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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Just remembered I once had a tire get punctured somehow, though I didn't realize that exactly at the time, and just continued to drive. There was a pop sound, and I could sorta "feel" something different about the steering, like I had to correct more on one side, but I just held my breath and hoped I could ride it out until we got home. That was a dumb no-good very-bad idea, though I feel like I only really had a choice in the matter for a couple of minutes anyway, since the narrow two-lane road I was on had no real shoulder lanes or traffic intersections for some miles. A couple of minutes after the first pop, started to hear sounds that included at least a bit of unmistakeable metal grinding against pavement, and then I really had to correct hard. Possibly the dumbest thing I did in the episode was pulling onto the freakin highway (in the process making a pretty steep turn in the process of getting on the ramp) just so I could find a shoulder, pull over and call a tow truck. That wheel wasn't stripped down to the metal or anything that looked really dramatic, but it was still pretty done.

Closest things after that were [a thing I hope to take to my grave untold] and something way tamer- a friend invited the little group we were in to go up some stairwell in a public area and through a chain-link door that had some "IT IS ILLEGAL TO ENTER THIS AREA" sign on it, yet which happened to not be locked. I was a big wet blanket who was worried we would, I dunno, get found and arrested, or that there were hidden cameras somewhere in the building or something, so I stalled us a long time when the friend wouldn't tell us what was up there. When we finally did go up (with me double-taking the whole way), the only thing he wanted to show us was a nice rooftop view. Felt like kind of a dummy for worrying

Also, I honked at somebody while taking my driver's test.

The driving tester giggled. I passed

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Being born.

Angering my cousin to the point he threw a hammer at me at point blank range (and thankfully missed)

Trying to put out a fire with almost no water and since this was in Tijuana, no fire department to stop the house fire

Maybe trying to drink myself to blackout or something? Idk.

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Oh yeah, I also once kinda set a toaster oven on fire, with the "help" of a friend

Turns out you're not supposed to leave them on with nothing in them

(when we called another friend, as it burned, IIRC they were like "But... but why are you calling me?!"

I didn't really have an answer for that)

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Jumped over a gap on top of a mountain. My mountain hikes in general that I've done in my life are very risky adventures, I've been on paths smaller than my feet.

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Jumped over a gap on top of a mountain. My mountain hikes in general that I've done in my life are very risky adventures, I've been on paths smaller than my feet.

I guess I've taken some risks during my hiking trips =o Nothing like mountains and I don't think I ever did anything that could have killed me

ooh ooh ooh but actually once when I was young and a stupid child we were at the Grand Canyon and we were looking from behind a fence into the valley and I leaned underneath the fence to get a better view of the canyon just to have my dad yell at me and pull me back and scold me because of course I really scared him~

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Jumped over a gap on top of a mountain. My mountain hikes in general that I've done in my life are very risky adventures, I've been on paths smaller than my feet.

god i wish Australian hikes weren't so poverty compared to the rest of the world

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biking through a school zone when kind of tired and spacey

I was about three inches from getting hit by some old guy's pickup (although in that case I was aware of him, he was stopped, I moved in front of him like traffic is supposed to, and then he slammed the accelerator. and then the brakes.)

I walked the rest of the way

(I can't really say I've taken many risks)

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god i wish Australian hikes weren't so poverty compared to the rest of the world

there's this hill near my house, basically a 20-minute walk up a gentle slope and then you can see the entire city of Canberra.

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this one time I moved a wild turtle

and this other time I picked up a broody hen who wanted to bite me and I wasn't wearing gloves


Q458: What word do you always misspell?

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now that I think about it I remember my dad getting upset about something I did because my puppy I think was in danger of doing something and I tried stopping him from doing it and my dad was all "you shouldn't have done that" and I said "but my puppy ;~;" and he said "well I would think that you would matter more than the puppy" but really I don't remember what I did

but yeah I get kind of reckless when someone/something I care about looks like they're in danger >~>

but I think that instance might have been during a hike

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Oh hey new question

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I know there are some..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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usually words that have mixes/variations of double letters and single letters and I can mix them up a lot~

"hmmmmmm is it occasion or ocassion or occassion ahhhhhhhhskdjfanpieufnsekrgjer?!?!?!?!????!!!?!?!"

just yesterday I was already mixing up lace+y again~ "lacy or lacey?????"

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wallet always comes out wallter

in fact i typed wallter typing wallet right there for the first word of this post

as far as spelling not typing goes, i have to think really hard about how to spell separate every time i spell it

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