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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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In my nightmares: death by falling, getting eaten by velociraptors, having to do an exam without studying

In more pleasant dreams: clouds, thunderstorms, adventure, I tend to dream in sci-fi often for some reason

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Let's see...

  • Traveling around in buses and vans and such. Probably relates to my childhood since it usually involves old friends. This sometimes extends to real life childhood experiences such as hiking or playing under the sun at a beach or something.
  • Being inside of supermarkets and large stores, particularly Costco.
  • Fantasy-style environments such as massive heavenly structures, snowy mountains, and dense forests (flying around is fun too). Also some more mundane environments such as sewers near a river, town built from pinewood, etc. This usually involves a mix of Skyrim, World of Warcraft, and other game environments including ones constructed in my own D&D campaigns and the like.
  • There's also an ocean environment based dreamscape I often have that's partially based off of Wind Waker (many scattered island-like areas) but sometimes it involves being on the mainland and overlooking a nearby archipelago, then traveling to said area. Sometimes even has a pirate theme just because.
  • School-based environments. Sometimes I relive twisted days of my middle school, high school, and college years.

I think I've got most of em.

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I didn't realize there was a new question.

Dreams, huh... I don't dream often, but usually my dreams are very passionate. It sounds weird, I know, but it's the only way I can describe them.

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It used to be death by falling. Now I don't remember most of my dreams past a few minutes of waking up. I more often experience weird sequences of unrelated thoughts that feel as though they are related to one another until I actually think about whether they are related. I consider these to be somehow related to dreams because they mostly happen when I am lying down prone. If I lie down supine, I don't seem to fall asleep and my thoughts are more normalized.

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what the fuck

an xcdcjk comic was applicable to me?? someone who specialised in drama and didn't go to university????????

i'm sure randall whatsisname is very upset by this.

(this isn't really my answer - I can't think of any common themes - but it has happened a couple times.0

Edited by Parrhesia
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being completely lost in places like cities and trying to find my way home, being completely ignored by people, in the sense that I'll be directly in front of them saying something to them and they won't react to me, things trying to trap me and me desperately trying not to get trapped, and people trying to kill me while I try really hard to not get killed.

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Specially during vacations

HOLY SHIT. I had no idea that was this common. I occasionally have dreams where i am in varying stages of education. The dream that im attending high school is particularly jarring. I havent attended any real form of schooling in over a decade.

Anyway, ive been having very upsetting dreams lately having to do with the environment. Just this morning, i had a dream i was visiting a beach with my father. I ran like a little kid toward the water with joy. But the minute i reach the water and everything comes into focus, the beach is riddled with trash and filth. Its so polluted, it hurts my bare feet to walk on the sand. The water is a putrid color and smells odd. It was to the point where i fell to my knees and wailed in anguish at the sight of this needless destruction of this beach. I woke up really upset.

The night before, i had a dream about those storms in the east coast. The ocean waves freezing as they hit land and becoming shards of ice. And the debris...the debris is just unspeakable. Last week, i had a dream about witnessing a plane crash and there was shrapnel everywhere. The running theme is nature and the pollution of it. Its starting to wig me out.

Usually my dreams include flying and just general tomfoolery.

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usually my nightmares are things that can plausibly happen in real life, such as me forgetting to turn in homework, forgetting I had an assignment, waking up late, being late to something, etc.

These sort of things stress me out a lot more than things that are conventionally "scary" because my brain likes to believe that these actually happened

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I forgot one. I have a recurring theme of missing items of clothing. I will be shirtless at a party and hyper aware of it. Or pantless, or altogether topless of bottomless, and so on. I know exactly which item I am not wearing. I spend the entire dream looking for a particular shirt because it is the precise piece I am missing. No other shirt will fix it.

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My dreams generally involve unpleasantness. Like having to tell a young child their mother died, to getting tortured or painfully killed, though the latter is really uncommon. There's also never anything related to sex, which kinda surprises me.

I honestly could do without the waking up in the middle of the night sweating.

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I feel like I've answered this question 2342394872938749238 times on different threads lol. But for dreams they always fall into 2 categories:

1. Fantasy monsterslayer. Involving magical powers and killing fiends, battles, going on solo missions, etc. Fun times. Sometimes got a little scary, so it dabbled a bit in nightmare mode. I've gotten shot in the head and hit in the shoulder and leg with an arrow before.

2. Being a famous actress/singer. I did red carpets, Oscar award ceremonies, performed live on stage, etc. Also fun times, and much less dangerous.

For nightmares, they're a lot less certain. I don't really have many nightmares anymore thankfully, and I never had night terrors as a child. I recall one where I fell off a cliff or something, and I had to have plastic surgery to fix my face, except the end result was still very deformed. The instant I woke up, I ran to the nearest mirror and checked it. I seriously thought it happened for reals, I was so scared.

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Tsunamis pretty much every odd numbered night and my friends acting dumb on even numbered days. Occasionally I wake up all like, "that was the weirdest compilation of a dream ever" and immediately forget it.

My favourite dream ever is when I found out that my high school rival was going to be in my karaoke class.

EDIT: Or the occasional dream of me being naked in various school related settings and not caring, and ironically waking up all like, "ohmygod, I'm so glad that was a dream"

EDITEDIT: Weirdest dream being my elementary school was being filled up with sand and everyone was dying, but midway through the struggle I gave up and was like, "Who cares? This is all a dream anyway!" and I woke up shortly after.

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people actually have high school rivals???

My nightmares generally involve acquaintances being killed. What really irks me is sometimes I feel like i'm rapidly falling and within a second my heart jolts causing me to sit right up/wake up in the middle of the night, usually accompanied by a piercing headache.

Sometimes I have dreams where i'm on the run from the cops like in Mirrors Edge, it gives me an adrenaline rush when I wake up

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