of sliced cheese)/Kale/Tomato/Gourmet-level BBQ sauce from BBQ Pete's on Sourdough, toasted.


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Does Sculpting count? If so I fiddled with it several years back. It was neat, but I vastly prefer working with digital media.

Mistakes are far easier to correct too.

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You should see the sandwiches I make nowadays. Pastrami/Cheddar (sliced off the loaf since I buy them that way instead of sliced cheese)/Kale/Tomato/Gourmet-level BBQ sauce from BBQ Pete's on Sourdough, toasted.



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I am decent at clay sculpting and sewing, though I don't do it often. I'm better at making patterns than actually sewing anyway, as my stitches, while strong, look fairly rough.

My specialty is more...2D.

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LEGO, I guess, although not as much recently

did some woodworking in highschool, and photography if that counts
the closest I get to knitting is picking up a kumihimo disk every once in a while

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..... Is slicing pizza considered simple?

also talking

oh and also not knocking down everything around me or dropping/nearly dropping things I am holding

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i am great at navigation in a sense of "i know where i'm going" but basic bodily awareness escapes me a lot. i walk into walls when i'm not drunk, it's horrible when i am.

confusingly i'm a nearly impeccable driver.

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