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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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There was one with a huge spiky turtle monster thing deep inside the Earth, and Kenshiro had to beat it (though it was me before Kenshiro, I think). That was pretty cool. And then there was one with the skeletons with penises all over the internet. That was uh...pretty cool too, I guess.


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it's ok it just means you're not a giant loser like some of us :(

...like me

:( :( :( :( :(

no it means I'm a bigger loser because a forgot :(

also I mistyped that "poser" but I'm sure that's true as well

also the only dream I remember off the top of my head was where a bunch of people I cared about got bit by a spider and then caught it and found out it was a black widow and then everyone died I was like 5 it really freaked me out

I feel like there have been a few dreams with like, SFers (the cool ones, I'm sure) crewing starships or living in secret ninja temples or something, but I don't remember them well at all

they were probably very animu

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when i was little, i dreamed a frog tied me to his legs because he was afraid of crickets, and i could chirp like one. the chirping motivated him to hop so fast that he could approach light speed. so i was like his pump-up music for a workout.

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Q423: At what point should old questions be reseeded?

It's been over a year since the the first question in the age of Interest. New people have joined and missed out on a shit-ton of questions, some answers may have changed for those who have already answered, or old people may have just missed questions along the way.

So, when should it be okay to repeat old questions?

don't worry y'all I still go a bunch of other questions to ask, this is just a policy what needs addressed

Edited by Specta
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recycling the series one stuff now would be fine imo

You could throw them in as bonus questions.

A lot of people answer consistently I think, so repeats might be kinda "eh" for them, but if you did one new question + a repeat occasionally it would be better? Once a week or something?

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It doesn't matter to me. I don't even remember what the question was a week ago let alone a year ago, and I can't be bothered to check.

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whenever your heart tells you to, then it's the right time. you are the master of this domain


you have a way with words, shtoa

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Patronus Question: Probably a dog.

Dream Question: I had this dream when i was about 8 years old, that i was living with my family with another family i knew at the time. But for some reason, every time i was alone, this Grim Reaper like figure would come out and start harassing me about things. it seemed only i could see this Reaper and he would moan like a ghost and be scary. Funny how i can remember this dream well over 20 years later. I think i know precisely what it meant, but i wouldnt discover that for years and years.

Question Question: Every great once in a while? As long as its not hella frequent. A year since the same question has been asked sounds good to me.

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Oh yeah I found out a lazy way to answer that dream question without trying to recount the events of the dream all over again for the third or fourth time

I dreamt me and my older brother were snowboarding then a giant yellow slime kinda humanoid alien (it was pretty much a giant grimer/muk) with green eyes that was probably about the size of a three story building arrived and kidnapped a bunch of kids/teens (I think mostly teens) including me and brought them to a faraway planet and from where he landed he still had to bring us quite a distance to his evil base and he brought us there along a river and put us all in floaties and led us down it then me and three other people escaped when he wasn't looking in the middle of a glacial area where the river was going straight through a glacier that it had split and the super tall glaciers surrounding us were very rainbowy from the sunlight and after we escaped we met up with this kinda angel lady who °˖ ✧sparkled✧˖ ° and she told us we all had special super abilities and it was up to us to save the rest of the children/teenagers from the giant evil alien

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